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Mi Casa es Mi Casa!

Posted on Tue Jan 10th, 2023 @ 2:59pm by Petty Officer, 2nd Class Harmony Stardancer & Ensign Avis Larant
Edited on on Mon Jan 16th, 2023 @ 8:33am

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Crew's Quarters, Deck 18
Timeline: M1 MD04 (2268.19.05) 1500

It hadn't taken Harmony too long to find her assigned quarters -- the decks were laid out in a fairly orderly manner, and everyone was helpful pointing her in the right direction when she'd needed to ask.

She wasn't sure who her roommate was, or if they'd already gotten there, so instead of just barging in, she rang the buzzer, then waited a few seconds...

Avis had been by earlier and dropped off her belongings then left to take a quick self-tour of the ship, well not every deck of course. She also made a point of checking out the gym. That had been....well, interesting. Now she was back and in the middle of unpacking. That shouldn't take all that long, she traveled light.

There was a bunk bed. Since the room had been completely empty of any indication her roomie had even arrived, she made a quick command decision and took the top bunk.

There was a buzz, she paused to turn to face the entry and call out, "It's open, come on in."

Grabbing her pack, Harmony stepped into the cabin once the door swooshed open, grinning as she looked around. "I'm assigned here? Harmony Stardancer, at your service!" Since the other girl had gotten here first, she would defer to her, for now!

"Quite the name," Avis nodded then extended a hand for greeting the old fashioned way.

"I'm Avis.........Avis Larant," she hoped that the other woman wouldn't even recognize the last name, it was a big universe out there.

"Security Officer and....Cadet," she added not that many would take her for any sort of veteran given her youthful looks.

"Good to meet you, Cadet!" Harmony shook her hand, then added, "My folks were...ethereal, used to be called hippies, but that was a long time ago." She grinned. "I'm a petty officer two, but don't let the 'petty' part put you off. I'm more vengeful, if anything! Which bunk is mine?"

"Revenge can be therapeutic you know," Avis grinned.

"I took the top if that's alright? If it's an issue speak up now."

"Yeah, that's fine, you were here first, and I have a feeling we're going to get along just great!" She tossed her kit on the bottom bunk, then pulled a trunk from under the beds so she could unpack. "I hope you don't mind cats!"

"Wait...cats?" Avis thought it against regulations for crew to bring on personal pets.

From her duffel, Harmony pulled a stuffed, plush ginger cat and wiggled it around. "This is Buster, he'll be guarding my bunk!"

Avis grinned, "Ohh, well least he probably doesn't eat much. And you clean up after him. I never had a cat back home. I once had a horse though."

"You owned a horse?" Harmony tossed the plush kitty onto her pillow. "I'm jealous! That would be so much fun!" Shrugging, she finished unloading her pack into the trunk, and hanging a couple of things in a narrow upright locker. "I grew up on a freighter, so there as no room for anything like that!"

"A real cat?" Avis seemed surprised then caught on, "Ohhh, a horse! Well, this was back on my home world, it was a small colony - few cities, more rural in nature. My father had bought me a horse when I was a kid and we kept it in a barn. My brother had one too. I had an older brother."

"I did have a cat...well, a few actually, sort of. They were strays that I took care of at my other home." She pushed her trunk under the bunk, then sat on it. "Sorry about your brother. I'm an only kid, but when I was little, I always wanted a big brother."

She wouldn't ask about specific, that was up to Avis to tell or not.

Avis blinked, did the woman know her background and the grim truth about her brother, her father? Not necessarily....after all she had mentioned him in past tense.

"Umm, thank you, it's all in the past now though. Life goes on," Avis calmly declared.

She wanted to quickly change the subject.

"So petty officer then. What exactly do you do here on the ship?" she asked.

"I'm a medic," Harmony announced with more than a hint of pride, "emergency medicine, for away teams, although I help in Sickbay, too." She shrugged. "Gonna be a pilot one of these days. What about you?"

"Ah medic, interesting. Well hopefully you won't be too busy on this voyage?" Avis commented.

"Pilot huh? As in train for helm duty on a starship? Or pilot of a small civil craft?" she was curious.

"Me - I'm a security officer. I will be on away teams also, hopefully a lot of those too. I'm guessing we will on some missions together then."

"Yeah, I should be assigned to some of the away missions, so we might be out together." At least she'd know someone else on the team!

"I'd like that," Avis nodded.

Harmony declared, "I wouldn't mind being assigned to flying anything, but one day I'm going to own my own freighter. That's a ways down the road, going to take a lot of saving!"

"A freighter? Those have to be expensive, maybe just being named captain might be more realistic?" wondered Avis.

Harmony laughed, then asked, "So, are you Starfleet career?"

"I would like to...but this is my first non-training voyage, so I suppose I should take things one assignment at a time. I have no other ambitions right now though," Avis remarked.

"Well, there are a lot of people who make a career of Starfleet, no harm in that." Harmony shrugged. "There's room for advancement, and you get to go to all sorts of places. It could be pretty exciting, and if you find out that it doesn't suit you, you can always do something else."

"All good points," Avis nodded.

Likely, she'd stay on if she didn't have other plans. "And besides, who could pass on these amazing accommodations?" She laughed.

Avis had to chuckle at that alright.

"Right! But as of now I do plan to make StarFleet a career. I just meant we will have to see how it all turns out," she tried to clarify.

"Of course. Things change, so you never know for sure." Harmony certainly had her plans, but she'd had those when she was six, and they didn't include being in Starfleet.

"But for now, you're stuck with me and Buster! You want to go check out the mess hall?" Grinning, she headed for the door. "Oh, and if I snore, just put a pillow over my face and it will stop...eventually!"

"Stuck huh? I will learn to tolerate you....jury is out on Buster," Avis grinned.

"We could. And sounds like an invitation to murder you. Just stay on my good side and you have nothing to worry about," Avis could joke around with the best of them if she was in the right mood.

"What I don't know won't hurt me, right?" Harmony laughed again, then added, "Of course if I'm dead, Buster becomes yours!"

"Oh not for long, right into the disposal chute," grinned Avis.

"Anyhow enough about a stuffed cat," she was ready to get out of their quarters and check out other parts of this, their new ship.

"Yeah, need to find the disposal chute!" Harmony laughed as they headed out.


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