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Four Hours...

Posted on Wed Aug 28th, 2024 @ 8:20am by Lieutenant Michael Amato & Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D. & Lieutenant Dr. Jeremiah McEntyre M.D.

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Mission: Mission 5: The Price of Paradise
Location: Deck 7: Medical Division
Timeline: M5 MD09 (2268.08.1) 1200-1230

Word had filtered down to the medical division that the landing party suffered a casualty, putting sickbay on alert. All three doctors were standing in triage as their daily pass down meeting had ended. Dr. Amato was headed off duty while Dr. McEntyre was coming on with Dr. Kitchner supervising.

The doors to sickbay opened and the medics rushed in with the gurney. Mike looked over to see if he could identify the injured man. The duty nurse hadn't mentioned a name when the report came in. His eyes widened as he saw the face.

"Toby!" He yelled trying to rush over to the gurney before Swiss grabbed hold of his arm.

"He's in good hands doctor," she said before giving him an understanding look.

The young officer looked pale as a ghost, his sandy hair matted to one side... The hilt of a dagger sticking from his left breast, surrounded by bandages.

The young Caitian surgeon rushed over, his lab coat flowing behind him as he dashed in, helping to maneuver the gurney to the nearest surgical bay.

"It'll be ok, Michael. Swiss, need a hand over here." He said, one hand reaching into his pocket to pull out a medical probe and run it over Toby's body.

Mike just stood there, helplessly as Toby was rushed away.

"Pulse is thready at 77, he's lost some blood. Let's get his set up for surgery, type and cross for three units and get me a cutdown tray!" McEntyre yelled.

They stopped in the surgical bay. "Wendy, please keep an eye on Dr. Amato. Everyone else stop moving, hands away from the patient. Now!!" Marc said in an unmistakable tone of voice. He stepped over to the bed. "Toby, just take it easy son. Ol' Doc Kitch needs to see something here." He gingerly lifted one of the bandages and put his fingertips on the heft of the knife. He could clearly feel the beat to the boys heart in his fingers.

Toby grimaced in pain as he did so.

"Now listen carefully son, breath slowly and gently. The knife is through your lung and up against the pulmonary artery, judging by the amount of the blood loss, I don't know if it's damaged or not." Marc said slowly.

The young officer just nodded, trying to follow the doctor's orders.

"McEntyre ... " Marc grabbed him by the sleeve and out of the room. "Have you ever done anything like this before? I have, but it's been a long time, and we're going to have to work fast."

"DS-19 was on the edge of Klingon Space. I've seen some knife wounds. The problem is where the knife is. We don't go about removing it the right way, he'll bleed out." McEntyre responded calmly, concerned. A low purr of concern and thought.

"Doctor Kitchner, we have 4 units of cross matched blood here, another 6 of O negative on standby, and the lab is synthesizing more if we need it." Swiss chimed in.

"Thank you." Marc said giving McEntyre a look. He picked up a hand scanner. "Easy Toby, easy. Slow deep breath son." The sound of Toby's pulse slowed, and the readouts settled down. He passed the scanner over the wound and his entire chest. "Get me a laser scalpel. Tony I need 25cc's of Proffenten, 10cc's of Tridenten, and have 50cc's of Adrenaline standing ready. Toby deep breath out, this first one is for the pain." He stuck Toby with the hypoinjector. "This one is a sedative. Start saying the ABC's slowly." Marc said. By the time Toby reached H he was out cold.

In her calm and professional manner Nurse Jenkins said, "Stats are dropping doctor, monitor is showing a toxin." Tony looked down at Toby. The poor kid looked like a wounded puppy. She looked back at Dr. Kitchner, giving him a look she had countless times over the years... One of calmed concern, but Kitch knew this was the most Tony would let on in a situation like this.

"15 CCs of Dylovene." Jeremiah said to Swiss in a calm tone.

"One second." Kitchner said grabbing a blood vial ripping its rubber top off. He filled the vial about half way. "Small sponge." Somebody handed him a sponge, he rolled it between his fingers and jammed it in the top of the tube. "Lab, full diagnostic, and stat." Marc took a deep breath as he handed the tube off. "Just in case we need more than that Dylovene, we'll know that much sooner." He watched McEntyre inject Toby's opposite arm.

A flurry of orders, and what felt like hours passed when in truth it was only a few minutes. They managed to get the knife out, and miraculously the blade missed the artery but barely, the pulse sensation was what was transferred by the artery itself. "Thank God for small favors." Marc said looking into Toby's side.

"He should make a full recovery, once we can get his blood volume up. I'll have the blood bank synthesize more blood and we'll keep him over for observation." Jeremiah look up at Dr. Kitchner nodded as Jeremiah finishes closing up the wound. "The toxin though, any thoughts on that, Dr. Kitchner?"

"Dylovene is usually all that's required. It's typically very effective on most toxins used in this sort of situation. A second dose may be required, but those lab tests can take a few hours." Marc said wiping his hands on a towel. "Danny, a pitcher of water please?" Danny Switalski came back with a pitcher of water with a straw a moment later. Kitchener took a long drink draining a third of the pitcher. "Something about trauma surgery that always makes me thirsty." He took another drink. "Thanks Danny." He looked up at the clock on the wall. "I wouldn't expect those results for another 4 hours."

Jeremiah nods. "Four Hours. I'll start the write ups on this. Do you have anything you want to note on charts and medical logs?" He asks as he pulled off the medical gloves he was wearing.


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