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Wed Aug 28th, 2024 @ 8:20am

Lieutenant Dr. Jeremiah McEntyre

Name Dr. Jeremiah McEntyre M.D.

Position Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Caitian
Age 30
Birthdate 05/18/2237

Physical Appearance

Height 6'4"
Weight 250
Hair Color Near White Fur
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description A Caitian of modest build and a firm demeanor. He had a cost of Near White Fur, a tuff that could be described as a beard and long whiskers. His tail is thicker than average for a Caitian. He is often found wearing the Short Sleeved Medical Uniform and a Labcoat.


Spouse/Partner Stella McEntyre
Children Sons: James McEntrye

Daughter: Leanne McEntyre
Father Henry McEntyre
Mother Kelly McEntyre

Personality & Traits

General Overview A Calm, Compassionate Caitian. He was adopted by humans shortly after birth. His birth parents died during an attack by the Klingons onboard a colony ship.

Therefore his outlook on life is to live for the now and pray for a brighter future.

He developed a love for medicine, tending to the ranch hands and animals on his adoptive family's ranch in Texas.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Nimble hands: as a Caitian, he possesses near feline-like qualities including nimble hands.

The Family Man: As a father and Husband, he brings his sense of honor and sense of duty to his bedside manner. As a Caitian, his general appearance puts younger patients at ease, many a child see him as one great big kitty cat.

Poor Eyes: Jeremiah was born with a severe allergy to Retinax V, a common medicine used to treat poor vision.

Therefore, he can be found wearing glasses at most times when not asleep.
Ambitions Becoming Chief of Surgical Medicine at Starfleet Medical. Ultimately, providing for his family and returning to them safely when his rotation aboard a starship is concluded
Hobbies & Interests Classic Earth Westerns
Woodcarving and building
Horseback Riding
Religion/Guiding Philosophy Agnostic

Personal History Born on S.S M'arash on 18 May 2237, the young Caitian that would be known as Jeremiah McEntyre knew of his birth parents for all of one hour before the Klingons raided and attacked their ship while crossing the Federation border. Their ship was rescued by United Starship Wolfe Number 1227, where his adoptive Mother, Kelly, served as their Medical Officer. She found the young Caitian under his parents' bodies, and taking him as her adoptive son, brought him back to Earth to raise with her husband Henry.

He quickly adapted quite well to life on Earth. The Ranch was over 300 acres for him to explore and wander, where he quickly bonded with the animals and ranch hands that worked on the ranch. Jeremiah, like many to come on his bloodline, found he loved to help people, and was inspired by his mothers’ work as a doctor. Though at first, he wanted to be a Veterinarian, but finding that Vets were not really needed aboard starship, quickly changed his focus to Surgery and Internal Medicine.

He entered the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School upon graduating from High School in 2254 with MCATs in the Top 30 Percentile. He found that he rather enjoyed the work of a surgeon, adapting and excelling in his studies and premedical programs. During this time, he met his wife, Stella, a Human who was studying nursing. They married in 2256 with the birth of their twins, James and Leanne coming one year later.

He graduated with Honors and was accepted to Starfleet in 2258 as a surgical resident, training at the Starbase One Medical Hospital. He completed his residency in 2261 and was commissioned into the fleet thereafter, being assigned to the frontier at Deep Space K-19 as a Surgeon in 2262, completing his tour in 2267. As of October 2267 he is awaiting reassignment, preferably to a Starship, while completing a one year rotation as an Attending Physician at Starfleet Medical Complex-Parkland in Dallas near his ranch.

In 2268, Jeremiah was assigned as a Medical Officer/Surgeon to the Constitution Class Midway.
Service Record 2254 - Student, UT Southwestern Medical School/ Starfleet Academy

2258- Graduated UT Southwestern with MD in Surgical Medicine, attends residency on Starbase One.

2262-2267 - Commissioned into Starfleet as Medical Officer, assigned to DS K-19.

2267 - Awaiting Reassignment on Earth, Attending Physician, Starfleet Parkland Medical Complex, Dallas, Texas

2268- Assigned, United Starship Midway Number 1743