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The Morning Shuffle

Posted on Thu Jun 13th, 2024 @ 5:14pm by Lieutenant Michael Amato & Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag & Ensign Ronan Elsher & Ensign Zoya Solwick

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Mission: Mission 5: The Price of Paradise
Location: Deck 5: Officer's Mess
Timeline: M5 MD05 (2268.07.18) 0700

0700 meant a crowded Officer's Mess aboard the Midway. Charlie shift was about to cycle off and Alpha shift was about to cycle on. Ensign Dienstag and Dr. Amato just sat down on one of the tables near the back of the mess hall. After covering nights again after Dr. Slattery's departure, Mike was happy to be back on days with the arrival of Dr. McEntyre. They watched the influx of familiar and new faces crowd the line to the food synthesizers. Another crop of junior officers and cadets from Starbase 10.

Ronan looked to Zoya just after they filled their plates. “Where do you want to sit?” He asked her. “I was thinking we should sit where we can meet some of the crew before we start our day.” He was glad to be on board and ready to get to work.

Zoya was hoping to get a lay of the land, before meeting everybody. She wondered why he was being so progressive and is approach. Usually most Alpha females were the ones trying to meet everybody but he seemed to try to emulate an appetite personality which just confuse the hell out of her. She was supposed to be the alpha in the relationship and he was trying to be, which is just making her want to clash with him. She like the more traditional style approach and betazed men. Before him she did fall in love with a non betazed male. He was more betazed like in his approach because of the fact that he was a beta male.

Ronan was too progressive for her liking, which is making it harder for her to want to be with him. She could definitely feel the connection but she knew that a double alpha type personality, was not going to work for them. And she wasn't ready to give up complete control to him.

"I was kind of hoping just to sit down and have a chance, for us to get to know each other more. But if you feel that would be the best course of action, we can try it." Zoya said with a calm tone, but under the surface she was deeply annoyed.

“It was a suggestion is all.” Ronan replied. He had been alone so long and making his own decisions that he had to make some adjustments. If he was honest, he preferred not to, he found it exhausting at times “I am good with sitting by ourselves if you wish.” That was the truth, he wasn’t going to say something he didn’t feel. If she questioned it she could simply read him.

The frustration and sexual undertones were strong between the two of them. Both of them not admit it to each other, but deep down they desired each other even more. Deep down she didn't like the fact that him challenging her beliefs was a turn on or maybe it was just a physical attraction based upon the bond she wasn't exactly sure but something was pulling her to him. She hoped it wasn't this type of behavior coming off of him being aggressive being an alpha type personality. It wasn't exactly an appetite but he had a lot of traits that were indicating that to her.

For the moment though she needed to put aside her feelings and think about what was in the best interest of their careers and her meeting new crew members. As much as she hated to admit it she knew he was right. It's just annoyed the hell out of her even more. "You're right I think we should head over there and introduce ourselves." Slowly she starts to walk over to the others.

Ensign Dienstag was the first two speak as the two of them approached the table, "Good morning," he greeted them with his boyish smile. He had seen the two officers before but he didn't know their names.

Dr. Amato looked up from his cup of coffee and gave a nod, waiting for the two to respond to Toby. The mess hall was incredibly crowded this morning.

“Good morning.” Ronan said with a smile. “Ensign Elsher.” He identified himself and waited for Zoya to speak.

"Ensign Zoya Solwick, may we join you?" Zoya asked, with a grin on her face.

"Absolutely, have a seat," Toby responded with a smile, "Ensign Toby Dienstag."

"Pretty busy this morning," Mike commented as he scanned the two officers, "Many new faces... Dr. Mike Amato."

“It’s nice to meet you.” Ronan said as he sat down. “We haven’t been on board long.”

"A pleasure," Mike responded in a casual tone, "We we've been around since launch."

"Liking the ship so far?" Toby asked with enthusiasm, "Plenty to see, plenty to do, plenty of interesting people." He smiled warmly.

“Yes.” Ronan said with a smile. “I am glad to be here, everyone has been really nice so far.”

"Yeah, we are a friendly if..." Toby started and then looked over at Mike who was looking over at something by the door, "Easily distractible bunch..." He shot Mike a slightly annoyed look.

"Sorry, I thought I saw..." Mike responded, "Nevermind..."

Ronan looked from one to the other and decided it was probably something personal. He looked to Zoya and then spoke once more. “distractible, huh? That is good to know.”

Zoya was not sure what to say to that. She had her own distractible issues going on for the moment. But she wanted to make a good impression. "Things happen, so how long have you been on the Midway?" She asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

"Both of us since launch," Toby continued, "First assignment right out of the academy... Pretty lucky, although it helped having a friend to pull a string or two." He looked at Mike.

The doctor nodded, "The Captain is a friend," he said, "Was my brother's best friend... The ship launched about six months early. Starfleet was scrambling after the Defiant was lost. The Captain was practically scoping the Starfleet bars on San Francisco looking for officers to fill the roster."

"The Academy too," Toby added, "We always seem to have a cadre of cadets aboard."

“That can be good.” Ronan replied. “You get to teach them skills that are necessary for their future careers.” They seemed nice enough, he was feeling good about this assignment.

"How long ago was launch? The ship seems pretty new, getting that new carpet smell." Zoya asked with a big grin. She had been pretty quiet as of the last few moments. She was listening to the good doctor explain how things were going on the Midway.

"May, believe it or not," Dr. Amato responded, "It's been a bumpy ride to say the least."

"Thinks are never dull on a Constitution class," Toby responded with a smirk, "The one time we seem to get a breather is when we set into dock."

"Even then it's never long enough," Mike commented.

“I don’t think any of us are in it for dull.” Ronan grinned. “I am glad to be here with my family.”

Zoya just smirk at his general direction, he was free to say what he wanted, but Ronan knew they were still working on their relationship. She knows in her society's cultural belief to be and prearranged marriages, and she definitely liked them she felt the bond between them. But she needed to break the outside cultural interferences that have been polluting her mind over the past few years. In other words she needed to sort it out.

"So what do we need to know about this ship? What's the scoop?" Zoya asked hoping their new friends would enlighten them. She wanted to get off on a good foot come and have a good chance.

"Well, we've been in combat quite often," Toby explained, "Always something going on... This is a pretty dangerous area of space."

"It's a good group," Mike chimed in, "We've been through quite a bit already... Toby and I try to have a party every once in awhile because otherwise the social calendar is pretty thin. The Aft Crew lounge is fairly popular, gives some nice views of the ship and has a bar that serves alcohol... The Captain usually does most of his business from one of the booths..." He smirked, "I swear he gets claustrophic in his cabin," he added.

"Combat huh, the Gorn or the Klingons?" Zoya asked, hoping to get the 411 on what was going on recently. She heard that the Gorn and the clans have created this cold war life environment. She knew that they were skirmishes as some parts of the border but other parts of the border there was no skirmishes.

"Thanks for the information." Ronan said with a smile. Both Ronan and Zoya liked to have a good time, but for now he was more interested in hearing one of them answer Zoya's question.

"Orion pirates mainly," Mike responded, "Although the last mission was completely different..." He trailed off and continued in a different way, "I hear we are dealing with the Orion again..."

"We're always cleaning up some mess," Toby added.

"Pretty much this whole section of space," Mike added.


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