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Planning for Sabotage

Posted on Sun Dec 3rd, 2023 @ 6:23pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Michael Amato & Commander Lucy Heartfilia & Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake & Lieutenant Azrel Vox
Edited on on Thu Feb 22nd, 2024 @ 11:57am

1,039 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 4: Through a Glass, Darkly
Location: Deck 14: Briefing Room
Timeline: M4 MD05 (2268.07.14) 0700-0800

Their first attempt to stop the Defiant hadn't gone to plan. Now, a second attempt, a much more subtle way had been devised. Commander Heartfilia had spent the last few hours refining and going over the plan with a fine toothed comb. She had prepared a presentation to show to the away team.

The briefing room was well lit and awaiting the arrival of the officers both her and Captain Faust had selected. Additional to the table a wrack and changing screen stood in the corner of the room. Ship stores had studied the Terran officers uniforms and managed to recreate copies so the away team could infiltrate easily. The uniforms hung on the wrack with paper tags on them to designate each one to the officers on the team, Lucy was planning to gave everyone try them on to ensure the size and details were right at the end of the briefing. They needed to get this right first time, it was highly unlikely they would have a second opportunity.

The Captain sat at the head of the table, quietly drinking his cup of coffee, lost in thought. They had come rather close to disaster with the escape of the Terran officers. He still wasn't quite sure what to do with them.

Aze arrived in the briefing room with a padd in her hand. She had an idea which she hoped would help in the mission but was not sure it would be easy to implement. She sat at the briefing room table and waited for the opportunity to present her suggestion.

The doors opened and Dr. Amato arrived. The young man's forehead was marred by several bandages and he looked like hell.

"You sure you're ready to be back on duty?" Tristan asked, looking at him.

"Yes sir," Mike responded simply as he sat down in the nearest empty chair. Truth of the matter was he still was suffering from a splitting headache.

Last to arrive was Lieutenant Miyake; contrary to her more punctual attendance record, she'd been held up for the past hour or so questioning the two Terran Officers and attempting to trace their movements on the ship.

"Sorry for the delay, Captain," she apologized as she took her seat. "I'm hoping I didn't miss anything important?"

"Nothing yet," Tristan responded, "I assume our two guests are setting in the brig this time?"

"Where they'll remain for the forseeable future," Shinobu assured him. "And rest assured, I've taken some measures to ensure that they won't be causing us any further trouble."

Lucy started by toggling one of the switches on the main control panel built into the table. There was an audible loud click from the door as it locked. "First of all this briefing is classified and is on a 'need to know' basis," she looked around the table. "We are planning to infiltrate the Starship Defiant and sabotage her."

"Our primary is of course to see if the self destruction systems are still functioning," Tristan commented, "If not, we would have to go to plan B."

"I hate to ask Sir, but what is plan B? I have an idea that might help us take control of the Defiant." Aze replied.

"Warp core breach... Basically what the self destruction is suppose to do, although more of a pain to pull off," Tristan continued before looking up at the Lucy, who was staring at him, "Sorry, Commander, please continue," he added.

"So, we're going to try beaming ourselves through their defenses?" Shinobu deduced. "Sounds like a tall order, especially since they know we're onto them; I doubt they'll be willing to give up the Defiant without a fight."

"We already know how to beam through their shields," Lucy said in response. "Our main objective is to take Auxiliary Control. Then we can lock out the Bridge and take control of the ship."

"May I make a suggestion?" Aze spoke up from her seat at the far end of the table.

"Go ahead lieutenant," Tristan responded.

"I might be able to tie my comminations console into its counterpart aboard the Defiant and generate a high frequency pulse through their Comms system which should incapacitate the crew, allowing us unobstructed access." She explained.

Lucy pondered for a brief moment. "We could use it as a backup." she said finally. "However, we want to be able to get over there without bringing us any unwanted attention."

The Captain nodded, "There's a strong possibility the Defiant won't accept the message and we would be giving ourselves away," he said, "It is my hope we can maintain radio silence as long as possible."

"If we were to transmit it that pulse as a message, perhaps," Shinobu pointed out. "But we'd be broadcasting that frequency near-instantaneously, wouldn't we? What are the chances we could incapacitate the entire crew before they have the chance to counteract it?"

Aze piped up. "There are risks with my idea. I'd have to tap into the coms system perfectly so I can bypass certain safeguards and broadcast the signal before anyone notices my hacking. But there is the risk I can't connect and that they detect it. Bear in mind though, we know the ship's systems better than they do. "

"I wonder if we fried their comm system when we knocked out their sensor dome," Tristan commented, "It is something to consider though..."

Lucy shook her head. "Only if we hit both sensor domes, plus the Constitution Class has redundancies for such a thing." She said. The hours of studying the ship's schematics were starting to pay off now.

The Captain nodded, "To wrap up, each one of us will be on the away teams," he said, "While we are over doing our job, the Midway will keep the Defiant occupied in space. Time is of the essence, as it always is, but especially with two evenly matched ships going at it." He looked at Lucy, "Commander Heartfilia has the away team assignments."

Lucy nodded. She passed out a printout from the computer to them all. "Once aboard we are separating into two different teams. We shall then proceed to hit our target areas."

"Alright, let's see to it," the Captain announced, "Dismissed!"


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