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A Late Night Swim

Posted on Fri Sep 1st, 2023 @ 8:56am by Captain Tristan Faust & Commander Lucy Heartfilia

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Mission: Mission 4: Through a Glass, Darkly
Location: Ship's Pool
Timeline: M4 MD03 (2268.07.12) 2200

The chronometer built into the bulkhead above the ship's pool clicked over to 2200, marking 14 hours since the Midway had crossed through the Interphase and into the parallel universe.

Normally the pool was empty at this time of night but tonight their was one swimmer, Captain Faust. Tristan, normally an early to bed, early to riser couldn't sleep tonight. He wasn't sure if it was the 6 cups of coffee today or the mission eating at him. Probably both and there was nothing like a late night swim to forget about the world or at least tire himself out enough to get some rest. He made his way up the diving board, jumped three times and then landed in the pool with a splash. He was s good swimmer and diver but never did either in any competitive way unlike baseball.

Captain Faust wasn't the only one to be suffering from insomnia. The ships first officer, Lucy Heartfilia had also decided that trying out the ships swimming pool might be a good way of tiring out her body. Of course, with being the ships first officer and being very attractive to most, she often visited such places late at night or early in the morning.

She stepped out of the changing rooms in a simple white bikini, nothing too fancy or show-off. She had a towel around her neck as she slowly walked towards the edge of the pool knowing that she would be the only one in the water tonight, or at least she thought that.

A head popped up from the dark blue surface of the water revealing the handsome face of the Captain. Tristan slicked his blonde hair out of his eyes and looked over at the well defined form of Commander Heartfilia, "Good evening Commander," he said with a smirk.

To say that Lucy was startled was an understatement. She let out a little cute squeal as she messed up her footing and ended up slipping on the tiled flooring. She went flying right into the water head with a mighty splash.

After a few seconds she emerged from the water opposite Tristan. "Geez Captain! Could have given me some warning you were playing shark!"

The Captain laughed, "Sorry Commander," Tristan responded, "I just jumped in, didn't hear you come in. Plenty of space in the pool though, especially at this hour."

Lucy scowled at him, splashing him lightly with the water. "Yeah, I guess." She kicked off from the bottom and began to float on her back, her arms outstretched to keep her balanced. "So, what brings you here?" she asked as she floated staring up at the ceiling.

"Eh needed to escape for awhile," Tristan responded, "Sitting in my quarters I kept opening reports and reading... Nice to have some company though." He winked at her.

"Same here. Its not often I get to do these things with good looking company..." Lucy replied with a small smile.

The Captain's tanned cheeks blushed a tad, "Thanks Commander," he said, "You're not so bad yourself." He chuckled. "I used to look better but this job is sucking the life out of me," he added

Lucy laughed a hint of nervousness in her tone. "Well, you're the first on the crew to see me in a bikini. This is my first time in here," she told him. She could feel her cheeks starting to blush.

"Well I'm glad I'm the first," he responded with a smirk, "Hate to say you're not the first with me, I can be a bit of a show off."

Lucy stopped floating and turned to face him. "Oh?" she asked curiously with a mischievous smirk. "So, who else has seen you half naked? Do I have to write a report?" she teased.

"Eh sometimes I do my morning jog shirtless if I'm feeling adventurous," Tristan responded, "So far I haven't scared anyone as far as I know..."

Lucy raised an eyebrow. "You never run past my quarters on a morning..."

"Oh, would that scare you?" He asked with a chuckle as he continued to tread water. Thankfully the pool was a heated pool and the salt water felt decent at this late hour. "Been awhile since I've been able to do a long enough job anyway, too much going on," he added.

"Quite the opposite. I might get up early to see it," Lucy replied with a smirk as she started to swim in small circles. "This new ship has all the luxuries, and yet you still resort to running around the decks..." she teased.

"Well I like to practice what Charlemagne would call management by walking around... Although in my case running around," Tristan responded, "Good to get the lay of the land and see what's going on... Besides it's good for a Captain to always make his presence known... Although I swear I live in the aft lounge and I'm the only one using the bowling alley."

Lucy laughed. "Much like we're the only ones using the swimming pool today?" she asked.

"Well it is 2215," Tristan countered, "Everyone is either on duty or passed out... Now the holographic rec deck? That's booked 24/7. I hope the novelty wears off since the crew seems to be addicted to it."

"Sometimes you can't beat good old Human interaction and company..." Lucy replied. "Like now for example, we're more than just CO and XO of the ship. We're actually having a conversation which doesn't involve work. Or at least, we should be having..." she said with a wink.

"Yeah, exactly," Tristan agreed, "It can be lonely at the top... So, what do you want to talk about? I won the pot at Dr. Kirchner's poker game this evening." He chuckled.

"I don't really know," Lucy said as she looked him up and down. "You know, it has occured to me that out of work we don't know that much about each other." She said.

The Captain nodded, "Well my Dad is career service, surgical corps, move around a lot until I was in junior high, spent most of my life in a small house in San Diego," he offered, "Joined the service and ended up here in this pool with a beautiful woman. What else do you want to know?" He smirked.

Lucy blushed. "Well, so you've always been the Starfleet brat? I was expected to run my father's estate, so I ran away to Starfleet. I didn't want to be the next heir to the family, constantly popping out babies just to carry on a name and heritage." She told him.

The Captain nodded before listening to her story, "Sounds like a life to retire to," he added, "At least you always have somewhere to go home to... Sure my parents have their house in San Diego, but it's not like any of us are from there." He smiled and said, "Maybe I've been hanging around Mr. Novak too much lately. The kid wants the white picket fence so badly... And it blew up in his face."

Lucy laughed. "He's young, can't blame him. As for me, I don't know what I want. Maybe children one day, but right now. I'm just living in the moment."

"Heh, I over plan and then the plan always falls apart," Tristan responded, "I started in the sciences you know, then ended up in navigation... Dad wanted me to be a doctor like him, for all the good that did."

"You started in sciences? You don't come across as a man who was interested in that." Lucy replied. "You seem more of a man who wants adventure and fun than sitting looking through scanner scopes everyday." She smirked. "Speaking of fun..." she playfully splashed him with some of the water. "Lighten up!"

"Lighten up?" Tristan questioned as he smirked at his gorgeous first officer, "I don't think I'm... That up tight. If anything I'm probably too familiar with the crew. Horatio Hornblower would probably chew me out for it if he were here."

Lucy giggled. "Oh come on. We're both here to avoid the rest of the crew!" She told him. "Plus, you have a stunning woman in front of you in her bikini and you haven't even complimented her yet..." she told him in a slightly flirty voice.

The Captain blushed, "Well, I didn't want to over step my boundaries too far," he responded, "But you do look rather magnificent, if I must say... Although I don't think I'm too big of a slouch."

She smirked as she moved a little closer. "You're not overstepping boundaries. Have you observed this crew recently. Call me crazy, but this space we're in. It's got everyone a little worked up. There are more crew doing the 'walk of shame' in the early hours than there ever has been!" She told him with a smile. "Half the damn ship are having 'fun' and honestly, I feel a little left out."

"Let's change that then, shall we?" The Captain asked before he put his arms around her and kissed her. The heat of the moment and the isolation made him forget their stations onboard the ship... Although Lucy was the closest officer to his equal aboard.

Lucy wrapped her arms around him, also forgetting their positions. Rank was out of the window now as she kissed him back, pulling her body close against his. She eventually with drew. "Not bad..." she smirked at him.

"That's all I get, a not bad?" Tristan scoffed, his blue eyes locking with her big hazel eyes. "Guess you're love life is better than mine, it was the best in a long time. Although since the promotion it's mostly jailbait chasing me."

"Well, a good scientist doesn't come to conclusions from one result..." Lucy smirked. "And I'm far from jailbait..." She whispered as she moved back in closer for a second kiss.

"No, definitely not," Tristan responded as he pulled her back in for the expected second kiss.

"Want to take this elsewhere?" Lucy asked in a flirty way as she ran a finger down his cheek. "No one needs to know, we are the highest officers on the ship..." she winked at him.

Tristan ran his hand down her back, "Sure, we don't have to continue in... public," he responded with a smile, "And yeah, no one needs to know."

Lucy giggled as she pulled him towards the edge of the pool. "Come on Tristan. Let's go have some fun!"

"Not having fun already?" Tristan asked as they swam towards the exit ladder,


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