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Talk To Someone: Part 2

Posted on Fri Sep 1st, 2023 @ 9:05am by Lieutenant Michael Amato & Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag

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Mission: Mission 4: Through a Glass, Darkly
Location: Deck 4: Medical Division
Timeline: M4 MD02 (2268.07.11) 0820

"Anxiety can cause a lot of tension in a relationship, have you spoken to your partner about your anxiety? It can help to have an ear and a partner is often a great source of support," Fargo replied nodding. "And even saying that your not dealing with things well is a huge step. It's being one, being honest."

Toby sighed at the word honest, "I have one other thing I need to bring up," he said before stiffening up. "Last night I went bowling, myself since Mike didn't want to go," he explained, "Marcel ended up joining me, and before he left... He kissed me..."

Mike's eyes widened.

Fargo leaned back in his seat and studied the two men for a moment. The situation just got a lot more complicated. But it wasn't something so unprecedented as to shock him. He honestly wondered if anything could. But the next question was an obvious one. "And how did you feel about that? Was it something you wanted to happen? Be honest."

"It was completely out of the blue," Toby responded, "Honestly, I don't have any feelings for him what-so-ever. Marcel is a friend. I didn't know he had any feelings for me other than that." The pace of Toby's speech was, fast, almost in a panic to defend himself, but his tone was sincere.

"And then why happened? What did you do?" Fargo probed. There was already a lot to unpack there, but first both he and the other one there would need some questions answered, questions that could open an even bigger can of worms than they were already dealing with.

"I just sat there as he left the ship's bowling alley, I was dumbfounded," Toby admitted, "I definitely wasn't expecting it. I consider Marcel a friend, nothing more."

A flash of anger flashed across Mike's face but not anger towards Toby.

Toby noticed it, "Please, don't do anything rash," he said, "It won't work out like last time."

The answers could have been worse. Though he was mildly concerned about the noticeable temperature rise in the other. Of course, he'd seen people rage at his demeanor and his manner of practice, but he'd also helped others. "Well, now that you've heard all that, do you wish to say anything?" He asked directing his attention toward Michael.

"I'm not sure what to say," Mike responded, "Seems like everyone is after Toby and I wonder if I'm up to par anymore." He sighed.

"You certainly are Mike," Toby responded as he reached out and put his hand on Mike's. "I don't know why everyone is interested... I certainly don't go looking for it," he said.

"So, if I understand you correctly," Fargo began, looking over Michael carefully. "You're afraid you're going to lose your significant other if you are forced to compete for his affection?" He turned to Tobias. "Can you understand that fear? Even if you aren't looking for it, it seems to be upon you."

"Yeah, I can understand that," Toby responded, "But I always thought I was the one lucky to have Mike, not the other way around." He reached out and put his hand on Mike's and smiled.

Fargo nodded and allowed himself a smile. It looked like at least one side of the relationship in front of him was doing the ng significantly better. He focused his gaze on Michael. "And how do you feel about that?"

"I'm not sure," Mike responded honestly, "I always felt like our relationship was pretty even. We rely on each other, even if I'm the one who has to be the brawn in some cases. Although sometimes I feel like the straight man to Toby's goofball... In the comedic sense."


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