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Tight Squeeze, Part 2

Posted on Fri Jan 6th, 2023 @ 3:16am by Lieutenant Michael Amato & Lieutenant Thraxina & Ensign Avis Larant
Edited on on Mon Jan 16th, 2023 @ 8:34am

1,275 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Gym, USS Midway
Timeline: M1 MD03 (2268.17.05) 1405

[Last Time on Tight Squeeze:]

Thraxina rolled up at the same time and turned in a hunched fighting stance to face the little Earther. "You won't get sportsmanship from a Romulan or a Klingon" pointed out Avis' opponent, as the two girls started to circle each other, looking for an opening...

"You're neither though are you," Avis calmly countered, made one circle then as was her wont, attacked. She literally tackled the other woman driving both of them down onto the mat.


"Ooof!" Thraxina exhaled as she felt the Earther barreled into her even before she saw it happen "No I'm not a Romulan, but you're trying to look like one with that haircut!" she snarled through gritted teeth as their bodies writhed and each felt for an opening in the other's defence on the mat. It was a moronic insult, but there was something about throwing out these little aggressive one-liners like that which seemed to give the taller girl energy and resolve in a fight.

Avis let her prattle saving her energy for the struggle, this was a fight not a conversation. She was trying hard to pin both of Thraxina's wrists to the mat but as soon as she would get one her opponent would manage to free the other. Avis was tempted to just get in a quick hard punch to the woman's face but that might well mean a broken nose. Even she realized that would be a bit......too aggressive. At least she was on top - so far!

"Oooh, I'll get you!" grunted Thraxina and managed to wrap her long legs around Avis' waist and throw herself sideways, the security cadet going with her. Instead of trying to roll on top of Avis and reverse their positions, though, the Andaran kept rolling and came up quite gracefully near the Pugil Sticks.

Avis hadn't expected that, blaming herself though as so far she'd been too gentle and pulling her punches as it were. Now she jumped to her feet only to see her opponent had one of the earlier declined pugil sticks. Just maybe she was going to be a sport and toss her....

Nope, guess not!

It would have been a gallant action to throw Avis one first, but instead Thraxina just grabbed one for herself and started to swing the admittedly well padded, but still quite heavy, stave at Avis' head, then her knees, trying to swipe her legs out from beneath her.

Avis jumped back to miss the swing to the head, then took a blow on her rib cage followed by a clever attempt to knock her legs out from under her. This woman was learning fast.

Instantly after the almost successful knee swipe, Avis saw an opening as the other woman had to bring up her weapon again to prepare yet another attack. OK then all gloves were off. Granted her counterattack used a foot rather than a hand but that only gave it more power.

Using a kick boxing move she suddenly lashed out and dealt a kick to the woman's torso sending her backward and down to the mat once more. Thraxina was winded and couldn't even move for a second. In a real fight she would have been dead meat.

"My advice...don't get up...seriously," Avis warned between sucking in some deep breaths, this was hot and heavy work.

As soon as she could, the supine girl rolled over onto her front and got slowly up "Ooooh, ow. Yes, you'd like that wouldn't you? Cause you're getting weak!" she declared and grabbing for another pugil stick threw it to Avis.

"I could do this all day, smirked Avis who caught it easily enough.

"Come on, let's see what you're really made of!" she challenged and jumped up onto a thin gymnastic beam, using her own stick to balance herself. By this time, a small audience of other gym users had gathered.

Dr. Amato was one of those that had gathered around. He kept his distance... A cat fight was like a car accident, no one ever wants to be involved in one, but everyone enjoys looking.

Avis made her way onto the beam, looking a bit unsteady for a moment but regained her balance and readied the weapon.

"What do they say? En garde!" then moved forward to make stick contact.

"En garde to you as well!" growled Thraxina, gingerly moving forward to and trying to knock Avis off with a stabbing movement of her stick aimed at her chest.

Avis easily parried that attempt then tried for an uppercut swing to connect with the woman's chin. Turned out doing all this was harder than it looked given that one had to keep their balance on the beam at the same time.

Indeed, Thraxina thought that a pugil stick fight on the beam would look impressive and cool, but instead they looked like a couple of idiots, gingerly poking and swinging the padded staves. When she leaned back to avoid the uppercut and then threw herself forward, her 'attack' soon had her crashing into Avis, losing her footing on the beam and bringing both of them down in a tangled mess of limbs and weaponry.

Alright so that did not pan out like she had hoped, Avis began to try to get clear and once more then stand up, never mind the stupid pugil stick.

It was impossible to tell if they were still fighting or just struggling to separate from each other as the door to the gym swished open and a squad of security men ran in and started to grab at Avis and Thraxina: some faint hearted soul had called in the Redshirts!

Avis had not expected that security would be brought into this. Talk about embarrassing, these were her own department people.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing? Nothing is going on here! We were...scrimmaging, a vigorous workout, you know?" Avis protested as she submitted to two officers seizing her arms and pulling her up to her feet.

Thraxina was less disgruntled than impressed by the two beefy security men that grabbed her and put her in an arm lock "Oooh, ow! Ooh, they're good at their job, anyway!" she announced as one of them kicked away her pugil stick.

Dr. Amato quickly walked over to the scene, "Let them go boys," Mike said to the security officers, "Everyone needs to calm down a bit." He looked over the two women, "Looks like you two didn't bang yourselves up too badly... Be grateful for that," he added.

"Well, I'm fine," Avis declared as the security men eased up then too once the doctor had spoken.

"We're too smart to get banged up!" Thraxina half winced, half smiled at the helpful doctor, before looking up at the tall security man on her right "You're not going to bang us up are you?"

"Security does not bang up anyone unless absolutely warranted, I should know. I'm in Security," Avis pointed out with a frown.

One of the security men nodded, "Oh yes, I saw you at daily briefing yesterday. You're a cadet, right?"

"I am. Avis Larant," she nodded right back.

Thraxina thought that this was an incredibly civilised conversation to be going on between Avis and their 'escort' as they were being marched out of the gym, no doubt to face some ridiculous disciplinary procedure although, to be fair, Avis was going along quietly, while she was still struggling enough to make sure the big beefy redshirts kept hold of her. Ah she did love the drama.

As she passed Dr Amato she hissed "Find out who called the redshirts on us! I will be revenged!" For all she knew, though, it might have been him!

[Continued in Tight Squeeze III: The Wrath of Miyake]


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