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Posted on Sun Jan 1st, 2023 @ 6:24pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Commander Lucy Heartfilia
Edited on on Mon Jan 16th, 2023 @ 8:33am

660 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Turbolift, Mess Hall
Timeline: M1 MD07 (2268.22.05) 0300

The Captain and Commander Heartfilia entered the turbolift, the doors closing behind them. "You look like you could use a cup of coffee or something," he said, "I could as well for that matter."

Lucy nodded. "I was up until 01:00 working on reports, so I'm currently operating on less than an hours sleep." She explained to him. "Its a shame that Starfleet ships don't have that ultra strong Klingon Coffee I've heard so much about..."

"Raktajino? I've had it once, on one of the fringe civilian space stations," Tristan responded," Wasn't bad, although I think the headache from it was worse than the hangover. I hear ya on the reports. Leaving drydock is a bureaucratic nightmare... How about that cup of coffee and some breakfast? Then go back to bed. We have 5-6 hours before we reach the Detroit."

"That almost sounds like asking me out on a date that ends up with someone doing a walk of shame home..." Lucy joked in a sarcastic manner. "But coffee does sound like a good idea. I doubt I'll be getting back to sleep now I'm awake."

The Captain chuckled, "I don't know Commander, do you want me to ask you out on a date?" he asked, "And yeah I understand that. All I'd probably end up doing is reading another book."

Lucy blushed as she turned away from him, holding her head up high. She decided it was best to quickly change the subject. "Do you read often?"

"I do, mainly history books, old crime novels," Tristan responded, trying to clear the smirk from his face as the turbolift door opened, "Been listening to a lot of audio books lately. How about you?

"I'm a bit of a bookworm myself to be fair. However I have been working on a novel these last few years, nothing too special," Lucy told him as she stepped out of the turbolift doors.

"Oh that's cool," Tristan responded as they headed down the corridor owards the mess hall, "More ability than I could show I'm sure. Not as though I have much time these days."

"Well, you are in command of a Starship. How did you get to the rank of Captain at your age anyways?" Lucy asked.

The Captain chuckled, "Looking for career advice or a loop hole?" he asked, "Well I served well as an exec for a few years. Wartime experience during the Four Years War helped accelerate things for me. The rest was all the right place at the right time." He did not want to mention his father being a Commodore. The last thing he wanted was his crew thinking he was given his command out of pure nepotism.

Lucy looked back over her shoulder and smirked slightly. "Oh and being a Starfleet Brat didn't help that of course?" she asked referring to his father. "Yeah, I might have had a peek at your record too..." she told him with a sly grin.

She turned back towards the corridor. "Nah, I'm not after sitting in the center chair anytime soon. I'm just enjoying what life throws at me, afterall, you're only two years older than me."

"Well... It helps a bit," Tristan admitted with a sigh. "I'm sure full commander will be coming your way soon," he said, "Just don't push too hard... After that it'll be your choice whether to stick around as First Officer on a Ship of the Line or opt to command a scout ship or something."

"I'm the First Officer and Chief Science Officer on a Constitution Class Starship. What more can I want? There's officers across the whole of Starfleet that would do anything to serve on one of these ships. So I doubt I'll be going anywhere anytime soon," she assured him.

"That's good to hear," Tristan responded as they entered the mess hall, "Now about that cup of coffee?"

"Yes, Coffee. If we had it, I'd say that you're buying" Lucy smiled.


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