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Tight Squeeze, Part I

Posted on Mon Jan 2nd, 2023 @ 12:02pm by Lieutenant Thraxina & Ensign Avis Larant
Edited on on Mon Jan 16th, 2023 @ 8:34am

867 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Gym, USS Midway
Timeline: M1 MD03 (2268.17.05) 1400

Thraxina was wearing her standard regulation issue red leotard and gym tights when she entered the small but functional ship's gymnasium. Although space was limited, there was plenty to do: the problem was, as all the crew had been so hastily assembled, there were very few people there that she actually knew and, frankly, Thraxina wasn't exactly the best at making small talk and getting to know people.

Avis had not been on ship long since her arrival. Following standard procedure security check for proper credentials she then moved her rather meager belongings into her room on Deck 18 Crew Quarters. She was to have a roommate but that individual was not around at the time. Since it was necessary to report for actual duty the young woman decided to check out the ship's gym. A bit of a workout to relieve built up stress would be beneficial.

It wasn't a big place, she hadn't had high expectations anyway, she wasn't reporting to a health spa. A few others were there, obviously no one she knew all dressed in the standard red tights. Avis really wished she could just wear a loose tee shirt and shorts but wasn't going to flout any possible regulations her first day on board.

Thraxina looked around and saw someone who looked as out of place as she did: a short girl with an oddly and obviously falsely coloured hairdo and a look of someone who maybe regretted coming down here in the first place. Thraxina threw herself into a rather splendid and balletic looking cartwheel and came up gracefully next to the girl, who was quite a bit shorter than herself.

"Hello." she said shortly, without a hint of a smile on her face. "I hate it here, would you like a fight?"

Avis blinked, hardly expecting that greeting...or threat? Was this person actually picking a fight with her? And why?

"Excuse me? Did I do something to offend you?" she now asked a question of her own.

The taller girl frowned. "Not that I know of." she replied simply. "My name is Thraxina. I need to practice my unarmed combat skills and you look like you're at a loose end. Or if you don't like wresting with complete strangers, we could get the pugil-sticks out?" These were like enormous cotton buds, and could be used to batter each other, usually while both trying to stay balanced on a gymnastic beam.

"Oh...I get it," Avis let down her guard then and visibly relaxed, she had been ready to react to a sudden attempt by the other woman to sneak a first blow in.

"I'm Avis. Avis Larant. I should warn you that I am in Security and hand to hand combat is something we train for religiously."

As she replied she did a visual assessment of the other woman trying to bet a read on how capable or inept she might just be. She looked physically fit alright but there was more to fighting than being fit. The proper mind set helped.

"Yes, I thought you might be - it's the hair." nodded Thraxina "Well, that's good: perhaps you can teach me a lesson or two!"

"So..." she asked, looking around for a suitable space "Hand to hand, or with the sticks?"

"The hair?" Avis had no clue what that meant, but Thraxina simply nodded, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I might....or you might surprise me," Avis instinctively never underestimated an opponent.

"Good, I learn by surprises" the alien replied "So...?"

"You pick, I'm good with either," Avis gave the other woman her choice.

"Hand to hand, then." said the taller girl decisively "I'm unlikely to ever have to hit a Gorn with a broomstick while doing a balancing act" she reasoned (wrongly, as it would later turn out, but that was another mission and another story).

"Yes, good point," Avis was amused.

Thraxina held out her hand to shake, as if to say 'ok, here we go, let's play fair' - but as soon as Avis took it, she tried to get a leg behind her and flip her onto the mat.

It worked too, Avis did not expect that kind of trickery from a fellow Star Fleet member. She went down onto her back but no sooner did she do so then she lashed out hard with her leg to cut Thraxina's feet out from under her.

"Ow B***!" yelped the Ardanan as she too went down.

Immediately Avis rolled away from her downed attacker and popped up standing, this time in a combat stance, ready for anything from her opponent.

"So much for sportsmanship...well fine then," Avis smirked.

Thraxina rolled up at the same time and turned in a hunched fighting stance to face the little Earther. "You won't get sportsmanship from a Romulan or a Klingon" pointed out Avis' opponent, as the two girls started to circle each other, looking for an opening...

"You're neither though are you," Avis calmly countered, made one circle then as was her wont, attacked. She literally tackled the other woman driving both of them down onto the mat.

To Be Continued...


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