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Posted on Sat Feb 4th, 2023 @ 3:58pm by Lieutenant Thraxina & Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden
Edited on on Tue Feb 14th, 2023 @ 10:28am

2,591 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Gym Changing Rooms
Timeline: M1 MD15 (2268.6.02) 2000

The three captives of the malfunctioning 3 Dimensional Recreation Room hurried out of there as soon as the program ended. Dora did not waste time explaining how he had managed to find the panel and get the confused computer to close itself down, but scurried off on his three legs to find his fellow lab rat Toby Dienstag, so they could get things fixed before their scary boss, Lt. Karashka found out and flayed their hides over the matter.

Luckily for Meredith and Thraxina, the gym changing rooms where they had separately donned their costumes, and left their uniforms, was not too far down the corridor and they were able to hurry down there together before anyone saw them in their disheveled 18th Century gowns; the Yeoman's, especially, was only just keeping her decent.

"Phew, that could have been nasty, actually!" grinned Thraxina, her words of warning belying the obvious exhilaration she was still feeling. I mean, there shouldn't really be any physical effects of a 'game' in there. But my left shoe has definitely disappeared..." she was, indeed, carrying an exquisite ladies court shoe in her hand and walking on her stocking feet "... and you're still covered in this..." she reached across as they entered the changing rooms and scooped a bit of the nasty looking slime off Meredith's shoulder on her finger "... this goo!"

"His saliva," Meredith said as she walked over to the locker and got out the simple civilian blouse, slacks, socks, and boots she had worn before.

Thraxina was having difficulty getting out the complicated Venetian dress she was wearing.

"Can you unlace me at the back?" she asked, turning to face away from the Yeoman.

"What's it like, then, being licked by a twenty foot high Scotsman?" she asked, curiously, with a little 'Ooh thanks' as she felt the tightness of her stays slacken around her middle.

"There was certainly a physicality to it. It certainly felt real when it was happening. It was very..." Meredith trailed off. She looked at Thraxina a moment as if considering something.

The young Andaran woman, her fancy silk dress now puddled at her stockinged feet looked round at the blonde with an expectant look on her face, as if to say very what?!

Then she looked away and started to change. "I'm sure they'll be able to repair it and figure out what went wrong."

"I'm not sure it did go wrong!" laughed Thraxina as she plonked down on a bench and started to peel the authentically fashioned white silk stockings off. "I mean it did, but, well, it was exciting wasn't it? If it's fixed next time, it might be a bit boring, mightn't it: playing out some dreary detective story or prancing around Sherwood Forest in green tights. Seeing Nessie squish those replicated Romeos and looking up a giant Scotsman's kilt, well it was very, as you put it!"

She was completely naked now and grabbed a towel.

"Aren't you coming for a shower?" she asked nonchalantly looking at the other holodeck survivor "'re still all... slobbery."

"I don't want to experience a realistic simulation of being sexually assaulted," Meredith finally said bluntly. She was unsure if the young woman was oblivious to her reaction or indifferent or even actively making fun of her. She still remembered all the jokes about Robb Roy and the comments about what a Yeoman needed to know. But this was no longer a command situation. "I did not enjoy experiencing it. It is not an exciting, amusing story to share. It was not what I wanted to do with my day off."

Thraxina shrugged “All right, don’t get you knickers in a twist!...” It was clear that the Andaran woman thought the earth human was being over dramatic about their little adventure. “... Just get ‘em off! Come on, I’m freezing.” she added, making for the nice hot showers.

Meredith was down to her underwear now and, for a moment, she really was tempted to just get dressed over the slobber and go shower in her room before she said something she would regret. It was what her training and experience told her would be appropriate. She reached rather pointedly for her trousers. However, she found herself releasing them. She was still hoping to resolve this off the record. She finished stripping and stepped into the shower.

There were no arm of service colours or rank badges here, but Thraxina, bereft of her clothing, was noticeably different to the Earther. It wasn’t just the complete lack of coarse body hair, Stratos City Dwellers had evolved beyond that, it was the actual shape of her pale body: her form was somehow long and snakelike, redolent of the white serpent of Chinese Lore who turned into a beautiful woman to enter the realm of men to pray upon their passions.

Thraxina was already soaping herself when the naked Meredith joined her. “You’ve got that stuff all over you!” The ‘White Serpent’ shouted happily over the noise of the water splashing on their bodies “Turn around, I’ll do your back!”

Meredith kept her eyes to herself in the shower. She was starting to wash the slobber off of her body. "I can get it," she said. She turned her back to the shower, leaning forward and letting the water run down her back. Then she reached around, awkwardly trying to get spots not quite accessible.

Thraxina laughed and carried on washing, doing her hair "Have it your own way! Don't worry, I'm not a lesbian" she said quite boldly "I do find your Earther bodies fascinating though - all that hair! It's quite pretty. Why do earth women insist on removing it from their armpits and legs?" she asked with mild interest.

"I didn't think you were," Meredith reassured her, "and it wouldn't make a difference to me anyway." Meredith did glance over her shoulder now. "It's just a cultural convention. Perhaps your ancestors were not dissimilar." After all, if Stratos City Dwellers had evolved to only grow hair on the head and the faces of the men, other hair must have been selected against at some point, sexually or through their eugenics program. Or such seemed a logical guess to Meredith anyway.

Thraxina nodded. "Yes, I believe they were a bit like you. Eventually one half of the population,my half, evolved beyond the other, we built Stratos City and lived in the up in the sky and the Troglodytes stayed like you, hairy privatives down on the ground." she gave a disingenuous smile "No offence."

She turned her shower off and walked out to pick up her towels, one of which she wrapped around her and the other she used to dry her hair.

"We didn't stay on the ground," Meredith pointed out, some of her frustration with the young officer in her voice now. "We were one of the major founding species of Starfleet and the Federation, arguably the central one. And you wouldn't talk like that to the captain. You're comfortable saying it to me because I'm an NCO, not because I'm a human. No offense." She realized she'd actually taken a few steps towards the other woman and suddenly became self-conscious of her nakedness. She walked back towards the shower. She wasn't quite done.

Thraxina's eyes had dilated and she had stopped drying her hair for a second during this diatribe but otherwise she didn't flinch, even when the wet , naked woman had moved toward her, obviously pretty mad with her.

Now she looked her up and down and gave a tight little smile.

"Bravo, Corden. Ten out of Ten for sticking up for the good old human race. And you're quite right, I wouldn't say any of that to the Captain. What I say to the Captain is 'Yes Sir, No Sir, full steam ahead Sir." Now it was her turn to move closer, tipping her head questioningly.

"What I say to superior officers is that which gets me what I want. And believe me, Corden, I know what I want. Do you? I mean, you're not just any old NCO or PO are you, you're a Yeoman. Hmmm, what is a Yeoman, what does a Yeoman do, what is her role?" she asked pointedly. She knew the answer, she just wanted to hear the older woman say it.

"What this Yeoman did today, ma'am, was carry out all of your orders," Meredith said, not playing the game. "I gave you my best observations. I helped you fight off the Casanovas and flee them. When, after the fact, I mentioned that being humiliated and facing what seemed a real mortal threat were unpleasant and not a fun adventure to me, you treated me like I was reduced to raving hysterics after putting me down half the encounter. I think you will find, sir, that getting what you want, as you advance in Starfleet and find yourself more and more often in command, depends as much on getting the best performance from those under you as getting the approval of those above."

Thraxina finished drying her body while Meredith spoke her mind, and when she had finished, started to get dressed in her uniform as she replied.

"Hmm. Well, first and most importantly, I prefer Ma'am rather than Sir, for obvious reasons." she said, flippantly "Secondly, yes, actually you did rather well in there, especially for someone who probably spends most of their time typing out reports for the Captain and making him cups of coffee. You only blotted your copy book by all that all too human whinging and whining afterwards."

She was pulling on her tights by now.

"Thirdly, you don't know anything about leadership. What have you ever led? A chorus of 'For he's a jolly good fellow' at the Admiral's retirement party? I've led men in battle, Trog sentinels, slave-soldiers, if you will. Do you think I spent time asking them how they were feeling and checking on their 'emotional wellbeing'? No. I'd tell them what to do and they'd do it, and if they didn't do it to my liking I'd have them jolly well punished." She looked around.

Meredith had finished and was drying off by now. She wrapped a towel around her waist and another around her head. "I know what I've learned in fourteen years in Starfleet service under different officers," Meredith said, "and you, in fact, did ask me about my feelings. It's only when you didn't like the answer that it suddenly became unwelcome, ma'am." She did not bother to contrast Thraxina's rather blunt description of the Trog sentinels status with whatever was officially said before the Federation Council.

"Oooh, chuck me my boots, will you." she directed.

Meredith chucked her her boots without argument before starting to get dressed herself.

Thraxina was now almost dressed, boots on, just doing up her command gold uniform. "I don't expect you to agree with me or anything, just don't bother trying to convert me to your Earth way of thinking.

"I'm not trying to convert you to anything, ma'am, but this is not the Ardanan service and I am not one of your Troglodytes. Do not speak to me as if I am," Meredith insisted.

"Oh, is that an order?" Thraxina smiled as brushed down the uniform.

"Of course not, ma'am," Meredith said. It was really the only answer she could give. Oh, there were regulations she could have cited. Her guess was that, if she had, Thraxina would have complied with the letter of them. She was also certain that if she went that route Thraxina would never take her seriously again. She wasn't the type to hide behind the rules over what amounted to some unkined words. Besides, despite the resulting cultture clash, she was fairly sure the original exchange had been a genuine misunderstanding.

"There is one thing I would like to know, Corden, if you don't mind. Is being a Yeoman, the Captain's secretary? Servant? Is that the epitome of your career goals? Or do you want something more?"

"I don't see service as degrading, ma'am," Meredith began defensively, especially in light of their earlier conversation, "and it is an important role."

"You keep telling yourself that." the haughty young helmswoman shrugged, tossing her ruined 18th Century costume into recycling bin and tying her loose long brunette hair into a simple side-knot. She took one last look at Meredith, cleary about to exit the changing room.

"Well, is that it?" she asked.

For a second, it seemed she would leave it there, but then she shook her head. "But that's not all I want to do. I wanted to get out here but, like most Starfleet personnel, I have had a great deal of cross training and am interested in more. In security, anthropology, helm."

Thraxina rolled her eyes "Security? Tuh, that's for thick-heads, you're too intelligent for that. Anthropology? Nice hobby, but too specialist, you've left it too late to get anywhere in Star Fleet, and the competition for postings is fierce. Helm's a possibility. Have you taken your Class F Shuttle test yet?" she asked tersely, but with a definite glimmer of interest in her eye.

"Anthropology is not just for advancement," said Meredith. "It's a big part of why I'm out here. To learn about other cultures. But the shuttle is also something I would like to learn. I have not taken my class F test yet, ma'am."

"Well, what is anthropology? 'Studying peoples'. Puh! Once we get some braid on your cuffs and you're on landing parties, you'll be doing that whether you like it or not. No, first thing is to get you through the Shuttle Test then we'll move on to something bigger." she looked all around. "Not these..." she meant Constitution Class Starships "... these things practically fly themselves. Something tricky. Andaran Corvette or, no, I know, a D-7. If you can fly a D-7, you can fly anything."

She actually rubbed her hands together in anticipation.

"I've been on landing parties, ma'am," Meredith pointed out. It was not uncommon for a yeoman to go. Especially if the party was led by the captain or the first officer. But that didn't mean she wasn't interested.

"Well, do you want me to teach you to fly or not?" demanded the officer.

"I would appreciate the benefit of your expertise, ma'am." She had almost forgotten how young Thraxina really was. Whatever qualms Meredith had about her leadership style, the Ardanan certainly knew how to project authority.

"All right, jolly good, Corden. Give me a couple of days and I'll get permission to take Shuttle #2 out and we'll get cracking on it. Read up manual SCIM00F before then." she instructed "Oh, and don't get any funny ideas about this making us 'friends' or anything soppy like that. You've made it perfectly clear what you think of me. I'm doing this because I want to apply to be an Instructor at the academy once I'm finished here, and it will give me teaching experience for my application."

She pointed at herself and then Meredith. "Instructor and Instructed. I think it's best we know where we both stand, don't you agree?"

It wasn't really a question.

"I don't feel any need to be soppy about it, ma'am, but I think better of you than you suspect," Meredith said. "But, yes, I know where we stand."


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