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Posted on Sat Feb 4th, 2023 @ 3:11pm by Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden
Edited on on Sat Oct 28th, 2023 @ 12:45pm

698 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Mess
Timeline: M1 MD03

Meredith was having lunch in the mess. The stuffed crab on her plate reminded her of home. For once, she managed not to have in paperwork in front of her. Lunch just got to be lunch. However, she did not have anyone else at her table at the moment. She hadn't seen any of her usual group when she came in.

Azrel, who was passing the messhall, decided to grab a snack. She walked in and headed straight for a food synthesiser. She tried to remember the snack she heard someone on the bridge mention that was good for an attack of the munchies, that was the phrase used. She remembered and ordered something called an oversized pretzel. Once she had it, she looked for a seat. She noticed a familiar face, the captain's young new Yeoman.

On approaching her "Do you mind if I join you?" she asked.

"You're more than welcome, ma'am," Meredith said "That looks good." She glanced at the pretzel.

She takes a seat. "I hope so. Not had one before. Someone on the bridge said this was very good at dealing with an attack of the munchies. " Aze replied. "You are the captain's new Yeoman right?" she added.

"Yes, ma'am," Meredith confirmed. "An attack of the munchies?" she pressed with an impish grin. That was one way of putting it.

"Yeah, I think I understand it. This was the phrase used. I think it means when you suddenly get hungry,"

"It does," Meredith said, chosing not to elaborate. "I'm Meredith."

"Nice to meet you Meredith. I'm Azrel but most people call me Aze. " she said taking a bite from her pretzel. "Nice."

"Nice to meet you, Aze." Blue eyes glanced to the pretzel. "Good?" She took a bite of her own lunch.

"Likewise Meredith and yes the pretzel is very good. " Aze replied.

"I'm not actually sure where on Earth the pretzel was first invented," Meredith admitted, "but it's a common enough snack where I'm from."

"Where are you from Meredith?" Aze asked, taking another bite from her pretzel.

"Chestertown, Maryland," she said. "In North America." She looked down at her own lunch. "Maryland is sort of crab country. How about you?"

"Chal'reya, Northern Province, Trill.

"I'll have to try some food from there," Meredith suggested.

"I brought my mother's recipe book with me so I can do a few dishes for you to try. How are you for spicy foods? We have a plant on Trill that produces fruit very much like the chilli on Earth but it is somewhat more sweeter with a spicy after taste. Its called a Taz'ar."

"I'd love to try it," Meredith said.

"Great. I will see if I can get some for you to try. They are nice raw but really good if pickled in spices. " Aze commented.

"Do you have the spices?" Meredith then asked.

"Absolutely. They are dry so they last for ages. I have them in a specially sealed container in my quarters. I picked them and dried them before I left Trill. I have a candle in my quarters made from bees wax from bees at my parent's farm. Lighting it makes the room smell of home. "

"What are bees like on Trill?" Meredith asked again. She wondered how different they were from those that had evolved on Earth, if at all. Very similar species had been found on many worlds.

"Well, they look very similar to those found on Earth except they are black with blue stripes. The bees my parents keep make purple honey due to the type of flowers in the fields around the farm. " Aze explained.

"Purple honey," Meredith repeated, curious. "I really look forward to trying to Trill cuisine."

"I will try not to disappoint you. The captain has tried my Ma'kala Soup and seemed to like it. "

"I'm sure it was delicious," Meredith asserted. "And I'm sure he appreciated the company."

"He did. Speaking of which. I need to get back to my station. Young Ensign Lucas is covering for me. Its been great to meet and talk to you Meredith. " Aze replied. She got up from her seat, smiled and headed out of the messhall.


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