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Second Thoughts

Posted on Sat Feb 4th, 2023 @ 4:27pm by Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Lieutenant Thraxina
Edited on on Tue Feb 14th, 2023 @ 10:27am

598 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Rendezvous At Starbase 10
Location: Deck 5: Vox's Quarters
Timeline: M2 MD05 (2268.6.07) 1600

The doors to Aze's quarters closed behind Thraxina and she found herself stopping.

Her brain ticked.

She did a volte face and went straight back in, ignoring the purple clad trill's enquiries as to the meaning of this re-intrusion into the sanctity of her room. The Andaran girl marched over to the wall panel and pulled out a silky red officer's dress uniform and then towered over her superior officer.

"Come on! Get 'em off. You're going!!"

Aze looked over the top her book. "Excuse me?"

"No I won't excuse you, Lieutenant!" Thraxina replied bossily and snatched Pacific Vortex out of her hand and threw it on the floor, then grabbed her hand and pulled her up.

"I'm not going to be the only officer there who doesn't get a medal, you're coming, too! And in full dress uniform as well. We'll show Captain Casual how it's done!" she ranted, shoving the garment into her hands and darting off to rummage in the bottom of the cupboard.

"Where do you keep your best boots?" she shouted, her head muffled in the cupboard.

"If you are going to insist on this. I was starting to enjoy this book." She said putting it down on the table. "My boots are at the bottom of my wardrobe." She replied taking off her pajamas so she was only in her skimpy panties and crop top. Her Trill markings could now be seen all the way from her forehead down to her toes, only being covered by her crop top and panties. Her spots came down the outside of her legs and then flipped over to the top of her feet and terminated at her toes.

Thraxina found the boots. "All right, tights..." she pulled a bunched up pair out and sniffed them "Phew! Oh well, they'll do, bit of a ladder at the bottom but the boots'll hide that!" she said, tossing them over.

"Hey, those are freshly washed. There is a better pair in the second drawn down, get those instead and another thing, say nothing to anyone you saw in my underwear OK."

Thraxina gave a wry smile as she rummaged through the second drawer.

"Why? Do you like people to think you don't wear any?" she asked in mock-innocence.

"No I just feel exposed as normally I wouldn't let anyone see me like this unless it was a more intimate setting."

"Oh dear! Shy lot, you Trill!" the somewhat less than coy Thraxina laughed. "I had a full on argument with another woman in a shower the other day, both stark..." she looked up, it occurred to her that Vox was genuinely concerned. She was trying to become a little less brusque about such things.

"I'm sorry, of course I won't tell anybody." She did her best, most reassuring-est smile. "Just hurry up and get your tights on, it'll be starting any minute!"

"Oh my" she said at the thought of two naked women arguing in a shower. "OK, I will get myself dressed. It wasn't long before she was fully dressed and checking herself out in the mirror.

"Yes, yes, all right, you're beautiful, now come on Cinderella, you shall go to the ball!" said Thraxina impatiently, literally dragging the Trill woman by the arm to the door. As the door swished behind them, the bossy Andaran's voice could be heard chivvying along her superior officer "Come on, by the left, quick march!"

"Alright alright. You know I am so going to get you back for this." She said marching like a solider towards the party.


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