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Status Check

Posted on Mon Mar 6th, 2023 @ 7:33am by Commander Lucy Heartfilia & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D. & Lieutenant Antoinette Jenkins
Edited on on Mon Mar 6th, 2023 @ 9:31am

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Heartfilia's quarters, Main Sickbay office
Timeline: M1 MD11 (2268.26.05) 0940

The captain had insisted that the ladies that had been captured by the Orions were given a full medical work up and a few days rest.

Antoinette Jenkins was the only one who was seriously physically hurt. "Will you hold still or do you want your figure wrecked by two lopsided shoulders." Marc said stubbornly.

"I can't help it that things colder than your hands." Tony squealed through half gritted teeth.

Marc finished up mending her shoulder blades. He was amazed at how much damage could be caused by three direct blows of a fist. "There you are. I'm amazed you didn't have any injury to your spine with a beating like that." Marc lifted her bathrobe up and over her shoulders. "Do you want me to expedite the healing of this burn on your neck? I don't think it'll scar as is, but I bet it stings under your hair."

"Please..." Tony asked, she had hardly been aware of the mark, but the control devices the Orions used were forced on the ladies. The collars inflicted such nerve rattling pain one of two of the girls were knocked unconscious or the wind taken out of them. Marc passed a dermal regenerator over the burn, in less than a minute and the effects of the burn was greatly reduced. She sighed gratefully. "Thank you Marc, thank you."

Marc's ears pricked up, it was the first time he could recall Tony calling him by his first name. "You're welcome. Listen, if you find yourself not sleeping, nightmares, extra jumpy or just not yourself, I want you to come and talk to me. No matter what, okay." He watched the woman's face carefully. "And the same goes for the other girls that were taken." Tony nodded slowly in understanding.

Lucy Heartfilia, was the last of the captive ladies to be checked over. Marc insisted on meeting her in her quarters, more so because he needed to talk and talk privately. Marc grabbed his worn black leather bag off the shelf in his office and left for the Exec's quarters. He pressed the call button outside ... ' Lucy ... Marc Kitchener ... "

Lucy walked in through the door. "I'm fine doctor" she said simply.

"Can I come in?" Marc said pressing.

"Yeah, sure" Lucy replied. The door opened to reveal her laid on her bed a book in her hand.

Marc set his bag on a chair and pulled out a scanner and a stethoscope. "Talk to me. All I recall were a small few bruises. Any other injuries I don't know about? Those green bastards didn't try anything particular did they?" Marc said carefully.
"And don't look so smug at me like that, I have to ask."

"Nothing in that way no." Lucy replied. "It seemed that I was too 'Good to look at' to be sold as a simple slave. After all, they didn't want to badly damage their merchandise." She paused for a few seconds. "Personally doctor, it's my pride that's hurt the most."

"I bet. And I don't blame them or you for that matter." Marc said a sly grin on his face. He slowly passed a hand scanner over her. "So why is your ego bruised?" Marc and Lucy had only known one another for just two months but he felt like he was talking to an old friend or a long time patient. "From what I've heard you put up a hard fight and kept the ladies safe and sound."

"I'm a Starfleet Commander doctor. On our first mission, I'm captured right off our own bridge. Plus forced in that ridiculous outfit showing more of my body than I'd like, all because some horny alien can't keep it in his pants!" Lucy told him. "God only knows what might have happened if the Captain hadn't of found us."

Marc all but chuckled out loud. "Feel better? ..." He put his scanner away and returned his stethoscope to the pocket of his lab coat. "Listen Lucy, from everything I've heard, you have nothing to reproach yourself for. Short of laying out one of those green goons you couldn't have done better." Then he leaned up against a full length bookcase. "If you find yourself not sleeping well, jumpy, nightmares ... what have you. Come and talk to me, and that's a direct order." Lucy looked at him with a sideways glance. "It's for your own good. Plus I've dealt with more CEO's and Captain's than people you've ever met I bet. You're a hard headed bunch."

Lucy smiled. "Thanks Doctor. I just hope we have better luck on our missions. I'm not the 'Damsel in Distress' type at all." She told him.

'Perhaps ... perhaps not', Marc thought to himself. "We'll have to see, but I hope so too." Before he could say anything else the shipwide comm system chirped. =A= Bridge to Doctor Kitchener ... priority mess on channel 8 ...
Bridge to Doctor Kitchener ... priority mess on channel 8 =A=

Marc could only guess what this could be about. "My dear, if you find yourself needing anything, just ask." He stepped to the door. Join me for breakfast tomorrow?" Marc asked, Lucy nodded. Even with over 20 years between them, they were having either breakfast or lunch together every few days. As the door sealed itself behind him Marc couldn't help but think ... 'A lovely young thing like that, and she's got a mind on her...'.


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