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Dirty Stop-out

Posted on Sun Mar 5th, 2023 @ 3:26pm by Lieutenant Azrel Vox
Edited on on Sat Oct 28th, 2023 @ 12:48pm

1,460 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Rendezvous At Starbase 10
Location: Lt Vox's quarters
Timeline: M2 MD03

Thraxina's dress uniform was crumpled, the silky sheen of its material looked more light green than gold in this light. She had a ladder in her tights and her hair was all over the place: even her beautiful face showed all the hallmarks of a night ill-spent. Her eyes were like pee-holes in the snow and her makeup was smudged.

She needed the sack - a bed to sleep in, not... other activities.

But her conscience, such as it was, would sting her if she didn't first check in on Vox. The communications officer had last been seen toddling off at the party with Doctor Slattery looking drunker than was probably good for her. Thinking back, she should have gone after her, or sent some minion to check, but her blind ambition had led her to forget about the perhaps vulnerable little Trill woman, and she had gone back to the Commodore's quarters instead.

She pressed Vox's room control panel... nothing. That was worrying. She tried again to equal lack of success. Then she remembered, she was a full Lieutenant now, with more privileges on the ship's computer systems.

"Computer, Thraxina: emergency access."

The door swished open and Thraxina stumbled into the darkness.

"Aze? Aze! Lieutenant Vox! Are you there?" she asked, quietly but urgently.

"Uuuuh what? Who's that? And for heaven's sake don't put the lights on." Aze replied. She then fell out of bed with a thud. "Ow dammit."

"Oh, thank goodness you're all right" sighed Thraxina, feeling her way across the room "Or at least you were until now, did you just fall out of bed?" she reached to where the noise had come from and found Aze's hand.

"Come on, up we get" She pulled her fellow bridge officer to her feet. "What happened to you last night?" she asked.

"The last any of us saw, you were leaving with slattery... oh GODS, he's not in here too is he?!" she asked, narrowing her eyes, which were getting a bit more used to the dark.

"No he's not here" Aze replied trying to cover herself with her arm and hand as she wasn't in her pajamas. She was hoping, in the darkness, Thrax hadn't noticed.

"Are you in the nuddy?!" Thraxina asked, her eyes had adjusted and Aze was coving herself up rather obviously "Gods, I wouldn't dare do that in case of a red alert: I'd probably end up running up to the bridge without realising my tits were on show." she declared with aristocratic nonchalance.

"What happened with the doctor then?" she asked simply, plonking herself down with a yawn on Aze's bed without a by-your-leave. She was so exhausted by her sleepless night, she could have lain down her head there and then on the Trill's pillow and gone straight to sleep.

"Erm yes. I didn't bother putting my pajamas on last night when the Doctor dropped me off." She said as she scrabbled for some underwear without giving Thraxina too much of a show, who she had noticed was now laying on her bed.

"Oh, he didn't come in then?" asked Thraxina sleepily, pulling her still booted legs up onto the bed now and looking like she was about to fall asleep. "Mmm, your bed's nice and warm" she murmured.

"Made yourself at home have you?" She exclaimed, now in bra and panties. "Make yourself useful and pass me my uniform."

"Nah.... too sleepy" Thraxina replied, nuzzling her face in the welcoming balm of the pillow, and starting to really nod off despite the discomfort of her dress uniform, which was now getting even more creased and the medals, still on her chest, jutting into her.

Her words as she fell into the embrace of Lethe were a bit garbled: "thatfuckingcommodorewashardwork...zzzzz"

Aze walked around to the other side of her bed. Shaking Thraxina "Oi. Wake up." She said leaning over her.

Thraxina had fallen into a deep slumber and woke again murmuring "don't worry Commodore... happens to a lot of men... WHAT??" she sat up straight in the Trill woman's bed. "Oh sorry... so, you didn't fancy it with Slattery, then?" she asked swinging her legs off the bed before she nodded off again.

Shaking Thraxina's shoulders again, "No I didn't. Did you consider the Commodore?" She said with a smirk on her face.

"Consider him?" Thraxina frowned "Wake up and smell the coffee Miss Vox, where do you think I've been all night? He invited me to his quarters to see his 1/72 scale fully working Class F Shuttle model and we ended making love on the floor of his hobby room." She stood up and did a big yawn.

"Gods, though, it was so disappointing, talk about tiny - and he had all end of problems with the poor little thing, I had to help fiddle about with it for ages until it would rise up. Got there in the end though." she said, perhaps sharing too much information.

"Still, once we got the shuttle working, the sex afterwards was great. The man's built like a Tellarite."

"Ohhh kay....too much information there, Thraxina. I on the other hand got no action to speak of." 'hmmm what does that make it now, a year?' she muttered under her breath but probably loud enough for Thraxina would pick up but whether she would latch on it would be up to her.

"Well... must be a bit odd for you: you're a woman, but you have the mind, or the memories or whatever, of a man inside you..." in the half light a roguish smile crossed her lips "I mean, well, can you remember what it's like to make love as a man?!" To Thraxina, this was the fascinating aspect of the Trill symbiont meld, not how far Vox's spots went. She'd seen that anyway.

"Well of course I do. I have the experience from both sides and from what I remember, Torbin never got any complaints from the ladies he slept with." Aze replied.

"So, which is best? Sex as a man or sex as a woman?" Thraxina asked simply. "You are in the unique position to answer that."

"I am in a unique position, that is true but I don't think the answer I can give, will satisfy you. You see, I don't really think one is better than the other because they are both very different in both sensation and pleasure. Yes, sex does finish with the same ending, climax, but for men and women, that experience is very different in how you get there and what it feels like and what happens at that moment." Aze replied, feeling herself getting some what warm from talking about it. She started to get her uniform from her wardrobe so she could finish being too revealing around her colleague.

"Oh" said Thraxina "All right, here's another thing I've been thinking about: let's say when your previous host... is that the right word?... well, when he went in for the op, he saw a pretty Trill nurse and thought, 'gosh she's a bit yummy', and then you were wheeled in and saw the same nurse and thought 'I don't fancy her, I'm a girl' and then, well, after the op, you were wheeled out and saw the nurse again: would you fancy her or not?"

She was aware that in her sleepy state, she might have made that question more complicated than it need be.

"What I'm trying to say is, since the op, do you fancy men AND women now?"

The other officer seemed to be almost panic stricken in her haste to get dressed now. "Oh for the sake of the Gods, Aze, slow down, you'll ladder your tights: this isn't a come on, I'm just genuinely fascinated."

"OK but I just thought you had seen enough of me in my underwear. As for my sexuality. I am heterosexual. I might have the experiences, which is somewhat of a benefit, but I, Azrel, am in to men."

"All right, don't get your knickers in a twist!" laughed Thraxina, standing up and flicking the light on "Especially those flowery ones!"

"I'm going to bed, see you later!" she chuckled, opening the door to the corridor and exposing Aze, hopping about trying to get her tights on, to the gaze of any one who might be passing by. Well, the sybaritic Ardanan considered, the spotty girl needed to loosen up a little.

"Hey, these are highly fashionable." she shouted as her doors closed. "Well, at least on Trill anyway." she said to herself. She turned to her mirror and posed provocatively. She then headed back to her bed room to change.


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