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Morning Exercise

Posted on Sat Mar 4th, 2023 @ 9:44am by Ensign Ivy Kinsley & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden

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Mission: Mission 2: Rendezvous At Starbase 10
Location: Deck 5
Timeline: M2 MD04 (2268.6.06) 0600

It was 0600 on Deck 5 and Ensign Ivy Kinsley was at the edge of the deck clad in her slightly dingy Starfleet Academy Track & Field running shorts and shirt which showed off her long legs and fine physique. She had no make up on which revealed the bags under her eyes. She still wasn't sleeping the greatest. She was waiting for Yeoman Corden to join her.

Meredith was there a moment later. She was also in shorts and a t-shirt which also showed off the musculature of her arms and long legs. She smiled as she approached. "Morning, Ivy."

"Good morning Meredith, glad you made it," Ivy responded, "I've been itching to go."

Meredith crouched down, knees bent, leaning forward. "Ready when you are."

"It's not a race," Ivy chuckled as she started jogging down the corridor. Ivy was a fast runner but she kept it slow since she was still rather sore all over. Regardless going to fast around Deck 5 would more than likely end up with someone getting clobbered in a head on collision.

"I know," Meredith said as she started next to her, "but I still like to get a good start." She matched her speed to Ivy's, dodging briefly behind her as they passed someone else in the corridor and then resuming her place.

Meredith waved as she saw Vox running the other way. "Hey, Aze!" she said cheerfully.

"Hey. Didn't know you joined the sweaty joggers club on Deck 5" she said smiling.

"Ivy invited me!" she said cheerfully.

"Great. This is my last lap and then it's a cold shower." Aze commented.

"Good seeing you!" Meredith replied.

"Likewise." Aze replied as she continued on her way.

"Ah ok," Ivy responded, "I wonder if we'll run into the Captain. He's usually doing the same thing around this time. I've run into him before."

"I hope not," Meredith said a little self-consciously. "Maybe we should have used the treads in the rec room?"

"What's wrong with running into the Captain?" Ivy asked as they started around the curved perimeter of the deck.

"I'll be all gross and sweaty," Meredith admitted.

"Oh I see," Ivy responded, "Well he will be too." She laughed.

Meredith laughed too. "I guess so!"

Speak of the devil, a tall lanky form of the Captain was running towards him. He was only wearing a pair of black athletic shorts and black Adidas running shoes. He was lean but all muscle. He smiled at them, "Good morning ladies," he said.

"Good morning, captain!" Meredith answered back.

As he passed, Ivy took a long look, "What a fine specimen eh?" She commented with a chuckle.

Meredith laughed. "He's a handsome guy," she said and looked over her own shoulder.

"Too bad there aren't more," Ivy commented as they continued their jog, "Dr. Amato is rather cute... But he's not interested."

'Well, there are more than two men on the ship," Meredith pointed out.

Ivy laughed, "Yeah I suppose so," she responded, "Not sure if I'm ready to enter the dating game yet, but maybe if the right guy falls from the sky."

"Technically, we're already in the sky," Meredith teased.

"Well you got me there," Ivy responded. They were now into their second lap of deck 5, "I usually do about 5 laps... But we don't have to do that many if you don't want to."

"I can do five," Meredith said, though she reached up to wipe a bit of sweat from her brow.

"Ok," Ivy responded as they continued around the corridor. The deck wasn't crowded yet but soon it would be. "Ugh, maybe just three laps today," she commented as she was starting to get sore.

"You ok?" Meredith asked at Ivy's sudden change in mood.

"Sorry, just still a bit sore," Ivy conceded, "Exercise like this is a double edged sword, stretches everything out but then makes everything sore."

"Just three works," Meredith agreed.

The next two laps went by and they were up to three. By now they were back where they started and Ivy slowed to a stop. "Well that wasn't too bad, " she commented. She was panting a little.

"It was a good workout," Meredith agreed, wiping the sweat from her brow. "Now I need to grab a shower and a glass of cold water before my shift starts."

"Understood, thanks for joining me this morning," Ivy responded taking a few deep breaths, "I enjoyed the company."

"Me too," Meredith said pleasantly. "Have a good rest of your day." And then she turned back to head to her quarters.


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