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And.... You Are ?

Posted on Sat Jan 21st, 2023 @ 8:56am by Ensign Peter Novak & Ensign Avis Larant

912 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Rec Room
Timeline: M1 MD12 (2268.27.05) 1915

Avis leaned forward on her seat so she could watch the vid screen in an attempt at privacy. Not that the rec room was crowded but she was checking up on her home planet's news. Just in case it was anything major that might just involve her family.

Next to one elbow was a glass of fine emerald color Aldebaran whiskey. It was strong but she had been just sipping it, no plans to get wasted on this her evening off duty. There was movement behind her but she did not bother to look over her shoulder, figuring whoever it was would just pass on by.

"Huh, the colonial affairs report," came the tenor voice of a young man from behind her, "Are you also from the colonies?" The man was tall, well built and rather handsome. His blonde hair was slicked severely to the side and his light blue eyes looked intently at the attractive young woman. He was wearing a black and white bowling shirt with khaki pants and was holding a glass of Andorian ale.

Avis quickly snapped the screen off even as she spun about, plainly she had not expected someone who read over her shoulder. She glared up at...oh he was one of her fellow security officers. She recognized him by his good looks certainly not the clothes he was sporting, obviously he too was off duty. As for her wardrobe or lack of, Avis had a loose grey colored tee and sweat pants with sandals on her feet.

"Maybe I am. Do you always spy on people or am I just the lucky one?" that voice of hers practically dripped with sarcasm.

"No, I was just walking by and happened to notice the report was on. I usually watch it most days... Why I recognized it," the young man responded, "Sorry to interrupt though." He gave a slight smile.

Avis paused, like she was assessing something, maybe his words, maybe him.

"I don't believe you," she suddenly declared.

"I don't believe you are sorry about it. You're smiling," she countered with a sudden rather saucy smile of her own.

"In my defense, it was an embarrassed smile," Peter explained, "But now that I have your attention, it's nice to talk to you not on duty... Need a refill?" He looked at her glass which was almost empty.

"Oh so you recognize me too? I'll bet it was the hair," she ventured.

Reaching for the glass she finished the last of it then handed it to him, "Sure why not. Aldebaran whiskey, no ice. Some say I'm cold enough as it is."

Peter chuckled, "Hair and sunny disposition," he responded before walking over to the bar. Rec Room 1 had a manned bar so he gave the drink order to the bartender. He returned to where Avis was sitting and gave her the glass. "Cheers," he said.

She took it with an acknowledging nod then frowned, "I do not even think we introduced ourselves so far? Avis Larant."

"Peter Novak," he said.

When he returned the introduction, she raised her glass and clinked his in a toast, "To us - Security!"

"To us," Peter responded with a smile. He took a sip and then said, "I guess this means I can sit down?" He examined the pretty young woman with the Romulan haircut. Even though Starfleet was very much equal at this point, the security department could be like a men's locker room and he knew of at least three other officers who tried even talking to her off duty and failed.

"There's a seat. I can only sit in one," she gestured with a wave of one hand inviting him to take it.

"So ...Peter Novak....why the interest in me?" she waited for an answer as she sipped her drink.

Peter smiled and took a seat, "Direct, I like that," he responded, " Frankly I'm not sure how I wouldn't be interested. You're bold, beautiful and more than a bit mysterious. I suppose I should ask the same. I know for a fact you told at least three of our guys to buzz of."

"Oh them," she smirked with open disdain.

"One was an idiot, I could tell as soon as he opened his mouth. The other opened with a line that frankly was insulting. And the third, I was just in a bad mood."

"You at least might have potential. You got the looks, now I'm seeing how you handle yourself. You know...before you get to try and handle me."

Peter laughed, "I'm glad you approve. I'm certainly in the mood for a challenge," he said before taking another sip from his glass. "So how is this game played? You are holding all of cards."

"Oh I think I'm a challenge," she smiled, "And that's a fair question alright. There aren't a lot of rules in this game to be honest. But let's get it started then."

"You are going to need to impress me. So - Peter Novak - it's on you now, impress me!"

"Well I doubt the singed leg from the Orion distributor meant for the Captain counts," he said with a smirk.

"If I knew you did that on purpose to shield the captain, then it would, sure," Avis nodded.

He leaned back and thought, "Believe it or not this ship isn't the first time we met. The Federation Finals last year . You placed second in the 300 meter. I remember the look on your face when you won silver... It should have been gold," he said.

Avis thought back on it, "Yes, that was disappointing. I had beaten her only a month earlier."

" that's impressing me? Bringing up a less than glorious moment in my admittedly modestly average swim career? You must think I set the bar very low to be impressed by that," she frowned.

"I figured you'd be impressed that I both remembered and recognized you," Peter responded in an even tone, "I could have mentioned I was on the security team that some idiot called to the gym. So what would impress you then? Enlighten me?" A direct approach may pay off, or may backfire. I guess he would see.

"Probably my bright red hair," Avis immediately reasoned, forgetting she had had on a swim cap.

"You were there? Guess I will not be impressing you then but I did not notice you. No offense, I was trying to not get put under arrest for a mere scrimmage," she continued.

Now as for his last two questions, she sipped her drink as she thought on the subject.

"Well, what does not impress me is how easily you seem to give up on your assigned task. I had hoped for a little more grit and determination," she declared without a hint of a smile. She was setting him up perfectly, she knew, poor guy.

"I didn't give up, I merely asked for some clarification," Peter countered, "I must have impressed you enough that you are still speaking with me." He stared directly into her eyes.

He was getting mad, she was sure of it. It took all she had not to crack even a hint of a smile, she had him hook, line, and sinker to use that old fishing saying.

Avis now glared, "Oh you think so? What if I were to say you are failing this 'impress me' thing miserably?"

So close now, she was confident.

"I guess you'd have to chase me," Peter responded as he stood up. He tried his best not to smirk. This was the most amusing first date he'd ever been on. If this could be called a date.

"Chase you? Don't flatter yourself. More like chase you away!" she promptly retorted. He was going to leave? He was close to, he'd stood up after all. Super close now.

"Care to go for a walk?" Peter asked with a grin.

OK, so she definitely had not expected that! She had figured he'd sulk off pouting for getting the brushoff. Not even close.

"What?" was all she could get out and then her self control was gone, she first broke into a smile which became a grin and finally started laughing. But - before he thought her totally crazy - she explained.

"Oh my god, I was just messin' with you that whole time. I kept on waiting for you to lose it or run off and pout. Sorry but ........anyhow you passed the test, Peter."

The young man beamed, "Thank you," he said, "It was a Hail Mary throw on my part, didn't know if it would work. So care for a walk? Or do you want to sit here and finish the bottle?" His shoulders relaxed slightly.

"Let's go with the walk I think. You definitely overestimate me if you think I can finish a bottle of whiskey. I'd be on the deck halfway thru," she replied but stood up and first drained the last of her current glass.

The young man laughed, "Alright sounds good," he said, before setting his glass down onto the table. The effort was worth it, now things were getting interesting.


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