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Bloody Lip

Posted on Sun Jan 8th, 2023 @ 9:35pm by Captain Tristan Faust & David Meddows MD-Ph.D.
Edited on on Mon Jan 16th, 2023 @ 8:31am

781 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Deck 7: Medical Section
Timeline: M1 MD09 (2268.24.05) 0800

The lasting results of the previous night weighed heavily on Captain Faust as he entered the Medical section. Members of the crew filled almost every bed and as Captain he felt as though he should visit every bedside when able. Unfortunately he had other business to take care of this morning. He walked up to the coffee dispenser in the waiting area and filled a cup. He was almost to the point where coffee was no longer working to keep him awake. Still it was something to semi distract him from this meeting.

The Captain walked over to the Convalescent Ward and stopped at the bed he was looking for. "Good morning, Doctor," he said in an even tone, wondering what the psychiatrist's mental and emotional state was this morning.

Meddows way lying on top of the bed in light blue regulation star fleet convalescent coveralls, the six life sign monitors above his head 'bomping' rhythmically. At Tristan's words he opened his eyes and sat up rapidly - too rapidly! He held his head and groaned, but seeing the Captain, pulled himself together.

"Captain, you're all right! Did we beat off the Orion attack?" the concussion from the punch and the blow to the back of his skull when he hit the wall had left him addled. He held his head again.

"Urgghh, I can't... I remember you flooding the cargo hold to play ice hockey... no, no, that's ridiculous, I must have dreamed that bit... I was running to the Bridge to save Dienstag, he was trapped there, and Mike stopped me, said it was too dangerous and he'd go... he knocked me out to stop me..." The confused Meddows looked up at Faust "I know we don't always get on, Mike Amato and me, but that was a pretty brave thing to do! That feller deserves an IC Award!"*

The injured Doctor started to try and get out of bed. "I've got to get up" he chuntered "I'm seeing Dienstag later on, it'll be the perfect opportunity to give him his Mitsubushi Test, and then those to crewwomen who were fighting in the Gym, one of those needs it too..." but the effort was too much and he groaned and fell back onto the coverless bed.

"Woah, hold on there Doctor," Tristan responded, setting his coffee down onto the bedside table, "You're not going anywhere." Doctors always seemed to make the worst patients... He sighed and wondered if it was worth explaining to him in this state, "Yes, we repelled the Orion attack, but some members of the crew have been abducted."

"Oh no..." sighed Meddows, slumping back on his bed with, apparently, genuine concern at the news.

"Yes, I flooded Cargo Bay 2 to play ice hockey as crazy an idea as it was. Ensign Dienstag is fine, although you gave him quite a shock by all accounts." He stopped there, wondering what to say about Mike.

The psychiatrist looked surprised, if not alarmed, at this odd melange of news and saved Faust the problem of what to say about Dr Amato by noticing the small vase of flowers (Pod Plants from Gamma Trianguli VI) and a bowl of grapes, both from the ship's Arboretum with a card on top, sitting on his bedside table.

"Oh that's nice." he smiled wanly "What's the card say?"

It actually read: To Doctor Dave. We are OK, hope you are OK, signed: Mitsubishi Survivors, Class of 68.

There followed a number of signatures, including Lieutenant Thraxia's, in the beautiful flowing Ardanan script, amongst others. Unsurprisingly, it was not signed by Ensign Dienstag. 'Doctor Dave' was clearly like Mayonnaise, those who sampled the Ship's Counselor either loved him or hated him.

"Your favorite catch phrase... Along with your adoring fans," Tristan responded rolling his eyes. He set the card back down onto the table. "Listen I want you to take a few days leave and then light duty for the forseeable future until you've made a full recovery. Dr. Kitchner is going to be assisting you with the psychiatry duties for awhile."

Meddows went to argue with the Captain, but the throbbing in his head and jaw made him think again, and he muttered a final "OK" as he crumpled back into semi consciousness.

The Captain stood up and picked up his cup of coffee. He turned to the nurse who was standing there, watching. "Keep me apprised of his status," he said. The nurse nodded. Tristan didn't know which situation was worse, Orions attacking the ship and kidnapping his officers or this mess with Meddows, Amato and Dienstag? The Orions were clearly worse but this was a bigger headache.


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