

Posted on Tue Oct 15th, 2024 @ 7:06pm by Lieutenant Michael Amato & Ensign Jason Reece

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 5: The Price of Paradise
Location: Ship's Pool
Timeline: M5 MD07 (2268.07.31) 1400

The simulated sunlight bathed the otherwise cavernous interior of the ship's pool. Surrounding the tiled perimeter were numerous lounge chairs of varying colors but mostly blues and oranges. Sitting in one was Dr. Amato, engrossed in a novel, a drink by his side and a cigar between his fingers. There were only so many places aboard where smoking or other alien equivalents were permitted. The place was fairly deserted and it was a perfect afternoon for a short siesta.

Jason had heard about the pool, but had, as yet, not been down to it. He decided to change that today. When he entered, he noticed that there were a few other members of the crew also enjoying their time off.

Moving over to the lounge chairs, he smiled as he said, "Hiya, Doc! Whatcha reading, if you don't mind my asking?"

"Not at all Mr. Reece," Mike responded before setting the book down, "The Captain recommended the James Bond novels and I've been reading through them. Up to From Russia With Love at the moment... And Mike is fine, not on duty in sickbay, thankfully..." Mike's form was rather lanky with some definition, it was evident he used to be more athletic than he was currently. His olive skin was an unhealthy green in reflected light from the pool of water.

Jason had to think about what Mike had said about the book for a moment, then asked a follow-up question. "Is that the one where they fly the high-tech attack helicopter out of a secret base in the desert?"

"Ah, no, different one... I think," Mike responded, "Do a lot of reading? Or just watch the movies?" He gave a smirk. Trick question on his end since he usually did both.

Shrugging slightly, Jason sat down in the lounger next to Mike. "A little of both, I guess. Depends on my mood." He chuckled softly as he added, "And how much time I have to spare." He gave the ACMO a thoughtful look. "How about you? Which do you prefer?"

"The movie to be honest, especially since it can be a social activity," Mike responded, "Reading is a solitary thing, well at least these days... They say people used to go and watch Charles Dickens stand at a podium and read one of his novels cover to cover... Sometimes I envy the attention spans of past generations..." He chuckled, "As I meander from topic to topic," he added.

Jason grinned at that. "Careful, I heard that meandering is for old people." He teased playfully.

"Some days I feel old, not going to lie," Mike said, "Keeping hours like Dracula will do that, especially rotating around between days and nights. Seems like I don't see... My friends for weeks on end." He glanced over at the water of the pool, "..although this ship isn't that big..."

Jason gave Mike a compassionate look. He then offered his right hand to the slightly older man. 'Only thing you can do make more friends."

Mike smirked and took the hand, "Never too old for that," he commented, "I promise I'm not always doom and gloom. Just been a rough year... So what's your story, I feel like I've been rambling about nothing. Surprised I haven't scared ya off."

After they shook and released each other's hand, Jason smiled softly as he replied. "Not much to tell, really. "My family has been in Starfleet since its inception, so I'm carrying on the family legacy."

"I know that feeling, my Dad was career enlisted and my brother was an officer," Mike commented, "Although I wasn't supposed to go into medicine. But I guess they've come to live with it."

Jason chuckled softly. "While my dad is a retired starship captain, both my big sister and I are pilots. Also, my grandfather and great grandfather were both MACOs. My great grandfather John actually fought in the Earth-Romulan War."

"My brother was supposed to be the Starship captain, although both of us were supposed to go into operations... Joe was a navigator. Don't know that far back to be honest, that's something my Dad would know though," Mike responded, "So what do you think of the ship so far?"

The younger man looked up and around at the ship, a soft grin forming on his face. "She's bigger than I expected, but she's a dream to handle. I'm really glad that HQ assigned me to her!"

"She's the newest in the fleet," Mike responded, "I've been here since launch, although that has only been a few months."

"How many ships have you been on, if you don't mind my asking?" Jason inquired respectfully.

"Well actually," Mike responded, slightly embarrassed, "This is my first ship assignment... Medical school tacks on a few years and I'm technically a Surgical Resident."

Jason nodded as he listened. "Forgive me for not understanding fully...but as a resident, wouldn't you stillness a doctor above you in experience aboard? Or am I confusing that with an intern?"

"Yes, so an intern is really just a nickname for a first year resident... In Dr. McEntyre and my case Dr. Kitchner is supervising us as chief surgeon," Mike clarified, "But don't worry, we are real doctors. We won't screw you up, too badly anyway." He chuckled.

Jason chuckled again. "Well that's a relief!" He said jokingly. "For a second there I almost thought you'd end up reversing my hands and feet the next time I came in for a physical." He winked playfully as he finished speaking.

"I'm not that bad," Mike responded with a chuckle, "Besides, Dr. Kitchner would stitch you back together like nothing ever happened." He looked around the pool which was deserted, "I'm shocked at how dead it is in here," he said, "I guess everyone else has something to do during this mission. We're just on standby, as always..."

Looking around the pool, Jason shrugged. My shift isn't for a few hours, so I'm just trying to spend a little time in each part of the ship, get to know her, before anything major occurs."

"Knowing how our missions usually go, I don't blame you," Mike said, "This is no doubt the calm before the storm..." He reached down onto the table and picked up his pocket leather humidor. He opened it and removed a Montecristo Platinum, "I hope you don't mind," he said and then added, "Could I offer you one?"

Jason nodded. "Thank you, Sir." He reached over and took one of the offered cigars. Lifting it up, he placed it under his nose and breathed in deeply. "Mmm..I see you're a man of excellent tastes." He liked the cigar as he continued. "These are one of my few vices. It's a habit I got from both my father and grandfather's. All the Reece men smoke cigars. No one has ever wondered why, we just do." He slipped the cigar into the fold of his towel. "I have a guy in Cuba, whom I buy mine from."

The doctor chuckled, "The Captain turned me on to this years ago... He and my brother," he said, "It's not something I have much time to enjoy much anymore."

"My Grampy always told me," Jason replied, "If something is truly important to you, then you'll make the time."

"Good advice to live by..." Mike commented, the words sinking in a tad deeper than the speaker intended. He shrugged off the feeling and smiled back.



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