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Shifting Sands

Posted on Mon Mar 18th, 2024 @ 3:32pm by Ensign Carter Page & Luminous Traite Ms

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 5: The Price of Paradise
Location: Deck 3: Holographic Recreation Deck
Timeline: M5 MD06 (2268.07.29) 1500-1600

It was a long dull afternoon on the Midway. With the ship in dock and the repair work turned over to station personnel, the Engineering crew had plenty of free time. After bidding farewell to his work partner, the burly Gorn engineer, Carter decided to book some time in the holographic rec deck. Being friends with Toby had its advantages, since it was a direct line for booking.

One of the stock programs was a beach somewhere in California which was one of Carter's favorites. His long, lanky form was lounging on a wooden beach chair taking in the simulated sun as the alarm clock went off. "Well that's the end of that, I guess," he said as he sat up.

Apparently the alarm was a signal the previous session was over and now she would have an hour. Fine except the damn machine had no instructions next to the control panel, Luminous was quite unsure of how to activate it much less program any specific request. The crew had probably been briefed as part of their training. Unlike her.

If she screwed up, she might break the stupid thing and then the captain would be furious with her. She might get kicked off the ship before it had even left the star base.

She was garbed in her running shorts and tanktop, sure she could no doubt use the ship's gym to jog on a machine but it would much nicer to run in some gorgeous weather - even if it was fake.

"Need a hand?" came a voice from her right. A young man was standing there. He was well over six feet tall and thin as a rail. He wore a short pair of swimming trunks. His slight frame was well chiseled though. His hair was styled in a heavily slicked side part in the realm of current fashion. His blue eyes looked down his button nose at her.

"Oh, hello. Well, at least one hand, maybe more. I have no clue how to get this thing to work. It's my appointment now but first time ever using it," she explained.

Must be a crewman, not old enough for an officer. Cadet maybe. If the Midway fielded a basketball team, he'd be a good candidate for it. She had to look up at him.

"It's pretty easy to use once you get the hang of it," he explained, "Do you have a program in mind?"

"Oh good, thank you. Well, I had thought to do some long distance running. But beautiful weather, no bugs, some sun, but I don't wish to melt either," she stepped back to let him do the programming. Not much meat on this one's bones. Not that she was being judgemental. He was nice enough to help a lady out after all.

"This should do it," the young man responded as the holographic rec deck came to life revealing a foot path lined with palm trees with the ocean beyond. The weather was a mild 70 degrees Fahrenheit. "Oh, I'm Ensign Carter Paige by the way, I'm one of the damage control officers, so today was your lucky day," he added.

She gazed about, it looked perfect!

"Nice to meet you Ensign Carter Paige. I am Luminous Traite, and in the interest of fairness I should warn you I am a journalist assigned to be on the Midway this upcoming voyage," she held out one well manicured hand.

The young man took the hand, "They mentioned a journalist would be joining us, but you weren't what I was expecting," he commented.

"I have heard that before," she cheerfully admitted.

"So you were in there alone?" she had noticed of course no one else came out with him.

"Eh I was laying on the beach collecting some rays," Carter responded, "With the Starbase personnel taking over the maintenance duties while we are in dock, I have a lot of time on my hands.... Better than climbing through the nacelles though, that's the job they usually give me..."

He was still awfully pale but then the rays 'he collected' weren't real.

"I have no clue what the nacelles are, just hope they aren't painful," she joked, partially.

"Well they are the cylindrical propulsion units..." Carter started but then trailed off.

Had he gone on with much more detailed jargon, she would have zoned out anyway.

"Pity, I'm here all by myself too. I really haven't met that many crew yet. We could have done something together...and gotten two hours," she grinned.

"Well, in my defense I didn't meet you until two minutes ago," the young man chuckled, "Are you already asking me on a date?"

"I beg your pardon? I'm thinking it should be the guy asking the girl out on a date. I might only say 'no' anyhow given we've just met two minutes ago," she pointed out.

"Just a clarifying question," Carter responded as he felt a slight wave of embarrassment, "I suppose I should leave you to your jog then."

"I was kidding...about the saying 'no' part," she shrugged bare shoulders.

"I really do want to do some running. Good for my figure you know...not that you have to worry about that problem," she smiled.

"Ah, yeah," Carter responded as he looked down at his bare torso. There wasn't much to hide, "Why do you think they send me to the hard to reach areas on the ship?"

'Ummm, because you know how to fix that stuff?" seemed the logical answer. She had another possibility but she wasn't going to tell him that one.

"And being thin as a rail," Carter responded with the correct answer, "Tell you what, I'll join your for that jog then. If that's what you would like. I suppose you have a ton of questions about the ship and need to get your bearings."

"Aww, so you're thin? So what? Thin people live longer than fat people, statistics show it," she grinned.

Carter chuckled at that, "I don't know many fat people, especially on this ship," he commented.

"You really want to run? I mean that'd be fine with me but I warn you, I run a lot so you might find it hard to keep up," she did want him to know.

"I wouldn't ask you questions while running though, we need every breath for running. We could have a drink after?" she decided to offer, he seemed like a nice guy.

"I mean it's up to you, it's your hour," Carter responded, "Up to you what you want to do and... Yeah a drink would be fine." He gave a calm, boyish smile.

"OK then, with those long legs of yours you have the stride on me. I think I have the lungs though on my side. Let's get going then," and with that she suddenly started down the trail.

Luminous set a good pace, she wasn't doing it to make it difficult for him though, just that it was what she was used to. If he did start falling behind by too much, she decided she would slow down some. She wasn't trying to show the guy up afterall.

It really was a gorgeous place to take a run, sun, perfect weather, and just off the trail a sandy beach and calm blue sea. Paradise. Well, fake paradise. But she would take what she got.

The young man stayed pace pretty well, he had played several sports in highschool and at the academy. Although he typically didn't find as much time as we would have liked, he still found some time in the ship's gymnasium and climbing through Jefferies tubes in the ship all day was the equivalent of parkour.

"Just so you know, there's no end, this will just keep going," Carter chimed in, "This is like running on a treadmill."

"Everything has an end," she laughed, glancing at him, "Like my alloted hour!"

It was amazing though, it might be like a treadmill but the terrain kept changing, it was not in a loop. It was all quite wondrous. She could understand why this was a popular pastime.

By the time the alarm signalled time was over, both of them were quite tired, bent over at the knees and breathing hard. But damn, it felt good.

"You surprised me ......." she said between breaths, " you did well. You got a nice pair of lungs on you too I guess."

"Oh?" Carter responded, "And well, I climb through this ship all day every day... Some days I just imagine I'm climbing a mountain." He smirked as he wiped the lock of matted brown sweaty hair from his forehead.

"Right. Good for you. Now, we better leave before security comes to throw us in the brig for violation of holodeck procedures," she declared, she too was wringing wet from the exertion.

"Oh, they won't do that," Carter retorted.

"So off to my quarters then for that drink? I got an understanding roomie, she won't mind. She may well even give us some privacy. You can shower there," she then watched him as he shut down the simulation.

"Ah... Ok," Carter said, he was surprised at how forward she was. He usually was never out looking for situations like this. He supposed he just ran into this one... "Isn't Brooke your roommate?" he asked, "She said something about volunteering to room with a reporter."

Well, he was willing enough. Good!

"Yes, she is. She's nice. I did not know she volunteered to take me though, poor girl," Lume grinned.

"Just kidding, I'm really not so bad. Don't want to give you the wrong impression."

"Say, you aren't going back like that, in just your swim trunks? You did bring some clothes, right?" she wondered aloud.

"Not that I mind the view but we do make our way thru the corridors."

The young man chuckled, "Err, thank you," he responded and then nodded, "Yes, I did... I guess I'll go to the locker room and get them on... Although I could just shower there... You could too... There are male, female and... Humanoid ones."

"Well, we both qualify there then it seems. You can if you want but I came in just this. So if I shower then put this sweaty stuff on it...doesn't make much sense," she shrugged.

"If you're shy though, I get it. I can go and check with Brooke while you clean up. You know where her quarters are?"

"Well, I should shower now due to the same reason," Carter countered, "And yeah, I know where they are... I will meet you there in a few. I also assume you want to see if she's going to be around." Being 22 he could almost feel his hormones pumping as he stood there, speaking with her.



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