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This Just In... Extra

Posted on Sat Mar 16th, 2024 @ 10:56pm by Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag & Luminous Traite Ms

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Mission: Mission 5: The Price of Paradise
Location: Deck 4B 36
Timeline: M5 MD06 (2268.07.29) 1015

She was already getting used to the layout around the place and found Toby's quarters in just a few quick moments. She buzzed then waited for few scants seconds before making an attempt to walk in. If the door was not set on lock, it would probably just open. This wasn't a bank vault after all.

Toby heard the door open and he walked over. The cherubic man was only wearing black basketball shorts, having shed his uniform, revealing his slight but chiseled frame. "Ah... Ms...Traite... Ah what can I do for you?" He asked, his hazel doe eyes even wider than usual.

Luminous couldn't help herself as her eyes went straight to his lean torso.

"Umm, yes, right on first guess too," she quickly recovered and made eye contact.

"Well, best of both worlds. Brains and a nice body. I can't believe Brooke hasn't been all over you.," she started with a big grin.

"Um, well..." Toby started but was cut off.

"But I'm not here for sex..despite the temptation. Brooke said you are in charge of reservations for the holodeck and I am really wanting to try it out. Just tell what I need to do to have that happen, hot stuff," it was even more fun flirting with someone who looked flustered than the calm cool type though she could do it with both.

"Ah, yeah... I can do that," Toby responded, "Ah, come on in." He walked back inside and over to the desk and flipped the computer terminal, "What day and time were you looking for? And I warn you it is experimental and well, things can go wrong." He peaked over the screen and saw her wandering eye.

She caught his glance and smiled.

"Oh, I get it about experimental. When one experiments in anything one never quite knows what is going to happen. What might go wrong? Or it might turn out to be very very right," Lume's words could be referring to the holodeck or something quite different.

"Just pick an open day and time, sooner the better. And if at all possible I will take it. I set my own schedule in my job. I do what I want to do," again that last sentence had more than one interpretation.

"Ah, alright... Tomorrow afternoon is pretty open especially since almost everyone is enjoying the facilities on the Starbase. Except for a few of us anyway," Toby responded as he looked up, "1400 until 2000 are open. Hour time slots."

"I'll take it! So you are working tomorrow then? Doing what might I ask?"

"You get an hour, so pick one," Toby responded and then his doe eyes widened ever so slightly, "I will be on duty most of the day and..." His eyes narrowed, "And then what I do off duty is my business," he added.

"OK, I will pick..............oooh, drumroll..........1500. And yes I know what military time is," she beamed.

Guess her questions finally went a bit too far. Well, she had pushed the border there with her flirting.

"Sorry. Should not have asked that question, I will quit asking questions now. I fully admit I can be a little forward, won't happen again," she made a quick verbal retreat.

"Ok, I have you marked down for 1500," Toby responded, before turning the terminal off. "You can ask questions, just I may not give you the answer you want," he responded with a slight chuckle, "Frankly I don't have any plans solidified, but if you are looking for a date... Well that is unlikely."

"No, I was just flirting with you. You're a handsome young man and I love to flirt. On occasion it actually works but that's not why I do it. I just think it's fun to do," she easily admitted.

"No I'm not asking you out on a date. You probably have someone already would be my assessment. Which is fine. Good for you. And now........I should go and let you get back to whatever you were doing. Thank you again," she started backing toward the exit.

The young man chuckled, "And you would be correct, enjoy your afternoon Ms. Traite," Toby responded with a smile.


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