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Cannons Below Deck

Posted on Thu Feb 22nd, 2024 @ 12:23pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D. & Ensign Erahlik Ezazzan

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Mission: Mission 4: Through a Glass, Darkly
Location: Deck 7: Sickbay; Deck 15
Timeline: M4 MD06 (2268.07.15) 1340

--Sickbay (Deck 7)--

For as bad as the ship was bucking and bouncing injuries were proving to be light. 30 minutes into the fight and only two were seriously hurt and another six were mild. "Tony ... Swiss ... take care of those two burns. Walters, hold him down while I reset this shoulder. Jenson bite down on this." Marc said putting a rolled bandage into the man's mouth. "This is going to hurt some." Marc laid Jenson across a bio bed and sat himself down on the deck. "Give me one minute of peace for heaven's sake." Marc said under his breath. "Walters, hold on." Marc said as he shoved Jenson's shoulder back into place. There was a grunt, pop, and a groan. "Walters take Jenson into the other wing have him lie down. Ask Dr. McEntyre to give Jenson a mild painkiller and some muscle relaxers. An put that arm in a sling."

-- Below Decks (Deck 15) --

Earhlik managed to lunge over the pile of dead bodies and rubble in the corridor. A piece of the support structure had fallen and crushed three enlisted personnel, whom appeared to have been trying to escape the area the Gorn was now approaching. There was screaming up ahead - infernal, horrific screaming of the dying. When Earhlik rounded the corner with Crewmen Philips and Johnson in tow, his stalwart companions through this hell. They slowed their pace as, in unison, they all saw a horrific sight.

Deck 15 was mainly reserved for environmental systems and the components necessary to sustain the systems. It was also a common thoroughfare for crew to get between Decks 14 and 16. The three dead crew in the corridor had been sight enough for the three to pause - briefly - and observe the carnage, but what they saw ahead brought them all pause. There as a human science officer to the right of the corridor leading around Deck 15. A piece of the support beam had sliced down and, by the looks from their end, crushed and trapped him.

As the three approached they realized the situation was far more horrific. Whilst the torso and legs were practically untouched, as they moved further up - with due haste by this point for duty - they felt the plasma flames before they could see them. It was absolutely intolerable by the time they managed around the beam, seeing the nightmarish sight of the flames spewing downward exactly on the severed upper half of the unknown officer. He - or perhaps she, they couldn't tell - was being burned alive by impossibly hot plasma flames as they reached out through them, screaming, flesh and clothing half melted to the floor. By the condition of the situation, the event had just transpired.

"There!" Philips pointed and Earhlik looked.

There was an open panel against the same wall. The beam must of struck there first, then brutally been thrown back and crushed - sliced in half - the science officer. It had broken a plasma line that flowed through the deck from Engineering. There was also a valve there and, they realized, the ability to end this persons suffering. Earhlik was first to reach, moving forward as the flames licked his uniform and practically set them alight. He wasn't even close to them, only a few feet away, but the intensity of them created an impenetrable field of fire for most living things. But he was Gorn and his scaled protected him and, in some primal part of his brain, his body relished the heat. Despite his shoulder catching fire, he persisted unabated as he used both claws to grip the valve and turn the proper sequence. In seconds, the plasma flames were quelled as the bypass had been opened.

They looked then, the screaming stopped. Almost as instantly as Earhlik had turned the bypass valve did the horrific screaming stop. For a second the upper half of the science officers body remained in a state of apparent purgatory. Flesh sizzling, features burnt to a crips, and the voice that uttered the screams going silence. A final gasp of breath left whatever remained of a flesh and blood being as the lifeless upper half went limp to the floor in a sickening flop sound. After a half second of staring at the still sizzling corpse, the Gorn saw a communications panel and pushed the button.

=A= Damage Control Team Bravo, Plasm- =A=

Earhlik stopped, having to catch his breath and prevent bile from erupting. He swallowed, eyes still on the corpse.

=A= Damage Control Team Bravo, Deck 15, Engineering we've fixed the plasma flow issue here. You should be good. Good luck =A=

"This way," Earhlik said, flicking the switch to disable the panel, though he had not turned away.

"Which way?" Johnson asked after a moment. All three had been equally scarred by the event, but apparently the Gorn moreso. Johnson still had his wits and while his supervisor had made an order, he hadn't said where to go or even motioned to it.

Realizing this, Earhlik managed to peel his gaze away, then pointed forward further into the corridor. "That way," he corrected. "We fixed the plasma flow issue, now we need to secure environmental. Let's go."

"Aye, sir," Philips and Johnson said in unison.


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