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A Matter of Importance

Posted on Sun Dec 10th, 2023 @ 7:03pm by Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Ensign Erahlik Ezazzan
Edited on on Sun Dec 10th, 2023 @ 7:41pm

1,156 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 5: The Price of Paradise
Location: USS Midway; Deck 1 - Bridge / Various
Timeline: M4 MD05 (2268.07.14) 1400
Tags: 2268, Character Development


Erahlik had just concluded his introductions with the Chief Engineer a few hours prior as he worked on a wayward data relay panel near Deck 17 that apparently had little work on it since the Midway's launch. Using his experience, the Gorn was positioned on the floor prone and against the corridor wall to avoid blocking it with his bulk. His snout was halfway in the open panel as his two claws easily manipulated a coil spanner from his engineering kit to undo and redo wiring connections. It was a slow and tedious process and one that had some noise to it with pops and sizzles of electricity. Overall, the newly established Gorn engineering specialist was enjoying the start of his new life in Starfleet.

Aze was at her station, conducting her usual system checks. Her readings kept fluctuating which caused her some confusion. She checked the maintenance logs to see if anything was being carried out that might explain the odd readings on her systems check. Sure enough, she noticed work was being done on Deck 17, on one of the data relays.

She taps a button on her console to open a channel to a coms panel near to that junction. Down on Deck 17, the panel lit up and whistled, followed by the voice of Aze.

=/\=Lieutenant Vox to Engineer on Deck 17, can I have a chat?=/\=

The corridors communication panel chirped with the request from the bridge. At first, Erahlik was hesitant to get up from his station. There had to be several engineers on this deck, right? Then it dawned on him that he was practically alone in this section. Grunting, the Gorn safely set his equipment down and remembered his placement on the repair - though the coil spanner already had that function. He moved toward the communications panel, pressing the button.

=/\=This is Ensign Ezazzan, Deck 17. I'm presently assigned by Engineering to repair a bad data relay panel here. Is there a problem?=/\=

He flicked the button off. His voice was hoarse, a natural component of the Gorn, but it had a smooth tone to it. Youthfulness.

=/\=Not a problem, persay, just that I am conducting some system checks and wasn't aware of the repairs to a particular data relay panel, name D17-COM-1150. Are you going to be a while with it as I don't mind delaying my systems checks.=/\= Aze replied.

Erahlik blinked, then rushed over to the panel. He read the barcode on the panel and reread it twice. He was working on the very one mentioned. He snorted. Rising, he returned beside the communications panel and pressed the switch.

=/\=That's affirmative, Lieutenant. I'm working on that very panel, however, if you're busy I can switch to another duty and come back later. I have twelve work orders on my list at present so it wouldn't be a problem=/\=

He flicked the switch off, then snorted. It would be a problem. This was supposed to be the hardest of the work orders and to come back around to it was unnerving to him. He wisely believed, however, that the bridge was more important and he wasn't at a point of no return yet. He could put the panel back up and come back later. He just hated the idea of it.

=/\=That's considerate of you Ensign but I will let you finish your work on D17-COM-1150. Looking at the work order, you are not due to get to D17-COM-1180 for a while so I will run the tests on the backup communications systems which should be done before you reach the panel. If you could advise when you are finished with D17-COM-1150, that would be great.=/\= Aze responded.

The Gorn breathed a sigh of relief. It came out as a hiss that to him was rather benign, however to a passing crewman sounded threatening and their stride quickened. He eyed their back menacingly as they rushed away, then rolled his eyes. Humans. He pressed the switch.

=/\=I copy that Lieutenant. I'll resume my repairs and advise when completed. Ensign Ezazzan, out.=/\=

He flicked the switch off, and then proceeded back to the panel. Data relay panel D17-COM-1150 was just like he left it. He felt a sense of ... relief? Comfort? His mother had always suspected he had a bit of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in him with the way he was so organized, but not until this day did Erahlik take his mothers cautionary advice seriously. He would have to work to temper it.

The work itself to the relay wasn't complicated. Wires had been incorrectly situated and while no one on the bridge might notice, the computers data core would. This repair was listed so high up not only because of the delicate nature of it but also because it was immensely important for flight and data recording when the starship sent its routine updates. Ehrahlik had already observed two incorrectly situated data wires that he had corrected, and now was the third.

Careful... Careful... And done! Fifteen minutes later the Gorn rose and reattached the panel. Data Relay D17-COM-1150 was successfully repaired and confirmed to be in working order. Next, as correctly stated by the Lieutenant on the Bridge, was D17-COM-1180. That was located on the other side of Deck 17. He moved to the communications panel and pressed the switch.

=/\=Ensign Ezazzan to the Bridge, calling Lieutenant Vox. Lieutenant, I'm finished with the repair to Relay 1150. I'll be heading to Relay 1180 shortly, but it'll take a few minutes to walk across Deck 17. How is your station up there?=/\=

The Gorn felt pleased with himself. He had added the last inquiry on the fly. Why not ask if it worked? That was good thinking!

=/\=Good work Ensign. I have just finished the tests of the backup systems so Relay 1180 is all yours. Thanks again. I will get on with my system checks of the main systems. Hope to see some improvements now you have done the much-needed repairs. Vox out.=/\=

Now the Gorn felt really pleased with his work! A compliment already from a superior officer? How fantastic! He beamed with joy! Sadly, his expression of joy was not so well received by others. Flashing his teeth to a passing crewman gave mixed signals and that one too began to rush off. Erahlik decided to ignore it and study proper human decorum later and how best to adapt to it.

He gave himself a metaphorical pat on the back. Since the Lieutenant had ended the conversation, he simply gave a once side-ways glance at the communications panel before heading off to his next assignment across Deck 17. Today, his first among many, was really a good day!



Lieutenant Azrel Vox
Chief Communications Officer
USS Midway


Ensign Erahlik Ezazzan
Damage Control Specialist
USS Midway


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