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Learning A Thing Or Two

Posted on Sun Mar 17th, 2024 @ 9:28pm by Ensign Brooke Parker & Lieutenant T'kara

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Mission: Mission 4: Through a Glass, Darkly
Location: Gymnasium
Timeline: M4 MD05 (2268.07.14) 1500

Given the high alert situation aboard the Midway in the parallel universe, off duty time had been fairly limited. Still, the crew found the time for their daily routine and hobbies including maximizing the gymnasium. One such officer was the young astrophysicist, Ensign Brooke Parker.

She was knocking around a rather large punching bag, much larger than her tiny but fit frame. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Lt. T'Kara, the chief navigator deep in an unfamiliar form of martial arts. Brooke stopped punching the bag and watched out of curiosity.

T’kara threw a sharp front kick, stepped into an elbow strike and then “threw” her opponent with a hip throw. She was, of course, simply going through the forms of tatharoc as she’d done many times before. She’d learned Rigellian karate, as it was sometimes known, in her youth and it had served her well.

Her eyes closed, she could almost feel the force of her imaginary opponent. The strain of each movement, the steady rhythm of her own breathing, and the sweat trickling down her forehead were all reminders of her dedication and strength.

But they also allowed her mind to focus on something that wasn’t related to being on the Bridge.

Brooke watched as T'Kara completed the move. It was impressive, much more than the stuff she had been taught. But then again she had been taught straight up dirty fighting and boxing which was what served her father well, being a policeman and all. It certainly wasn't nuanced or nearly as impressive as this was. She was naturally curious of course.

T’kara was about to go through another form when she noticed she’d gathered something of an audience.

“It’s called tatharoc,” she answered the unasked question from the ensign behind the punching bag.

T'kara smiled, a mischievous glimmer in her own eyes. "It's a form of meditation and combat training combined. It helps you focus your mind while keeping your body in motion. The key is to maintain balance and precision in your movements. Interested?”

"Ah, yes," Brooke responded, her pale cheeks slightly blushed. She was a little embarassed at having been caught staring. "I definitely haven't seen anything like it," she added as she walked over, leaving the punching bag swinging behind her. She was about four inches shorter than the Rigelian officer and it showed.

T’kara nodded and assumed “first position”. She looked at the ensign and it dawned on her that she didn’t even know her name. She dropped the position and turned to her partner.

“I’m T’kara; please feel free to address me using my name, not my rank, here. What would you like me to call you? I hope not ‘Ensign’,” she said, the mischievous glimmer becoming a lop-sided grin.

The young woman attempted to mirror T'Kara's position and smiled, "Of course," she responded, "Ensign Brooke Parker, Science Lab #2... Like the old ships of sail, the 350 of us below deck who rarely get to come up for air." She chuckled.

“Brooke, then,” T’kara asked, her eyebrows arched in an inquisitive manner. Without waiting for the other’s response, T’kara went on explaining about First Position and its importance to the rest of tatharoc.

"First Position is the foundation of all other movements in tatharoc. It's about finding your center, grounding yourself," T'kara demonstrated, her feet shoulder-width apart, her back straight, and her knees slightly bent. "It forms the basis of balance and control in tatharoc, and it's your starting point for every other position and movement."

"That makes sense. From what I understand most Earth martial art forms start the same way," Brooke commented as she once again attempted to emulate T'Kara. Brooke was rather flexible, although T'Kara clearly had longer legs than her. "Is there a meditative quality to this or is purely combative?" She asked.

T’kara nodded at Brooke’s stance and her question.

"There is indeed a meditative aspect to tatharoc," T'kara began, her voice soft but firm, "The patterns of movement in this practice aren't solely for combat. They are also designed to clear the mind and improve focus."

She paused, looking directly into Brooke's eyes. "Every movement you make, every breath you take, should be deliberate and controlled. It's about finding a balance, a harmony between your mind and your body. When you move, it's not just your body that's in action. Your mind needs to be fully present as well."

T’kara moved slightly, shifting her weight from one foot to the other, demonstrating the fluidity of motion. "You see, in tatharoc, we believe that the mind and body aren't separate. They're two parts of a whole. And the key to mastering this art form is to understand and embrace this fundamental principle."

She fixed her gaze on Brooke, a warm smile playing on her lips. "It's not easy, and it definitely requires practice. But once you get the hang of it, you'll find it not only improves your physical abilities but also enhances mental clarity and emotional balance."

With these words, T'kara moved back into the first position, her gaze still fixed on Brooke. “Care to keep going?”

"Certainly, if you are willing to keep showing me the ropes," Brooke responded. Although obviously non-human, the martial arts form shared many similarities to eastern forms of meditation and martial arts. Brooke supposed there are some things that were universal constants. Patience was clearly a universal virtue.

T’kara nodded and then moved into the second position, deliberately at about half speed. She wanted to make sure Brooke could follow along.

"Second position is about transition," T'kara explained, smoothly transitioning from the first position. "It's about taking the balance and control you've established in the first position and moving it forward. It's a stepping stone to the next movement and every movement after that."

“During the transition from first to second position, you can work a kick in,” T’kara demonstrated as she spoke, “or you can work in a hand strike,” she finished, using her right hand to knife-hand chop at an imaginary foe.

Brooke mimicked her movements the best he could, it was an interesting fighting style and usually muscles that she wasn't used to using. She looked up at the clock mounted into the wall, "Thank you for the tips and for the introduction lieutenant," she said with a smile, "Unfortunately I have to get ready to go on duty."

With a breadth of grace and fluidity, T'kara gently returned to the first position of her routine, bringing her feet together and lowering her head in a short but meaningful bow. She held the pose for a moment, allowing the peace and tranquility of the moment to wash over her before she relaxed completely. Her body eased into a more casual stance, and she turned to Brooke with a friendly smile on her face.

"Thanks for your interest!" she exclaimed with genuine enthusiasm. "If you ever want to practice more or simply learn some new moves, you'll usually find me here every night. My routine typically lasts about an hour, but I often stay a little longer."

She paused, adding, "I'd enjoy the company," as an offer to Brooke. Her words hung in the air, inviting and warm.

"Thanks lieutenant," Brooke responded, "I accept the offer and enjoy the conversation."

As the conversation lingered, T'kara cast a quick glance at the ship's chronometer mounted high on the wall near the ceiling. It was a constant reminder of the passage of time in their secluded world. She couldn't help but notice that her allotted hour was nearly over. With a soft sigh, she began to gather her belongings, each movement deliberate and unhurried.


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