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Caged Animal

Posted on Thu Nov 23rd, 2023 @ 1:35am by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Michael Amato & Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake
Edited on on Thu Nov 23rd, 2023 @ 8:22pm

1,049 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 4: Through a Glass, Darkly
Location: Deck 4: Section E - Guest Quarters
Timeline: M4 MD04 (2268.07.13) 1800-1900

A lone sentry stood outside a nondescript door on Deck 4 Section E, guest quarters. Inside the two Terran officers sat on the two bunks. After their run in with the Defiant, every bed was needed in the sickbay, necessitating moving them to guest quarters. Both were medically cleared anyway. Tristan figured they could use real food, entertainment and more comfortable beds.

The young ginger haired officer broke the silence, "We can take this ship," Lt. Ivers said in his usual cold, calm voice.

"Aren't you tired of fighting?" The young woman asked.

He shook his head, "That's all I know," he said, "Life is a constant battle with conquest as the ultimate goal." He glared at Ensign Lockwood, "Have you gotten anything out of their Captain?" He asked.

"Not much, he talks a lot about leisure pursuits about things…" she trailed off. Zara didn't want to say things she had only dreamt about. Everyone on this ship seemed to take much for granted. They were so confident, in everything.

"No matter, it's only a matter of time before we can break out," Ivers said, "They are weak and trusting… They moved us to guest quarters with nothing but our word. They will pay for that arrogance."

"They hold honor in high esteem," Zara commented.

Lt. Ivers backhanded his subordinate across the face, "They know nothing of honor, forget about what they tell you and do your job as an officer of the Terran Empire, is that clear?!"

"Yes… sir," the ensign responded.

An hour or so later the door opened and Dr. Amato walked in, tricorder and medkit in hand. "Good afternoon, I'm here to check you out since left sickbay," he said.

The ginger haired Terran put on a smile, "Very kind doctor, please come in and have a seat," he said, clearly up to something.

The doctor smiled back and sat down on one of the beds before opening his tricorder.

"You can start with me," Calvin said before removing the shirt he was wearing, revealing his well built pale frame. He looked over Dr. Amato, "I can tell you like what you see," he said with a smirk before sitting down next to thr doctor.

"You know, when we were in sickbay, I couldn't keep my eyes off you," Calvin revealed.

"I have that effect on people," Mike responded in a matter of fact tone before continuing with his business, "Now this should be quick..." He stopped mid sentence as his green eyes widened

In a rather brazen manner, the Terran officer had reached over and unzipped Dr. Amato's fly and stuck his hand into the Doctor's pants.

"Yes, I think this shall be quick," Calvin responded with a smirk.

Very much distracted, the doctor hasn't noticed Ensign Lockwood sneak behind him, vase in hand. She made her presence known by hitting the doctor on the head. The vase exploded in shower of pieces. Dr. Amato fell to the floor with a thud, out cold.

"Quick, open the medkit, we don't have much time," Lt. Ivers ordered.

Around thirty minutes passed which was about 10 minutes too long for Lt. Simon Osborne. The oblivious, mop-topped security officer opened the door and walked inside. "Just checking in doctor..." he started, when he caught sight of Dr. Amato knocked out on the floor, blood running down from his forehead, surrounded by the remains of the flower vase.

Before he made another sound, Ensign Lockwood injected him in the side of neck with a hypospray from the Doctor's medkit. Nothing too nasty, but more than enough to knock him out.

The turbolift doors opened onto the deck. Captain Faust and Lt. Miyake stepped through them. The Midway was rigged for silent running after its encounter with the Defiant as they prepared for their planned boarding action. The ship was ducking constant Terran patrols and several skirmishes from the Terran Civil War. It was only a matter of time before the Klingons or the Romulans would make their presence known.

"Hopefully we can get some more insight on their procedures and customs from these two," Tristan continued, "Maybe some more on this Empress of theirs... It's funny, in our universe she was just a linguist."

"Gee, I'd hate to find out what the Simon Osborne of their universe is like..." Lieutenant Miyake chuckled nervously.

Tristan looked over at the door and noticed the sentry missing, "I thought I ordered an around the clock guard?" He asked.

"I did! Lieutenant Osborne was supposed to be posted out here until we could get Ensign Novak down here to..."

Her voice trailed off as it suddenly dawned on her that two highly-dangerous individuals had been left in the charge of a blithering idiot.

"I think we're in trouble, Captain," she surmised. "BIG trouble."

"Clearly," Tristan responded before running down the corridior towards the door, Shinobu in tow. The door opened at her approach. The lights inside the guest quarters were closed. He hit the lights and saw Dr. Amato straight ahead, slumped on the floor near one of the beds. To his right, Lt. Osbourne was slumped on the floor, leaned up next to the bulkhead.

"Damn!" Shinobu cursed as the two of them immediately rushed over to tend to Doctor Amato. "Doc, are you okay? Who did this to you?"

The Doctor was out of it, but said the word, "Terrans," before slumping back down.

The Captain hit the comm on the wall, "Bridge this is the Captain speaking, all decks security alert. Be on the look out for our Terran guests. They are to be apprehended on sight, by now they may have downed Starfleet uniforms. Report anyone unrecognized and without identification... And medical team to this location," he ordered into the unit. He hit the comm again once the acknowledgement came through.

"We need to find them, fast," Tristan commented

"I'll get my team right on it, Captain," Shinobu nodded as she started making her way back out the door. =I want a full sweep of every deck in ten-minute intervals! Go from cabin to cabin, if you have to! We are not letting these sons of bitches get away!=


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