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Short Handed

Posted on Wed Jul 5th, 2023 @ 3:50pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant T'kara & Commodore Brian Anderson

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 4: Through a Glass, Darkly
Location: Starbase 10
Timeline: M4 MD01 (2268.07.10) 0915

"Tris are you well?" Anderson asked. "I've been sitting here the past few minutes trying to figure out what is wrong with your looks."

"A few broken ribs and a concussion," Tristan responded briefly, "I am basically recovered at this point, just still getting back into the swing of things. Something else you're noticing?"

"You're looking pale and if I had to guess you've lost a few pounds." Anderson said putting up a hand. "Anyway, getting back to our original subject. I have a command officer who's been pestering me for starship. Do you have an objection to a Vulcan driving your ship? I know some CO's are particular about such things."

Tristan was a tad surprised at the question, "Of course I don't have a problem with that," he responded but then shook it off, "Go on."

"Lt T'Kara ... She's been doing long range shuttle runs here for the past few weeks, and is itching for something bigger." Anderson reached over to the comm button again. =A= Bolton ... find Lt T'Kara and have her join the Captain and I. =A=

A few minutes passed. =A= She's on her way up, sir. Would you like me to pull her file? =A=

=A= Yes. =A= Anderson closed the comm. A minute later Bolton stepped in with a data padd in his hand. Anderson gestured towards Faust. "Here you are sir."

"Thank you," Tristan responded taking the PADD, "I am very familiar with Lt. T'Kara. She served briefly as our Intelligence Officer during our first trip here during the shakedown. I was surprised she decided to stick around the Starbase."

"She's a qualified heavy tonnage shuttle pilot and was due to take her recertification's, and we have the only two 150 ton small craft in the area, and in between things I put her to work." Anderson said taking advantage of the situation.

# Short Handed

T’kara stepped up to the Commodore’s office door and took a quick moment to adjust her uniform. She’d been piloting shuttles all day, and that made for a rumpled look if you weren’t careful. She ran over the list of reasons why she’d be summoned to the Commodore’s office. She hadn’t done anything out of line, her oath of celibacy was still intact, and she hadn’t even so much as scratched a shuttle…so far.

So, what did the Commodore want to talk to her about? Staying on longer at Starbase 10? Was that it? Was he grooming T’kara to be a station officer? Great Bird of the Galaxy, I hope not, she thought!

For someone looking to get their own ship someday, being saddled as a station officer would be the end of that particular dream.

But what if that was the answer, T’kara pondered for a second. Operations officers seemed to make rank pretty quickly around here…

But they didn’t do anything interesting like T’kara had done on the Exeter. They faced their own challenges, sure, but not the same as on a ship of the line. That was what T’kara wanted…

She shook her head, clearing the thoughts, and stepped up to the hatchway. She took a deep breath, exhaled, and then triggered the chime.

She was instantly admitted to the ante office by the Commodore’s aide. The office was furnished with Starfleet’s latest equipment - sleek and modern with an eye towards functionality.

“The Commodore is expecting you. Go right in, Lieutenant,” he said, ushering her towards the inner hatch.

T’kara marched purposely up to the hatchway and, once it opened, strode through. She saw the Commodore, seated at his desk and some other officer seated in front of the desk, his back to T’kara.

“Lieutenant T’kara, reporting as ordered, sir,” T’kara said formally.

The officer with his back towards her spun the chair around, revealing himself as Captain Faust of the Midway. "We meet again lieutenant," he said sporting his characteristic grin and his swashbuckling demeanor.

For a split second, T’kara almost lost her bearing. She caught an almost blurted-out vulgarity on the tip of her tongue and held it in. She, instead, smiled an easy, knowing smile at the reveal of Captain Faust.

“We do indeed, Captain,” she said around the smile.

"The Commodore tells me you're interested in switching back to a starship assignment," Tristan responded cutting to the chase, "I need you back on the Midway. I need a navigator and you're rated. We don't have much time. We leave dock in a few hours."

T’kara listened to the Captain’s brief explanation, the smile never leaving her face.

“Sounds like I’m your girl, Captain,” she said finally.

“I’ll pack my essentials and send for the rest at a later date,” she said and then paused.

“My apologies, Commodore. I’m very appreciative of the assignment you’ve given me here. But in all honesty, sir, I belong out there,” she said, pointing over the Commodore’s shoulder at the porthole that showed a starfield.

"Excellent," the Captain responded, "Pack as much as you can, I'm not sure when we will be back. It may be awhile. We have quite a mission ahead of us." He stood up. "Thanks for the chat Commodore as always," he said, "We're out of time unfortunately. I guess I'll stop in for dinner when we get back."

"Lieutenant, there are no hard feelings. Trust me." Anderson said standing and taking T'Kara's extended
hand. "Don't let let him give you a hard time." He winked an eye. "Captain I'll put in a standing reservation immediately. Take care of yourself." As both Faust and T'kara walked out of the office he thought to himself. 'I belong out there too..."


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