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Bunk Buddies

Posted on Sun Jan 8th, 2023 @ 3:37pm by Lieutenant Thraxina & Lieutenant T'kara
Edited on on Mon Jan 16th, 2023 @ 8:34am

525 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Junior Officers' Shared Quarters, USS Midway
Timeline: M1 MD04 (2268.18.05) 700


The two Junior Grade Lieutenants had been technically sharing quarters since yesterday, but with the different shift rotations, they were yet to be in the small room at the same time. Thraxina had not expected to find the communications officer there when she had swanned in through the swishing door.

The Andaran helmsman's boots skidded to a halt and she melodramatically held her hand to her heart as she yelped in surprise. Then she peered forward to discern her roommate's features in the ambient lighting of their semi-private space.

"Are you T'kara?" she queried "Thank goodness for that: I've been expecting some kind of hideous turtle creature, you're quite nice looking. I like what you've done with your ears!" she complimented her blithely.

T'kara, never one for early morning chit chat, waited for her bunkmate to settle down before she nodded.

"Sorry to startle you...and yes, I'm T'kara," she said, smiling at the newcomer.

"My ears," she asked, self-consciously raising her other hand to touch an ear.

"I didn't do anything to them...they're the same as they've always been," she explained, confusion creeping into her voice.

Thraxina stared blankly at the vulcanoid woman for a second and then grinned. "Oh! Did I say ears? I meant hair!" She laughed and sat on her bunk, starting to undo her regulation Starfleet jackboots, which were a little shorter than the ones she'd had to wear as part of the Ardanan Sentinal uniform.

"You must be Thraxina, right," T'kara asked, turning to finish pulling on her boots.

"Mmm" confirmed the patrician girl from the Beta Quadrant languidly as she undid her complicated coiffeur and let her braded tresses tumble down her pretty face.

"You know, we should grab a drink and properly introduce ourselves one evening...that is, when you're free," T'kara said.

"Mmm, yes, pity we're on different shifts, really. You're Comms aren't you? We've got this big blue fellow for Comms on our shift, Angosian? Andresian? I'm not too good on Alpha Quadrant species... people. Anyway, he's big and blue and got these" she held her hands to her head and mimicked wriggling antennae "Deely-bopper-thingies."

T'kara barely had time to straighten up before she started giggling. Then, without warning, she snorted and full-on laughed at the accurate but silly depiction of her section chief, Lieutenant Shras Th'Zareth.

"Andorian..." T'kara gasped out between laughs. "Lieutenant Th'Zareth is an Andorian. And those 'deely-bopper-thingies', as you called them, are his antennae. They help him to see and some other stuff I think."

"Other stuff, eh!" smiled Thraxina, raising her eyebrows as she undid her dress unifrom.

She looked at the chronometer in their stateroom, turned to the mirror and smoothed out a wrinkle or two and then winked at her reflection. She was textbook presentable.

"Gotta run, kid. Let's get together soon," she said, making the statement sound more like a question.

"Yeahhhhh" the girl coming off her shift half agreed/half yawned "Probably see you in twenty four hour's time!" However, the Records Officer in charge of officer rotation had other ideas, and the two roommates would soon see each other more often than expected.


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