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An Interesting Exercise

Posted on Tue Jun 20th, 2023 @ 11:12am by Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden & Lieutenant Thraxina

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Mission: Mission 3: The Peace Ship
Location: Rec Room

Meredith felt a little absurd in the Klingon uniform she had been asked to wear, but she was also fascinated to see just what Lieutenant Thraxina had in store. She was smiling when she arrived, looking around for the Ardanan.

Thraxina swished open the doors of the ‘holodeck’, as people were starting to call it. She was already inside, making sure everything was ‘Just So’. She had gone full-on with her uniform and make-up: she really could have been taken for a Klingon. When she saw Meredith in her garb outside, she suppressed a delighted grin and instead put her fist to her breast and then flung it out in a nazi-like salute, just having to be careful not to whack poor Meredith in the eye when she did so.

“Greetings, Sub-Commander K’rden, I am Klingon Commander T’Raxinah, welcome aboard the IKS Holurdek. It is my wish that you learn to fly our mighty battleships in order to wipe out the dirty cowardly Federation Scum!!” She declared savagely.

Thraxina liked a bit of play-acting.

Meredith tried not to giggle at the play acting. She was getting to know Thraxina a little better since their first disastrous meeting and the Ardanan woman certainly didn't lack for flair. She returned the Klingon salute. "Yes, sir, Commander, sir! Too long has the weak filth of the Federation stood in the way of the Empire's glory!"

Thraxina suddenly beamed. Good. Cordon was getting into the spirit of the thing.

"Come and meet our mighty crew!" she commanded, leading the way. The other holographic Klingons weren't really programmed for much more than taking their part in flying the ship, there were two guards as they walked in who were particularly monosyllabic and limited in their conversation options.

Thraxina approached one.

"You, guard. Do you like serving on this Ship?" she demanded.

"Yes Commander!" he bellowed back.

"And do you also like wearing pink party dresses?!" she further enquired.

"Yes Commander!" he bellowed back with exactly the same intonation. Thraxina grinned at Meredith "I shouldn't really tease the wallpaper" she said, chuckling.

"He would make a good boyfriend"

Meredith followed Thraxina, meeting the holographic crew. They were fairly basic, it was true. She laughed at Thraxina's comment. "Better than some I've had!"

Thraxina laughed. "Don't get me started on the subject of old boyfriends, or we'll never get round to flying this thing!" She walked over to the Commander's seat and plonked herself into it. "Right, this is me: I missed my chance to sit in the Captain's chair when we had the 'crash': I was senior officer on the bridge but I had to keep my hand on the tiller, so to speak. So this can be my moment of megalomaniac power!" she told Meredith.

"Very Klingon of you, Commander T’Raxinah," Meredith teased slightly.

"You're just here in front of me. Have a seat and if you've done your homework like a good girl, those dials should mean something to you." she said, adopting more of her schoolmarm tone now that they were getting down to brass tacks.

Meredith took her seat. "Oh, you know I'm always a good girl," Meredith said with a bit of sass as she took the controls. She did, indeed, remember exactly which ones did what. "What are your orders, Commander?"

"Lay in a course for Vulcan, let's go kill some Feddies!!" Thraxina grinned gleefully.

"That'll teach them for challenging our conquests!" Meredith said as she lay in the course.

"Mmm. And look out for that garbage scow, the Midway: maybe we'll get to blow it up and rid the Quadrant of those two awful women Meredith and Thraxina!" she tried to snarl, but it came out more as a chuckle. She came out of character for a second.

"I'm enjoying this! Oh, easy on the acceleration though, these birds have less computer assisted control that a Federation ship, you're likely to 'Kangaroo' hop it if you don't take it steady." she advised.

"Oh, I hate those girls! Always up to no good!" Meredith said, even as she did ease up, taking it slower and steadier. "Maybe we can get them this time! For the glory of the Empire!"

"I hope so, I hate those two: too good looking for my liking" Thraxina nodded "Especially that Thraxina... ooh, steady, watch your gyros, they'll likely to jam on these older model D-9s."

A button began to flash red. "Hello! that looks like a potential target in sight, please check it... oops, I mean Check it out Immediately Sub-commander!" she changed to a shouty Klingon voice.

"I don't know. Meredith's pretty hot..." Meredith was saying playfully, even as she glanced to the gyros and steadied the ship a little, but she was cut off by the flashing button. She called up the potential target on sensors.

"Nahhh, she's kidding herself!" laughed Thraxina, realising that this wasn't very realistic Klingon talk. Oh well, it was the flying experience that Corden was here for. The screens flickered into life.

"Oh good, an unarmed Federation transport: probably packed with unarmed civilians and goody-goody humanitarian supplies, or something. Let's blow it up. If you can get it to go up with three shots, I'll award you a Klingon medal, or something!" the excitable Ardanan yelped.

"Well, they're both vain things, aren't they?" Meredith said, poking fun at the vanity contest rather than continuing it. "All those soft Federation types are!"

Even as she was joking around, she worked the controls. An unarmed transport made a juicy target. The first shot took out the deflectors. The second the thrusters. Meredith fingers hovered over the controls, ready to earn that Klingon medal. Then she said something actually in character. "Would you like to loot it, ma'am?"

Thraxina looked over to Meredith with narrowed eyes.

"Well, there is an add on module to to this scenario where you can board the enemy ship if you manage to just disable the engines, but... well, I think the 'maturity rating' is a little higher, if you get my drift. We're meant to be learning to fly here, not have fun interrogating hunky starship Captains with ripped shirts." she reminded the Yeoman, sorta hoping she might argue back.

"Yes, ma'am," Meredith said at first and moved her hands towards the controls again.

"Spoilsport" muttered Thraxina.

Then she paused. "On the other hand, we are both grown women, and, if we had to board manually, that would be practice with fine maneuvering that I could really use."

"That's true!" agreed Thraxina, with no little alacrity "You can also see what it's like to handle a Klingon disruptor." She almost convinced herself that they weren't just doing this for kicks.

"All right Sub-Commander. Intercept federation transport, disable her engines and prepare us to board!" the pleather clad 'Commander' ordered "Oh, and while you're at it, chose your captive from the menu - you can access it via the navigation screen. Obviously, they don't have that on a real D-7."

Meredith curiously called up the menu. "Hmmm, I think I'll capture this Lieutenant Salok. Vulcans are the intellectual puppets of the Federation, as everyone knows!" As she spoke, she fired another light shot at the transport to make sure it's engines were disabled and began to fly in to dock manually. "Federation transport," she said over a comm, "do not attempt to evade or you might still be destroyed! You are no match for the might of our Empire!"

The viewscreen fizzled some static and a handsome looking Vulcan blueshirt appeared on there. "This is Lieutenant Salok, your demand for us to surrender is logical and fascinating, as are you Sub-Commander..."

"Oh, hold on..." called Thraxina "... I've got this on 'Casual Play' mode, it's all a bit too easy, wait a sec..." She did something on her controls and Lt. Salok's demeanour changed a little: "Klingon vessel, you are breaking the provisions of our peace treaty by these actions! I must officially protest. But we are disabled and at your mercy, so I must follow the dictates of logic and surrender to you." the image declared, almost angry for a Vulcan. "I will beam over to your ship to discuss the exact terms of our surrender."

"I wish I could set men on an easier level in real life," Meredith half joked.

"Get your disruptor ready, he might try something on this game setting!" Thraxina warned, jumping out of her seat just as the Blue uniformed figure materialised and swiftly did the Vulcan neck pinch on her and she fell to the deck like a sack of spuds.

Meredith was just standing when the figure materialized. She grabbed her disruptor and aimed it at Solok. "There's no escape from here, Solok."

The Vulcan did something very illogical in the circumstances, he made a dive for Meredith.

Meredith aimed and fired the disruptor. Too bad it didn't have a stun setting. The scenario was less sexy than she'd been hoping for but he didn't leave her much choice. Besides, she needed to deal with him as quickly as possible so she could attend Thraxina. She worried the other woman might have actually been hurt.

Luckily, Thraxina was just a little dazed: but she showed Ardanan pluck by getting up, dusting herself off and rewinding the program - dead Solok disappeared and she returned them to the point just before the Vulcan materialised.

"Right, hold on, let me just dial him down a notch and hop out of the danger zone" she said, pressing some buttons on her console and then dashed over to Meredith as the glimmering form of the Vulcan officer started to transport in.

"Second time lucky! Get your disruptor aimed on him. Pointy eared freak."

"Hold it right there, you pointy-eared freak!" Meredith commanded him, aiming the disruptor.

Solok hesitated, as if he was going to try something, then raised his hands.

"It would be illogical to resist" he uttered, formulaically, as Thraxina grabbed his phaser from his side where it was Velcroed.

"Now, Vulcan... tell us the exact wave signal code to allow us to beam aboard your ship!" Thraxina ordered.

"I am afraid that I cannot give you that information, commander" the Vulcan said stoically. Thraxina pulled out her own disruptor to cover the now more compliant Vulcan.

"Sub-Commander K’rden" she sneered (she was enjoying this!) "Make him talk!"

"If you do not tell us, we will dock manually with your ship and force our way in anyway," Meredith said. "It is illogical to hold out." As she said so, she approached Solok, her hips swaying as she walked. She reached out and shoved him in the chest.

The Vulcan tried his best to remain in control, but this outright sexy contact by the attractive and pushy Klingon officer resulted in an instant and obvious physical reaction from the Federation officer... his eyebrow went up!

"Fascinating" he said, perhaps a little shakily.

"Ha!" laughed Thraxina "You are toying with the emotions he claims to lack, Sub Commander! Toy with them some more and he will crack!"

"I bet he will," Meredith said, trailing her hand down his chest. "Isn't that right, Solok? Has it been seven years already?" She leaned closer. The character could feel the warmth of her breath on his face. "Vulcans aren't appreciated in the Federation, you know? It's just a human empire with a figleaf of inclusivity."

Seven years...? Oh! Meredith had ticked the 'Pon Farr' option had she?? The little minx!

"Yes, and the Sub Commander and I are here to rip the fig leaf off!" added Thraxina.

"You could be honored in the Empire, you know?" Meredith said, letting her hand go lower. "Just tell me the signal code and it'll all be good."

The handsome Vulcan glanced from Meredith to Thraxina, and then from Thraxina to Meredith. He gritted his teeth and muttered to himself "Must keep self control... must not give in to attractive Klingon females... must be logical... resist emotion..."

Thraxxy had to try hard not to laugh, the simulation was so corny. She moved closer to the pointy-eared hunk and stroked his cheek and then his manly (Vulcany?) chest with her disruptor. "Oh, come on my little pixie, tell the Sub-Commander your naughty little code... you know you want to! And we'll be very nice to you afterwards." she cooed, laying it on thick.

"Then we can all be friends," Meredith said, trying to keep a straight face. "You want to be friends don't you?" She curled her fingers and ripped at his uniform. "Federation rags! You know the Federation doesn't really care about you. You'll always be an outsider."

Wow, Thraxina had to admit, Meredith had great nails, and as she's ripped the Vulcan's shirt, she'd slightly scratched his chest: a slight trace of green blood showed.

"But we don't care what colour your blood is!" hissed Thraxina and bent down and traced her tongue over his nipple and actually licked the emerald liquid off his chest.

"We only care about your warrior's heart," Meredith said as she leaned closer. "Just tell us the codes."

"Or you will land anyway?" Solok asked, looking for a logical reason to comply. He was uncomfortable with the overt sexuality on display, though also tempted by it.

"That's right" encouraged Thraxina, really getting into the part now.

He gave a code.

"That's a good Vulcan!" purred Thraxina. "Now for your rewar...."

Suddenly the scene faded, the claxons flared outside and the tannoy sounded "General Quarters, All Crew, General Quarters!"

"Oh bugger! Just when it was getting interesting!!" fumed Thraxina as the two women ran to get changed.


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