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Banged Up

Posted on Thu Apr 27th, 2023 @ 1:23pm by Lieutenant Thraxina & Lieutenant Michael Slatterly

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 3: The Peace Ship
Location: Sickbay, USS Maidway

Just because it wasn't Kitchner or Amato or zh'Nolon didn't make the fact she'd been assigned Slattery any more palatable. It was just equally yeuk!. Still, Harmony had been right, she did need to see a properly qualified Medical Doctor about her unusual pregnancy and the Ship's Computer had assigned her the just a little too young and handsome Slattery.

Ho hum.

She buzzed on his office door and tapped her black knee-books impatiently on the decking, waiting for him to reply. Then she buzzed again. Maybe she hadn't waited long enough, poor guy could be doing anything. She knocked on the door, old school style.

"Hello!" she yelled. Bit rude, but she could always blame her hormones.

"Enter!" Slattery barked. Due to the bridge disaster, he had fallen behind in his paperwork, so he wasn't happy at the moment.

Thraxina entered, a bit miffed at the doctor’s terse tone: she was happy to dish it out herself, but not so happy to take it.

“I do have an appointment, you know!” The command-gold clad Lieutenant grumped in full Karen mode as she walked in. Slattery was still eyes down at his computer screen, clearly hoping to finish something off.

“Hello? Up here?” Thraxina waved at him sarcastically “I’m here about my pregnancy, if you can tear yourself away Doctor... Slattery, is it?” she demanded his attention impatiently.

"People need to learn patience when they visit someone who is very important in regard to the running of this ship." He let that set in with her.

She nearly said Thanks, I'll keep that in mind when I meet one but settled for an impressed sounding "Oh!" She was here for an examination and she supposed she had better get on with it.

"You must be Lieutenant Thraxina. Pregnant. I assume you know who the father is?"

"I'm pretty sure it was a Tellarite bouncer at a bar on Star Base 10. I can't remember his name, but I could probably find out if it's important..." she frowned "... is it important?" she wondered.

"Of course it's important, young lady.”

Young lady? That made her snort derisively. Why, this doctor must only be a few years old than herself, in his late twenties, 30 at most.

“I need to know it if a cross species mating took place."

“Cross species mating?” She repeated, wide eyes. “You make it sound like a zoological experiment, or something. Next thing we know, you’ll be making me do it in a glass cage with Big Gokk, so you can measure what’s happening on your tricorder” she complained huffily. Cross species mating indeed!

Big Gok was an enormously massive old Tellarite crewman in Security: he was as ugly as he was brutal: although he obeyed orders with alacrity, he was pig-ignorant and vicious.

He looked at her. "Didn't you attend the seminar on this at the Academy?"

“What, inter-species sex?” she looked a bit embarrassed “Well no, as a matter of fact, I skipped that one as I was seeing my personal tutor that day. He was this ancient old Vulcan philosopher who was meant to teach me about morals and ethics, what with me being from Ardana. All that old ‘human rights’ nonsense again, just because we have a slave species. Well, you know how Vulcan men are about Ardanan women, the Randy old git was all over me. Unfortunately, just when he was getting to the point of no return, the poor old boy had a heart attack and died, right there on top of me. Of course, it was all hushed up. His great grandchildren got a massive payout from the Fleet to keep it quiet, but they were still unhappy that his corpse was returned to Vulcan with big smile on his face. So much for ‘no emotions’!”

She glanced at Doctor Slattery, who looked somewhat annoyed at her rambling tale.

“Oh, sorry! Do you want me to anything?” She asked. “Like: do you need me to lie down, so can wave you little silver gizmo over me or something?”

She didn’t realise that this would need to be a more thorough examination than the one that Chief Stardancer had given her

He was annoyed with her. "Who is the father of your baby? Can you answer that question without being a pain in the ass?" Slattery asked.

"How dare you?!" exploded Thraxina. "I am not a pain in the arse! But you're an arrogant prick!" she claimed, standing up. She was about to walk out, and normally she would have done: but something within her, some extraordinarily strong tug of mother-love for her unborn babies made her take a deep breath and sit down again. She knew that the computer had chosen Slattery as he was the best equipped, medically, to deal with her extraordinary condition: an Ardanan woman carrying Tellarite piglets.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called you that. I will try and answer you question." she took a deep breath. "I don't know his name." she had to admit.

"It was a one night stand and he had one of those long Tellarite names with lots of glottal stops and I was a bit drunk and... and then the next time I slept with him it sort of... well... it just didn't come up." she shrugged "Sorry."

Slattery looked at his computer screen. "There hasn't been a reported mating between a Tellerite and a Ardanan."

"Oh, well I'm not surprised; my people are very insular, we dwellers of Stratos City rather look down upon the other galactic races. Why? Is... is that a problem? Being the first one?" she asked, a note of worry in her usually supremely confident tone.

He looked up at her. "We're going to have to do a series of DNA tests to check the health of your baby and you."

"It's babies, actually" she informed the arrogant but expert young doctor "Harmony... Miss Stardancer, counted 5. But yes, er, test away!" she gave an awkward smile.

He leaned back in his chair. "Is now a convenient time?"

"Yes, sooner the the better, I suppose." she nodded, nervous for the safety of her little passengers.

Slattery stood up. "Then let's get started." He exited the office and looked at one of the nurses. "Please take the lieutenant to a room and help her into her gown." With that, he headed into main sickbay. Nurse Johnson stood out. "This way lieutenant."

Thraxina dutifully followed the blue uniformed nurse across the main sickbay area and into one of the small examination rooms where, under the watchful eye of the unsmiling Johnson, she undressed and piled her boots, uniform and underwear neatly on a corner table, while the nurse, a sly looking strawberry blonde, brought her one of the short silky light blue examination gowns, with the tie shoulders and told her to put it on.

Thraxina donned the garment which seemed designed to make one feel just about decently covered yet somehow vulnerable and exposed all at the same time. Nurse Johnson bade her lie on the examination bio-bed and took away the Lieutenant’s clothes to store somewhere more safely in a locker.

Thraxina waited impatiently on the bed for either Slattery or Johnson to return: he seemed to be taking an absolute age! Had she known that the good doctor had needed to go to Engineering before he could commence his testing, she would have been as intrigued as she was now impatient.

Eventually she heard footsteps approaching the room.

“About bloody time” she murmured, instinctively pulling the hem of the scant medical gown down modestly.

Slattery positioned himself on a stool, between her legs. He was now wearing a surgical gown. On his head, he had a flashlight held by a strap. "I'm going to have to take several swabs, for DNA. You might experience some discomfort."

When he said that, she braced herself for pain, but it didn't hurt in the slightest. It was just a little embarrassing, lying there like that. While Doctor Slattery wasn't exactly exploring 'where no man had gone before' she felt exposed in a very stark and clinical way. She tried to breathe easily and just let it happen, only letting out the occasional grunt of discomfort.

He started taking samples, and handing them off to a nurse, who placed them in a sealed test tube. Ten minutes later, he was finished.

"Is that it?" asked Lieutenant Thraxina, hopefully, but keeping in position, just in case there were any further parts of the examination to be endured. The door swished open to the main sickbay outside and young Nurse Johnson walked back in carrying a medical tricorder adjusted to the appropriate settings and handed it to Doctor Slattery.

Slattery took the tricorder and started scanning the Lieutenant. "That's it, for now. I'll have the computer run the tests and we'll go over the results together. Understand something, mating between humanoid species is, in most cases, safe if a pregnancy happens. But between humanoids and non-humanoids is another matter. While I'm not saying that it can't happen, it can, but in many cases the life of the mother and the fetus' can be in jeopardy. Nurse Johnson will help you get dressed and she'll setup your next appointment." Slattery stood up and left the examining room.


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