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New Crew and Vulcan Stew!

Posted on Thu Feb 16th, 2023 @ 11:15pm by Petty Officer, 2nd Class Harmony Stardancer & Lieutenant Laviana zh'Nolon MD

1,442 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Rendezvous At Starbase 10
Location: Starbase 10, Bistro Bar & Grille

Spending time on her own was neither new nor unwanted to Harmony, and since her arrival on the station, she'd done a great deal of exploring, tried some 'exotic' foods, bought a few trinkets, and even found a juggling class! But it was time to seek out another meal, and her juggling teacher had directed her to a place that had 'traditional Vulcan fare' on its menu, and she'd always wanted to try redspice stew.

As she entered the neatly appointed establishment, tiny bells at the hem of her long broom-skirt tinkled merrily. She'd chosen the 'Bohemian' look because it was comfortable...a wide skirt and brocaded vest, both in colorful earth tones, but mis-matched patters, and a white 'poet' shirt with ruffles at the cuffs. Of course, she'd be happy for anything that wasn't a uniform when she was off duty!

She'd only gone in a few steps when she noticed the Andorian woman sitting at a table, and wondered if that might be the new doctor that was coming aboard. It was a pretty big assumption, but then, she hadn't seen a lot of Andorians since arriving, and it wouldn't hurt to ask.

"Excuse me," she started with a smile, "but you wouldn't happen to be assigned to the Midway?"

The Andorian turned around in her seat and smiled at the young, dark-haired woman. Her antennae, supple yet ridged, twitched, then swivelled towards the medic's direction, pointing straight at her. "I in fact am. I take it you've heard of me," She said with a chuckle." What's your name? I'm lieutenant Laviana zh'Nolon."

"Harmony Stardancer, PO2," always the rank in the way! But this was off-duty and casual, right? Depended on the lieutenant. "I'm a field medic on the Midway, so we'll be in the same department. Mind if I join you?"

"Of course you may, dear, and please, while we're here? No ma'am, just Laviana, alright?" The Andorian smiled and scooted over to let the other sit next to her. "Field medic, hm? Interesting! I know not many cadets, enlisted or otherwise, usually want to train as one. What brought it on for you?"

While Harmony would have preferred to sit across from the woman -- it would have made conversation much easier -- she slid into the open seat, the shrugged. "More exciting than doctoring, I guess," she offered, "not as confining."

Well, that was only part if it! "I kinda wrecked a shuttle, so that took pilot off the table." She glanced at the menu, then asked, "Is there anything here you'd recommend? I'm thinking about redspice stew and plomeek tea? I want to try new things...that are already dead." She grinned.

"So you like freedom and open space rather than sitting in sickbay all day. I understand that. Sometimes being a doctor means waiting all day for people to come in, and they just... don't." Laviana said with a grin. "Nothing much like practising in the field, is there? Treating wounds and so on under fire?"

"As to what I'd recommend? I dunno, you tell me! I'm new, actually." She replied, browsing the menu with a hum. "Ooh, that's interesting. They have Andorian food. Would you like to try krill-beast steak?"

"Um...sure," Harmony shrugged, "I'm wanting to try new things, so...I mean, so long as it isn't like an Andorian version of a kitty cat, I'm game! And yes, I prefer being out. I really want to be a pilot, own my own freighter, like Dad did, but that's a ways down the road. So, have you been a doctor long?"

"It's a huge animal that's even bigger and meaner than a human brown bear. We Andorians hunt it and eat it for its fat. Also, it tastes delicious." Laviana smiled and ordered two krill-beast steaks for them both. "As for me? No, not really. Just graduated the Academy not too long ago. It's been pretty good so far! You? How long have you been in service?"

"Four years now...well, you know, the first couple at the Academy, learning to behave, or at least not get caught! Then there was the paramedic training." Harmony shrugged. "So, yeah, been certified for a couple of years, although I've only been on Midway a few weeks."

A lot had happened in that short time, but she'd made several friends, and had come to love the assignment.

"Really? Could you tell me more about what's happened aboard?" Laviana asked. "Just to give me some more backstory as to what I should probably expect before starting work proper."

"Well, we were attacked by Orion pirates looking for slaves," Harmony commented, as if it was an every-day thing, "and they managed to grab a few of us, but we're all back, maybe a little worse for the wear." Then she grinned. "So, that's one thing you probably don't have to worry about! I don't think pirates will be bothering us for a while!"

The expression on Laviana's face melted just a little bit. Orion, pirate and slaves were words that didn't go well together - in that they did, and managed to utterly disgust her with their activities. "...oh." She said softly. "Okay. That's... that's good. At least you're all safe and sound." The Andorian looked slightly uncomfortable as she sipped from her drink. "Anyway. Um. Have there been any less unpleasant happenings of note?"

"Just the usual." Harmony grinned at the switch to more pleasant topics. "Captain likes to play poker, and he's not particular who he plays with, not that it would matter to you, being an officer." Commanders didn't often 'rub elbows' with the lower ranks, but Faust was good about that. "This shore leave...he arranged this for us, to give us a bit of a break."

"That's good! It usually happens after a particularly stressful mission, as I recall, so I'm glad that he's looking out for you all. That he's looking out for his crew." She remarked. "Hmm. So. How about something fun... Do you know of any juicy gossip on board?" Doctors and medics heard the darndest things in their line of work, be it from the lips of inebriated patients, whispers passed between colleagues or even told to them in confidence, after all...

"Nah, not really." Harmony shrugged. She didn't really pay attention to such things, unless it was fairly common knowledge, and anything she heard from patients...

"Confidentiality, and all that, you know." Something she wasn't going to betray. "Sorry. But now, when we were rescued, there were Tellurites, and they had the pirates convinced they wanted to eat us! Yuck!" She grinned. "Only they wanted to make me a pet and dish washer!"

"Pet? Eugh. I'd sooner kick them somewhere soft, and I swore not to harm people." Laviana scoffed. "Good thing you all got away alright. I imagine there must be quite some backlog of cases that we need to follow up on from that incident?"

"Oh, well, the Tellurites did help us escape the Orions," Harmony pointed out, "so there's something to be said for that. As for any backlog, I don't know." She grinned. "That's one of the perks of being a peon...less paperwork!"

Laughing, she sipped her drink. "There was a debriefing for us, but that's Dr. Meaddow's problem, not yours, so I don't think you'll be swamped with reports right off. Now, with shore leave, there's probably going to be plenty of patching up to do!"

"I'm sure." Laviana shook her head. "Though I'm sure there'll still be a lot to do. From what I've heard people are going to need a lot of mental support too. I'm more than willing to provide that, in the way of simply providing a listening ear and help where I can. I am no counsellor."

"Sometimes that's better." Harmony shrugged. "In my experience, I've gotten better help from people who aren't counselors. I guess sometimes too much studying can be a detriment, tends to try to pigeonhole people." She really did have a bit of a chip on her shoulder where counselors were involved, but fortunately, she was in a position in life where she wasn't going to be forced to see them anymore.

"I guess, though, they do help you figure some things out as you try to decide what to say so you don't sound as crazy as you are!" She laughed. "Anyway, now you know my secret! I'm looking forward to working with you, though. It's a great department."

"As am I. See you around!" Laviana smiled and waved as she walked through the doors of the lounge.


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