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Much Needed R&R

Posted on Fri Feb 10th, 2023 @ 3:26pm by Petty Officer, 2nd Class Harmony Stardancer & Ensign Avis Larant
Edited on on Tue Feb 14th, 2023 @ 10:24am

1,381 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Crew's Quarters
Timeline: M1 MD15 (2268.6.02) 2000

"Don't worry, we won't be gone forever." Sighing, Harmony sat beside the duffel she was packing and stroked the plush cat that was laying on her pillow. "And I promise not to have too much fun without you. Avis will keep me in line, isn't that right, Avis?"

"Ummm, sure....tell Buster whatever you want," Avis chuckled.

They were going to be getting some R&R on Starbase 10, and Harmony was looking forward to it, although she and Avis didn't have any specific plans together, not that she'd mind hanging out. There were a couple of things she wanted to do, but mostly, she was just going to wing it.

Avis however did have specific plans, it had come up at the last minute but now she needed to let Harmony know the details. Hopefully her roomie wouldn't be upset.

Avis had her non-regulation duffel bag all stuffed and ready for arrival at SB10 and now was changing into a civvie outfit for their R & R. She had on a leopard print miniskirt, emphasis on min. Plus she now had a platinum blonde wig on because the hologram ocean had played havoc with her red hair dye and she hadn't had time to re-color. Fortunately she had the wig in reserve.

"Hey, roomie. I only found out an hour or so ago but you know I've been dating Pete Novak....from security, right? Well, he has offered to pay for a stay at the SB10 5 star Hilton hotel and invited me. I said yes."

"I hope you don't mind. I love you as a roomie but...........well, he's gonna bang me til the bed breaks and you know...something you and I are not gonna do," Avis grinned as she broke the news.

"Look at you!" Harmony grinned widely, walking around Avis to get a good look at her new appearance, then laughed.

"You like the outfit? It screams LOOK AT ME....but I've never been the shy type," Avis spun around in front of the mirror.

"So, you're really serious about this Pete? He's going to be stunned, you know!"

"He better be or I'm gonna be really ticked off," Avis remarked.

Laughing again, Harmony gave her roommate a hug. "You'll have a great time, but remember to come up for air now and then!"

"Aww, thanks. I think we will. And if it doesn't work out, then it doesn't. Not like I'm gonna marry the guy. This is just a fling," the blonde assured her.

"So you got anything specific planned on the base? Maybe tomorrow if I'm not too sore and worn out, we could meet and do something? Not sure what?"

"Ewwww!" Harmony laughed. "I don't know, there's some shopping, all the food, maybe I can find some classes for something -- painting, rock climbing, origami...anything that doesn't involve hurt people spewing body fluids!"

"Ummm, yeah, that would not appeal to me either....unless it was that Orion Arianna. I could enjoy her last moments," Avis remarked. It certainly did not sound like she was joking either.

Harmony shoved a shirt into her pack, then added, "Of course we can do something. Just page me when you're ready and we can figure it out. You can even bring Pete, if he isn't in tears by then!"

"Who knows, I might have worn him out by then. Let me know if you find any places that gives cooking lessons. I'm often interested in exotic foods," Avis mused.

"As long as it's cooked," Harmony laughed, "and not squirming on the plate...kinda rules out Klingon, but I'll look around, that's a great idea." Sighing, Harmony added, "I wish there was a way to go horseback riding, but I doubt they had anything as big as horses on the station!"

Maybe if they ever got to a planet...

"Oh I love horses too. Used to have my own, my father bought it for me. I always wonder what happened to it," sighed Avis.

"And no I will never eat Klingon. Total yuck," she was back to smiling.

"To each his own, I guess, and my folks always encouraged me to try different things, but I do have a line I won't cross." That tended to change as new things were introduced, and while she tried to be open, there were just some things that were a 'no' from the start!

"Agreed, roomie," Avis nodded.

"Maybe I'll try to eat my way around the Sector...find new things to try, food and otherwise. Oh! Maybe I can find a real kitten!" Harmony said.

Avis looked startled, "Wait! What? You wanna eat a kitten?" Some cultures did eat dogs and such but....

"Of course, who wouldn't?" Grinning, Harmony patted 'Buster' on the head. "A cute widdle fwiend for wonwy Buster!" Well, she really would like a real kitten, but she didn't think Starfleet would approve, even if Avis agreed.

"You're kidding...yeah you're putting me on," Avis suddenly realized the talk of sampling various cuisine got jumbled up with the woman's love of cats but not for the menu.

"If we could have pets, to be honest I'd have me a dog. Or a horse. Can you imagine what a crowded zoo we'd have in our quarters alone!" she laughed.

"I dunno, some little dog, like an ankle-biter, and aren't there miniature horses, too?" Harmony laughed. "I think we could make it work!" Well, critters could be good for mental health and stress relief, but she did understand why they weren't common on starships. "I'll be sure to keep an eye open. Maybe a snake..."

"I was thinking one of those big guard dogs who scare the hell out of people," Avis grinned, "No snake. I am not going to share a room with a snake."

"You're weird, roomie," she didn't really mean it. Well, everyone was weird in some ways.

"Thanks!" Harmony shoved the last of her gear into her duffel, then shouldered it before petting Buster on the head. "Takes one to know one! You behave, Buster, we'll be back."

Avis glanced down at the stuffed animal, "Yes, if you shit in my bed, I will space you I swear."

As different as they were, she and Avis were pretty well suited as roommates.

"Can I get you anything there? Real coffee, chocolate, Orion guts on a stick?"

"Oh there is one Orion I truly would like to gut alright, that captain Arianna. Maybe someday though. I can hope. But otherwise, I can't think of anything really. I will contact you tomorrow then so we can do something," Avis remarked as the pair now exited their quarters.

"Sure thing! And don't do anything I wouldn't do...except that Pete guy!" Laughing, Harmony gave Avis a quick wink.

"Well, it's more like what we are going to do for each other. I know he wants it and now so do I," Avis bluntly admitted.

"Would you believe it? I also think he wants the M word for know...marriage. And me just beginning my Star Fleet career. Not going to happen."

"Just make sure he doesn't think it's more than just a fling," Harmony admonished, then added with a grin, "you know how sensitive men can be, you don't need him hanging around like a hopeful puppy!"

"Oh I've made it quite clear. More than once, I assure you. Anyhow, he's a nice guy and we get along well enough. And I will freely admit it, when it's comes to men, I am a very high maintenance girl," Avis smiled.

"Nothing wrong with having standards and expectations." Harmony shrugged with a grin. "Me, I have no expectations, and am more than happy to stay away from complications." Not that she wasn't open to relationships, it was flings that she wasn't interested in. "But I'm glad you found someone who is good to you...and good for you."

"Thank you. Appreciate your support, you're a good roomie," Avis replied.

They were almost to the entrance then of the Star Base. Peter was waiting for Avis.

"Well, see you later then. And have fun too," Avis wished Harmony the best.

"I will! It's good to have a change of pace!" Grinning, Harmony shouldered her pack and headed her own way.


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