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Let's Get Away From It All...

Posted on Sun Jan 29th, 2023 @ 10:25pm by Ensign Peter Novak & Ensign Avis Larant

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Mission: Mission 2: Rendezvous At Starbase 10
Location: Corridors
Timeline: M2 MD01 (2268.6.03) 1400

With the ship finally at Starbase 10, the Captain was allowing most of the crew to enjoy the facilities of the massive Wachtower-class starbase. The ship was at condition Blue and Peter Novak had just finished his final duty shift for a few days. A light rotating security force was remaining behind at all times to make sure there were no attempts at sabotage. Even the lights were dimmed as he walked down the corridor with his dufflebag over his shoulder.

Down the corridor he saw Cadet Avis Laurent standing there. She was breathtakingly beautiful as always and... looked quite different with her hair a blonde color. He supposed the salt water took the color out afterall. Peter thought she looked a lot better this way. He saw her look over and he waved to her.

Avis was not, had never been since childhood, a patient individual. Waiting was not her strong suit. But there was standing there with her personal non-regulation duffle bag. Well they were officially off duty. She was also not in her Security Star Fleet red uniform. Instead she was decked out in a leopard skin miniskirt, looking like an expensive escort girl. But then she was not looking to blend into the background, was she?

Her hair were now platinum blonde, it was a wig actually.As she spotted Peter's approach she played non-chalant but let him come up to her leaning against the deck wall.

"Hey there, big boy, looking for a good time? I'm it!" she grinned.

Peter laughed, "I see you're ready for it," he said, "Sorry I'm a few minutes later. I had to finish that duty shift and then run and get my bag... Apparently housekeeping is doing a thorough cleaning of the ship while we're in dock. Lot of debris, burnt carpet... Carpets stained by a variety of things... Apparently they need to bang the dent out of Dr. Kitchner's wall from where Dr. Meddows hit it. I heard Dr. Amato is who did it... Didn't think he had it in him."

"And is he gonna get charged for it?" Avis only thought it fair but then life wasn't always fair.

"Meddows isn't pressing charges apparently," Peter responded.

"Ahh, lucky for Amato," Avis shrugged, really none of her affair anyhow.

"Oh and so your first thoughts upon seeing my new look were - debris, burnt and stained carpets? And Dr. Amato not practicing the hippocratic oath - do no harm?" she was a bit disappointed. Maybe he didn't like her new look?

"Oh, yeah sorry," Peter responded with a tad embarassed look on his face, "The new look is different... Hair looks better blonde I think, but the skirt is a bit loud." He paused, "Sorry, I don't know how else to describe it," he said, "I guess I'm so used to everyone in maroon... or black." He smirked.

"It's a wig but I'm thinking of going back to blonde, I don't always have my hair red," Avis wanted him to know.

"I remember you telling me it was blonde," Peter commented.

As for her fashion choice, he wasn't a fan.

"Fair enough, I think I look hot in it if I do modestly say so myself. But at least you're honest with me, I appreciate it," she obviously was not mad.

"Well, I guess I should scratch my planned dress for our next date? I was going to wear my rainbow skirt with flashing lights on it," she grinned.

Peter started to laugh, "Now that's an interesting outfit," he responded. The young man was wearing a rather drab outfit of a plaid shirt, blue pants, brown boots and a brown leather jacket something like Captain Faust would wear, maybe he was trying score points in the maturity department? "And I didn't say you looked bad in it," Peter said with a smirk, "Just that it was loud."

"Oh good, I mean just in case it has escaped your notice, I don't mind loud or flashy or in one's face. I'm not shy," she smiled.

Peter smiled at her comment about not being shy.

"Now, where exactly on this base are we going? Please tell me there is not an arboretum on this place?" she was curious even though she had agreed to come with him as soon as he had asked her.

"No, but it does have a Hilton... A 5 star Hilton," Peter responded with a sly smile as they started down the corridor.

"Really? Think it's all booked up? Given all the star ship traffic a place like this must get. Never stayed in one of those," Avis shrugged.

"I got us a suite for a few days," Peter responded with a smile as the turbolift doors opened, "Figured we both could use some time away from the ship and away from duty."

She glanced at him, yeah that was an impressed look on her pert features.

"You did? Well, well, that's nice of you. Out to spoil me huh? You must really want to bang me?" she grinned.

"And ....thank you!" she did want to show her appreciation.

"I do want us to have a nice time," Peter responded with a smile as the turbolift doors closed behind them, "You are definitely worth it."

"A nice time, huh? What was I just saying a minute ago about being honest with each other?" she raised one eyebrow.

"Do you want to bang me or not?" she now asked once more.

"I do... Do you want to sleep with me?" Peter asked, looking into her eyes, "I do want more than that though..." He smiled.

"Well, alright then cuz I really want that too. I've been wantiing that for awhile already. Even before the beach," she nodded.

"So what is more than that then? Curious minds want to know??"

"Even before the beach?" Peter queried, "More than just a good time... You know... Be an item... Go steady to use an archaic phrase."

"I thought we already are? You have been the only person I have been seeing since we met. Next thing you know you will want to be marrying us and I have no interest in that. At all," Avis wanted to quickly establish the boundaries of this relationship without any doubt.

"Alrighty then," Peter responded, "Good to know where we stand." The young man was obviously no where near ready for marriage especially after 2 dates, but it gave him a slightly unsettling feeling, almost as though a door was closed in his face. After losing his family two years ago he felt like he needed to have one again, even if it was in the future.

"Well, I just wanted to be upfront and honest. You know how I value honesty," she suspected he had not taken that latest revelation all that well. But there it was, he could deal with it or not.

The turbolift doors opened to the portion of the ship's neck where the docking arm was attached. "Here we are," Peter said.

"Indeed, so do we first go check in at the hotel or do you want to wander around? I was going to say I could use a drink but they probably serve that sort of thing at the hotel," she would let him take the lead in all this. Unusual for her, yes.

"Maybe we could drop these bags off first and then see if the Hotel bar is worth a damn, if not there are plenty other places," Peter responded as they started walking towards the docking arm.

"Sure works for me," Avis nodded then stuck to his side as they continued forward.


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