In One Piece
Posted on Sun Nov 24th, 2024 @ 11:47pm by Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag & Lieutenant Azrel Vox
0 words; about a 1 minute read
Mission 5: The Price of Paradise
Location: Rec Room 1
Timeline: M5 MD11 (2268.08.2) 1600
The Midway was playing cat and mouse with the Orion Pirates. Despite the tense situation, not everyone was on duty. On Ensign Dienstag was finally starting to feel better. The young man was sitting in the Rec Room 1 playing Tridimensional chess with the computer. He favored his right arm due to the thick bandage over his left side concealed by his black T-shirt.
Aze, who has just come off duty, had arrived at Rec Room 1 with a book in hand, one of short stories by the Trill author, Radir Gomru.
She smiled as she saw Toby at one of the tables playing Tridimensional Chess. She couldn't quite make out who was winning. She sat at the table next to him and waiting for his game to finish as she didn't want to distract him.
"Damnit," Toby cursed uncharacteristically a few moments later. He slammed the concede button in frustration. He sighed and leaned back into the chair. He looked over and saw Aze sitting there and waved.
"Not your match then I take it." Aze asked.
Toby sighed again, "No, but I've been off my game... Distracted I guess," he said and then looked down at his shoulder, "Given this."
Aze put her bookmark in and closed her book, putting it on the table, its title in native Trill text in gold shining in the light.
"Has the good doctor given you a healing time for your injury?" She asked.
"Technically everything is back to normal, at least from an anatomical perspective... But now it's dealing with stiffness, range of motion and then monitoring any lingering effects from the poison," Toby explained, "So... As doctors always say, whenever it feels normal." He sighed, "Sort of kicking myself since I failed situational awareness... Should have looked up."
"Hindsight is a wonderful thing isn't it. Shame we can't use it to our advantage. One of the short stories in the book I am reading, is about a man's obsession with trying to mend burnt bridges without ever considering the possibility that they were meant to burn and if he just saw the bigger picture it would be clear why. " Aze commented.
"I read a book once no one can predict the future and the past can only tell you so much, of course that was on economics but the same philosophy I suppose," Toby responded, "Although the villain in one novel once said a life without regret is one not lived..." He smirked, "From what I understand, a Klingon would comment on the human ability to focus on what might have been." He sighed, "Sorry, here I am rambling," he added.
"I get where you're coming from. The story I read, where the man was obsessed with trying to mend burnt bridges, reminds me of the Klingon proverb, 'Only a fool fights in a burning house'. Sometimes we have to let go of things we can't undo and focus on the future. " Aze replied. "Getting quite philosophical this isn't it." She added.
The young man nodded, "It's funny, I just read the book where Kahless is quoted saying that in... I needed something to do while I was in sickbay, so I read a stack of philosophy books," Toby responded. He looked at her, "Boring I know, but it passed the time," he added with a shrug.
"It may have been boring but you have undoubtedly absorbed something from your reading." Aze commented. "I would offer you my book to read but I'm not sure if you can. It's in native Trill Text. " She added.
"I hate to admit, but your language is one I haven't had much exposure too... And certainly not in written form," Toby responded, "I'm sure I could figure it out given time."
"I'm sure you could. Maybe I could help with that and find you something interesting to read at the same time." Aze commented.
The young man nodded, "Yeah that would be appreciated," he responded. He looked at the chess set with a frustrated look, "Maybe after I get through a few more rounds of this... Now the computer is starting to annoy me."
"Sure. I think you will be able to grasp the basics of it. " Aze replied.
The young man paused for a moment before looking down at the chessboard. He hit concede button. Although intending to come here to be alone, he realized what he really needed was a friendly chat and a new activity to distract himself from the obvious. "There... Done," he said with a smile, now looking up at Aze with his big brown eyes, "Now, how do I say hello without getting slapped." He chuckled.
"Better luck next time I suppose." Aze replied. She chuckled at his question. Then, with a smile she replied. "Foraeh"