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Astrology, the Lost Science...

Posted on Sun Jul 7th, 2024 @ 10:52pm by Lieutenant Michael Amato & Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 5: The Price of Paradise
Location: Deck 7: Security Section
Timeline: M5 MD07 (2268.07.30) 1300

A strange sight could be seen in a corridor on deck 7 as Dr. Amato walked briskly, carrying a tray of coffee in one hand and a wedge clipboard under his arm. It sort of turned into a weekly ritual as the latest version of the Starlog magazine was distributed via subspace radio.

Mike approached the doors of the security section and stepped inside and nodded to now Ensign Simon Osbourne sitting behind the duty officer's station. "Is the chief in?" the young doctor asked, his green eyes looking over the startled officer sporting a dark brown mop top.

"Ah, yes doctor, she should be in her office, although if I may say she's in a bit of a mood sir..." The skiddish officer responded.

The doctor chuckled slightly, what else is new? He walked over to the chief's office and hit the buzzer next to the door.

"Come in," came Shinobu's response.

The doctor stepped through the doors with a slight smirk, carrying the tray and clipboard. "It's that time again," he said as the door closed behind him. The dark circles around his piercing green eyes were especially pronounced today, marring his handsome face.

"Oh, goodie, a checkup," Shinobu grumbled, setting her clipboard down. "I don't suppose I could ask you to bother me when I'm off duty or something?"

"Ah, no that's not why I'm here," Mike responded, a little surprised, "Unless you are feeling abnormal today... No, the latest Starlog came in over subspace radio." He held up the clipboard before setting the tray off coffees down onto the desk.

Shinobu perked up at that. "Ah, the latest horoscopes; you know me well, Lieutenant..."

"Yeah, I'm curious as well," Mike responded as he sat down across from her, "I swear most of these are spit out by computers these days... Maybe I can have Toby program something." He chuckled, "Athough he'd think it was all bullshit anyway," he added.

"I dunno; perhaps if you ask him nicely?" Shinobu quipped. "Anyways, what have we got?"

"Heh maybe," Mike responded before he opened up the document on the wedge. "Ah.. let's see... The stars are whispering secrets, Pisces. A wave of intuition washes over you, revealing hidden truths and guiding your path. Trust your instincts and dive deep into your emotions..."

He stopped and skimmed it over, "Lordy... Personal Growth: Transformation is in the air, Pisces. Embrace change and let go of outdated beliefs that no longer serve you. Explore spiritual practices and connect with your inner wisdom. Not super helpful..."

"Oh, because you tend to hold onto things?" Shinobu joked.

"Lately I feel like I haven't been holding onto anything," Mike responded with a sigh, "I just sort of feel... Empty after our last mission."

Shinobu glanced up. "Ah, that's right... you're still getting over your brother's death?"

"Not so much that," Mike responded, "I was prepared for that... Just feels so meaningless. Died thanks to space madness and then some Tholian just chucked his body unceremoniously into an incinerator... I'm not sure I feel any better or worse learning the truth." He leaned back in the chair and rubbed his eyes, "I thought knowing the truth would bring some closure... And it really doesn't."

"Well, I'm hardly one to be offering up grief counseling," Shinobu began, "But if I had to offer you my two cents, don't beat yourself up just because all this has left you feeling empty inside. Your brother's gone, yes, but I don't think he'd want to see you bummed out for his sake; if anything, he'd probably want you to remember the good times- the memories that were made, the laughter that was shared, and the lessons he imparted on you that shaped you into the person you are today."

"It's funny... That's exactly what Tristan... I mean Captain Faust told me," Mike responded with a grin, "It's just I don't know where to go to from here... Maybe that's why I've been reading these things, I don't know..." He sighed, "Well, I suppose I should quit dumping and ask what yours says..." He set the wedge down onto the the desk.

"Well, look at it this way," Shinobu proposed. "What do you think Joseph would've wanted you doing?"

"He wouldn't want me to spend the next twenty years worrying about it," Mike responded, "But I think a month or two is fair..."

"Then that's what you've got to do," Shinobu suggested. "Give yourself a month to grieve, but do it in the company of friends and loved ones, who both understand what you're going through right now and help you to get past it."

Mike looked back down at the page, "Transformation is in the air, Pisces..." He chuckled, "I wonder if I should grow my Mohawk back... Your turn."

"For the love of all things holy, please don't," Shinobu snickered as she leaned in to inspect the wedge. "Now, let's see here... 'The cosmic scales tip in your favor, Libra; A sense of balance and equilibrium permeates your life, allowing you to navigate challenges with grace and diplomacy. Embrace this harmonious energy and let it guide your interactions'."

She sat back in her chair and scratched her chin. "Hmm... I wonder if "drilling my Security team in anticipation of an orion boarding party constitutes "navigating challenges with grace and diplomacy?" I mean, they tend to encourage you in the Academy not to be solving problems with a phaser, but when all else fails..."

"Well... It could be that, or it could be navigating every day challenges with grace and diplomacy," Mike responded, "You weren't in the greatest of moods when I walked in and I noticed a braid missing from Mr. Osbourne's sleeves when I walked in..."

Shinobu folded her arms. "Well, given that Mr. Osbourne's incompetency almost jeopardized our mission, I saw fit to discipline him in a way I figured would get the point across."

"I suppose," Mike responded before pausing for a moment, "Of course the horoscope could mean your working relationship with Commander Hanous. I know you aren't fond of Orions in general..."

"Well, let me put it to you this way, Lieutenant," Shinobu stated rather bluntly. "I'm not in a position to say who gets into this organization and who doesn't; if Mister Hanous has passed all his background checks and Starfleet Command has determined that he can tool around on one of their ships all day without ratting us out to the Orion Syndicate, then all the more to them; however, based on my personal experiences of working with Orions, that's not going to make me any less suspicious of him."

"I see..." Mike responded, "So much for the brotherhood of the service I guess. He could have just left us to die aboard the Defiant, but he didn't. So he has that going for him in my book."

"That may be so, but he's still got a long way to go in my book..." Shinobu muttered.

"It's a starting point anyway," Mike responded, "Anything else in there that surprised you?" He looked down at the clipboard.

"Let's see..." Shinobu turned her attention back to the wedge. "'Partnership takes center stage as you forge deeper connections with loved ones. Open communication and compromise pave the way for lasting bonds. A romantic encounter may spark under the twinkling stars.'"

Shinobu sighed and shook her head. "What a crock-pot of shit; If there truly was a Mr. Right out there, I would've met him years ago..."

Mike shrugged, "It look me a long time to find Mr. Right," he responded, "It's always unexpected, although usually you need to go looking... Can't expect him to fall from the sky, unless you just want to date what's handy."

"And even if he does fall from the sky, there's no guarantee he won't be a two-timing sack of shit who thinks with his penis..." Shinobu grumbled, before looking over at Michael. "Er... No offense, Lieutenant; I in no way meant to implicate the status of your relationship with Ensign Dienstag."

Mike laughed, rather heartily at Shinobu's comment, "None taken" he responded, "If anything I would say that part is the simplist of the relationships I've been in. It's all the other stuff that's a mess."

"Hey, that's more that can be said about me," Shinobu chuckled before shifting her attention back to the wedge. "Let's see... 'Your diplomatic skills shine as you navigate complex negotiations and collaborative projects. Embrace teamwork and foster harmonious relationships with colleagues. A leadership opportunity may present itself.' Oh, now this here is comedy gold; if I'm what they consider a 'diplomat,' then we're royally screwed!"

"There was an old science fiction movie Toby showed me once which talked about aggressive negotiations, so maybe?" Mike offered, "Besides, sometimes a loaded phaser is a good diplomatic tool. Certainly beats hitting someone with a tricorder."

"Until you get an earful from the Admiralty for causing a diplomatic incident," Shinobu was quick to point out. "Then again, if James Kirk and his gung-ho antics are much to go off of..."

"Well as Captain Faust will attest to, the Captain's word is law especially this far out... He represents the Federation's interests in a manner he thinks best... And if he goes too far out of line it's usually easier to ask for forgiveness than permission," Mike responded.

"Hoo, boy... can you imagine what would happen if they gave that sort of power to a Captain with malicious intent?" Shinobu remarked.

"There's one Captain who is borderline insane, thankfully we aren't serving under him," Mike responded, "From what I understand he finally retired. Commander Stryker used to serve under him."

"Can't even begin to imagine what a PR nightmare that must've been for Starfleet Command..." Shinobu grumbled.

"Like I said, we're pretty lucky," Mike responded, "Tristan is at least level headed and is at least fun to be around. Although I am biased. He got me drunk for the first time in my life." He chuckled, "And most of the time he was even more serious than he is now, so it's even more surprising._

"And how'd that go for you?"

"Eh, I was sixteen, they were fairly fresh ensigns home on leave after their first year in space." Mike responded, thinking about how long ago that was, "Joey threw me into his old caddy uniform and they took me to one of the Starfleet bars in San Francisco. No one ever said anything about it. Although I will say, I won't touch gin again even though it's still the Captain's favorite."

Shinobu shook her head. "Honestly, I wouldn't blame you; at that age, it must've been like drinking gasoline against your will."

"Eh between that and the beer chasers, yeah they scraped me up off the floor," Mike responded with a chuckle. Anything else in there worth knowing? Any new enlightening things?"

"Oh, let's see here..." Shinobu once more redirected her attention to the wedge. "...'Self-reflection and introspection lead to profound insights. Embrace your inner wisdom and seek knowledge from unexpected sources. A spiritual awakening may transform your perspective.'"

She looked up at Michael. "You know, while I'd normally make a corny joke, but I think that sums up this little discussion of ours in a nutshell."

"Walking away with a spiritual awakening eh?" Mike responded with a smirk, "I don't think you were the type." He paused and then continued, "Hopefully it gives us both something to think about if nothing else."

"Eh, the only thing that I'm going to be thinking about is why the hell I'm still single..." Shinobu grumbled.

"Well as the old saying goes, there are plenty of fish in the sea," Mike commented. It couldn't be her sunny disposition, could it?

"The trick comes in getting them to bite," Shinobu sighed. "Well, be seeing you, Lieutenant?"

"Of course, same time next week then," the young doctor responded as he stood up. At least this was something interesting and social to do... Now it was back to sickbay...


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