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A Quiet Snack

Posted on Mon Jan 15th, 2024 @ 3:20pm by Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D. & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Ensign Erahlik Ezazzan
Edited on on Fri Jan 19th, 2024 @ 4:12pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 4: Through a Glass, Darkly
Location: Deck 8: Mess
Timeline: M4 MD09 (2268.07.18) 1500
Tags: 2268, Character Development

Joe Tanner the ships Chief Steward was forever playing with the ships food slots trying to make the food more palatable. He always had a willing guinea pig in Dr. Marc Kitchner. "I think I've finally got the borscht where I want. What do you think Doc?" Joe asked setting a bowl in front of the older man.

Marc picked up a spoon and tucked in. "I would be very happy with this Joe." He said after taking a few bites. Marc picked up a small loaf of bread and breaking it in halves. He dunked a piece in the bowl and let it soak. "Sour cream?"

"Coming up Doc, and yes it's the real stuff." Joe said putting a small dish on the counter.

Marc added a small blob of sour cream to the dish and stirred it through. "That's it right there...." He stopped mid sentence and dove ears deep into the bowl.

Erahlik had some time off from his duties so he had arrived at the Deck 8 Mess Hall to grab some grub. Despite popular opinion, he did not in fact prefer uncooked meat - though his stomach could handle it. He entered the Mess Hall and approached the bar at the front, where apparently a member of Medical was eating some soup, and sat down.

"I'd like the house special today," Erahlik said, knowing full well it was probably grub.

"I have your rack of ribs ready to go, Ensign." Joe said stepping into the back for a second. He returned with a tray of raw bones and set it on the counter, and then grabbed a cloth napkin from underneath. "Would you like me to tuck this in your collar?"

"Oh, yes, I appreciate that kindness," the Gorn replied. He stood still as the deed was done, then thanked again the Chief Steward after grabbing his ribs.

Erahlik's reptilian eyes were saucers as he made way to his seat. He then began to dig in, eating, savoring the meat off the delicious ribs. They were fantastic.

Aze entered the messhall. She approached the bar at the front, joining two others already there. She took one of the empty stools and sat at the bar.

"Just the lady I've been waiting for." Joe exclaimed. "Hey Joe." Aze replied with a smile.

"I have made a small batch of Hahslay soup based on your grandma's recipe. " Joe said beaming with pride as he presented her with a bowl and spoon.

"Oh wow. " Aze exclaimed. She tried a small spoonful. "Amazing. It's not quite like her's but it's pretty close and fabulous. Thanks Joe. " Aze commented.

"Anything for my favourite pretty spotted lady. " Joe replied.

Aze blushed "Stop it" she smirked.

Erahlik was halfway done with his ribs when he actually was able to notice his wider surroundings. His natural, predatory instincts had shortened his awareness as he savored his meal. He blinked twice, looked at the new arrivals, then saw the scene being rather lively. He made a mental note to try to be approachable. After his meal, of course. The Gorn resumed digging into his ribs.

Marc finished his borscht wiping the bowl with a chunk of bread. "Joe I'd get that recipe to the Engineers and have them add it to the replicators. It'll make a fine addition to your corn chowder and mushroom bisque."

Joe stood there smiling almost ear to ear. "I did Doc, that bowl you had was replicated. I wanted to see what you thought and I'm happy to see it paid off. Thanks Doc." Marc sat there half in shock.

Erahlik slammed his empty plate down with a satisfied sigh that emitted deep from within his chest. The burp that expelled from his belly was loud, however he had the most satisfied expression once it was done. He rose, returning the plate to the front.

"This ... was ... delicious," Erahlik said, his remarks were made with a half-closed jaw covered in rib sauce, teeth exposed just enough to show the delicate tongue and throat work necessary to form words. "An absolute divine taste that quelled my predatory hunger," the Gorn continued to compliment. "I am much impressed. To what name is this food so I may request it again?"

"Braised short ribs." Joe said collecting the plate. "I'll try to keep them in stock for you Ensign. I'm glad you enjoyed them."

Erahlik was really trying to show appreciation. The limitations of his natural body, however, type mixed with his stomachs desire to digest a healthy meal made him somewhat sluggish. His eyes were half-lidded and he could barely open his jaws. His tail made lazy slides against the floor of the hall.

Aze turned to Erghlik. "I'm guessing you enjoyed that." She commented.

Erahlik turned with a, "hmm?", as he looked at Aze. He recognized her voice.

"Deck 17, data relay D17-COM-1150?" he asked, as if a hidden code to verify his suspicions.

"Yes. You did an excellent job on that. I was able to complete my diagnostics in good time. Thanks again. "

"You're welcome," the Gorn replied, a smirk appearing on his snout. "It's nice to finally put a face to the name."

Erahlik considered briefly approaching the bar and did so after some deliberation. He was a bit sluggish as he hefted his way from his seat and to the bar. He sat beside Azrel, though leaving an empty seat between.

"So, Chief Comms Officer, right? What's it like on the bridge?" the reptilian asked.

"That's right and likewise. The lady with a head for languages. It's quite good on the bridge. You get to experience things first-hand and, if lucky, hear some gossip from the other senior officers." Aze replied.

Intrigued, Erahlik raised an eyeride. It was a soft gesture, not nearly noticeable. "Gossip?" he asked, a softer tone, more curious. "What kind?"

"Oh, nothing I would call spicy. Just who is doing what off duty and with whom. There is always a high level of professionalism on the bridge. I try not to earwig on such things. I have plenty on my plate as it is. " Aze replied.

Nodding, Erahlik turned back to the bar. He released a soft belch despite himself.

"Another drink, please," Erahlik asked kindly.

"Could I get one as well, Joe? A Cortado would be great." She asked.

Joe gave her a smile and a thumbs-up. Joe then proceeded to provide Erahlik with another drink and then set about preparing an authentic Spanish Cortado.

The Gorn gave a nod of thanks and tilted his head back slightly as he gingerly sipped in his own fashion. Afterwards, his tongue lazily snaked out, then back in, as if tasting the air.

"That was an extremely good drink," he remarked, pleasantly.

"So, I will be honest here. I have never met a Gorn before and I did not expect to meet one on a Starfleet vessel from what information I have seen regarding your species. You a probably rarer than my kind, in Starfleet." Aze commented.

Taken aback, Erahlik looks sideways at the Trill. His reptilian eyes examine her features briefly, slitted pupils widening and contracting. His eyes then settle back on hers when he turns his head so both eyes could look upon Azrel.

"I have never seen one of you before, yet I had no expectation of what to meet," he retorted. It was a polite retort, one stemmed from someone who had or was enduring some form of discrimination. His eyes flicked between her and the bar briefly, before he snorts softly.

"My apologies, those who usually state things such as that do not have the best interest of myself in mind," he explained. "No, we would not be common here. Clan Ezazzan separated from the Hegemony decades before the Hegemony attacked the Federation. Clan Ezazzan does not and shall not endorse such atrocities. We are Federation. My being here as my Clans representative is proof of that."

"Absolutely. From what I have experienced of you thus far, I know you are an excellent engineer and someone I feel I could trust. " Aze replied.

Erahlik, haopy at the reply, gave his smile. It was a controlled smile, one not displaying much of his predatory teeth. He had found out enough times what that would do if he did. He gave a simple nod, also, to compliment the "smile".

"I appreciate that," he said.

"I'm glad. I hope I can rely on your skills to ensure our communication systems remain functioning well, as well as everything else. " Aze commented.

"I have to naturally prioritize power and weapons, but you're at the top of the list," he said with a gentle wink. Though it was hard to tell it was a wink, however since both eyes were focused on her it was noticeable. He then turned his head, now only one of his eyes on her and the other on the room and bar.

"I should probably get back to my duties," he offered gently. "This has, however, been a wonderful time. Putting a face to the voice, talking to that face, making a person from that voice. Maybe a new friend."

His eye flicked between her and the bar, a small smile apparent.

"Very good to meet you in person, Ensign. Thanks again for your help. See you around sometime." Aze replied.

"It has, thank you, Lieutenant," Erahlik replied. He thanked the bartender also before rising and leaving. He had some other minor tasks to do before rest.

Aze finished her coffee and left the Messhall.

Marc had been half paying attention to the younger folks as he ate. They all seemed like good people. "The more things change the more they stay the same eh Joe? I'll be around." Joe grinned as the doctor headed back to work.


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