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Just A Good Ol' Girl...

Posted on Thu Mar 14th, 2024 @ 8:42pm by Lieutenant JG Rebecca Bluegarden & Captain Tristan Faust

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 5: The Price of Paradise
Location: Starbase 10
Timeline: M5 MD03 (2268.07.25) 0700

One of the newest arrivals to Starbase 10 was a Junior Lieutenant that had been dropped off by the USS Yorktown, stopping through the system. The young blonde, having said goodbye to her father, the Yorktown's captain, had been looking forward to seeing her new assignment.

That was, until she reached the first window that offered a view of the USS Midway, where she saw a battered ship undergoing repairs.

"Well, I guess new is subjective..." She sighed.

"New enough," came a voice to her left. An imposing and dashing Starfleet captain with a blonde pompadour, tanned skin and striking blue eyes was standing there, enjoying the vista of the Midway undergoing repairs. He was relatively young but clearly seasoned. "Just getting broken in," he commented.

With the sudden voice to her left, the blonde nearly jumped out of her skin as she turned to face the captain who had just joined her by the window.

"Jesus Christ, don't scare me like that!" She said in a distinctly southern drawl. "Make some damn noise next time instead of sneaking up on me."

The Captain ignored the outburst, "When you discuss my shop in public, it becomes my business," he responded in a calm even tone as he continued to star out at the ship. The port nacelle was finally powering back up. He knew Mr. Page and their new Gorn damage control officer, whom he still couldn't pronounce his name had been hard at work fixing its warp coils.

"So, you're Captain Faust, then?" The blonde surmised. "Well, this ain't exactly where I was planning to encounter you, but Lieutenant Junior Grade Rebecca Bluegarden, reporting for duty."

The Captain chuckled and the turned to look at the young woman, "Welcome aboard lieutenant in a manner of speaking," he responded, "I hope you will send my regards to your Dad. I didn't have a chance to stop over before the Yorktown disembarked."

"Yeah, the Yorktown has places to be, so our stopping in the system was something of a touch and go." Rebecca explained. "However, I will let my daddy know you said hello. I suppose Constitution class captains gotta stick together like that."

"It's rather small club," Tristan responded, "Not as though we often get together for parties though." He smirked, "Anyway, welcome to the crew. I hope it will be an easy transition."

"It should be. Transferring within the class is always easier, from what I've heard." Rebecca explained. "Not like I know personally, though; I've been lucky enough to call myself a Connie girl; served on Constitution class ships since the Academy."

"Certainly lucky," Tristan responded, "This is my second. I started my career on an Anton class and spent most of my career on an Ares class. Something to be said about those two old workhorses."

"Third for me." Rebecca said, beckoning for Tristan to follow her to the gangway. "Though, if what I've heard is true, first with a pool in good working condition."

The Captain chuckled, "The pool is a nice amenity, as is in the bowling alley," he added before nodding and following her, "Before I forget, we will be in dock for at least another week if you want to make use of the shore facilities. Most of the senior staff like to get away and stay at the Hilton."

Rebecca stopped walking.

"Hilton?" She asked. "Like the one's my mama and I used to stay at when she went racing? Huh, might have to book myself a few nights for old times' sake..."

"Yes, they do have Hiltons in space," Tristan responded, "Hotels are pretty necessary on a starbase. The Midway herself may have some decent amenities but she's far from a hotel. Sometimes the ship can get a tad claustrophobic."

"Hmmm... Well, if it ain't necessary to get settled in on the ship right away, I might just go see if the hotel's got any vacancy." Rebecca said. "After all, if the option's available to me, there's no sense in being cooped up on a starship longer than necessary."

The Captain chuckled, "Quite true," he responded, "And no, you can come and go as you please, just be on the ship 12 hours before we are scheduled to depart. I really don't want to leave anyone behind."

"You ain't gotta worry a thing, Cap." Rebecca assured him. "Let's just say it ain't in a racer's nature to be late."

"I'll hold you to that," Tristan responded with a chuckle, "Just be sure you know where you are going... Remember you need us navigators as well."

"The only way I won't know where I'm going is if the navigator is off my pace." Rebecca joked with a wink. "That's the tricky part, Cap: Finding a navigator that can keep up with me."

"I suppose we will see lieutenant," the Captain commented. The helmsman had gumption, he would give her that. Only time would tell too see if the skill matched the bravado.

"Well, Cap, I guess this is the point where we part ways." Rebecca said, offering a hand for Faust. "At least until we're ready to depart."

"I'm sure we'll run into each other," Tristan responded, "Enjoy the rest of your liberty." He took the hand and shook it before the two departed, going their separate ways.


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