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Condition Green

Posted on Tue Aug 16th, 2022 @ 7:36pm by Commander Lucy Heartfilia
Edited on on Mon Jan 16th, 2023 @ 8:35am

511 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Deck 1: Bridge
Timeline: M1 MD01 (2268.15.05) 1830

Lucy sat at the Science console of the Midway going through various record tapes which contained personnel records. She let out a sigh, finding available senior staff at this short notice wasn't easy. Her duty as Exec was to oversee not only her department but also the crew rostering.

The young blonde Science Officer was also responsible for the ship with the Captain down on Earth, even if she was still sitting in dock. The chime rang loudly, its high pitched tone echoing around the circular bridge.

Lucy reached over her console and pressed down one of the coloured toggle switches. "Bridge here"

"Ah Commander. Engine Room here. We're just about ready to bring the impulse and warp drives online. Just need the Captain's permission to do so" came the message from the ship's acting Chief Engineer. With the warp reactors online the ship could finally switch from external to its own power.

"Acknowledged Engine Room," Lucy replied. "The Captain is currently off ship, however I can authorize you to bring on the drive systems" she told them simply.

"Yes Commander. We'll start the procedure momentarily"

Lucy closed the channel and opened a ship wide announcement. "All hands, this is the bridge. The Engine Room is bringing on the Warp Engines shortly, we shall be switching from external to internal power. Secure all systems and all decks report in when ready".

Only a couple of minutes later ready reports from the ship's many decks began to arrive at her console.

"Engineering this is the bridge," Lucy said as she called the Engine Room. "All decks report ready, you have a green light to bring on both drive systems"

"Acknowledged bridge"

The ship's orange bussard collectors at the end of the long tubular nacelles began to spin slowly, the orange glow becoming brighter as the ship's engines powered up. The umbilicals detached from the ship's side, much like how most mammalian species receive nutrients through an umbilical cord in the womb which resulted in a navel; the Midway had a similar system. Power, computer data, fuel and life support were provided by the spacedock. Once detached it was like the ship had been 'born' now running on its own power.

"All systems have switched to internal power," the officer manning the bridge engineering console reported. Lucy couldn't help but smile, the Captain should have been here, but he had more important duties to attend to on Earth. However she was confident that the ship was physically ready to depart when he returned.

She moved over to the Captain's chair and sat down. It felt a little large for her smaller frame, but it felt powerful. "Ships Log. Lieutenant Commander Lucy Heartfilia in command. We brought the Warp and Impulse systems one a few minutes ago. All systems have successfully switched to internal power. So far there are no system problems. We are awaiting the Captain's return, I am hopeful he will be pleased his ship is now ready for its mission"

Lt. Commander Lucy Heartfilia - First Officer, Chief Science Officer


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