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Some Advice

Posted on Mon Oct 30th, 2023 @ 12:20pm by Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D.

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 4: Through a Glass, Darkly
Location: Deck 7: Medical Division
Timeline: M4 MD04 (2268.07.13) 1700

The chronometer in the hallway of sickbay struck 1700. Sickbay was filled with patients suffering from minor injuries from the skirmish with the Defiant. In the hallway outside of the offices stood Ensign Dienstag. His tanned skin looked an unhealthy green in the lighting. His youthful frame was leaned up against the bulkhead and was clearly waiting for someone.

Danny Switalski walked past Toby doing her thing. She stopped and turned back. "Are you alright Ensign, your not looking good?" She touched his face checking for a fever and looking into his eyes.

"Ah, I'm alright nurse, really," Toby responded of guard and a tad embarrassed. He had matured quite a bit since their first mission but was still very much the ensign on his first assignment, "Just waiting for someone," he added.

"This isn't exactly the mess hall. Whom are you looking to corner for a bit?" Danny said with a chuckle. Inwardly she was hoping Toby would say her.

"Dr. Kitchner..." Toby responded, "Although I'll probably head to the mess hall afterwards... Is that an invitation?" He gave a smirk. His hazel eyes were a bit dreamy.

"Consider it always open." Swiss smiled with a mild blush. "I'll see it I can snag Dr. K. Sit tight." Danny said headed back into the main area.

Toby gave her a smirk in response.

A minute later Kitchner stepped back around the corner. "Swiss said you were looking for me Toby?" He said stepping over to the food slot and inserted a memory chip, a second later he pulled out a coffee.

"Yes Doctor, I hope you have a moment... or two," Toby responded as he followed Marc. "Could we do this in private, if possible?" He asked.

Marc took a swallow from his cup and pointed towards the office door. Marc sat on the end of the desk. "What's on your mind my young friend?"

Toby sat down uncomfortably in one of the chairs across from Dr. Kirchner's desk, "This isn't easy for me to ask but... Well first you know my direct superior... Lt. Karashka?" He asked.

"Of course..." Marc said. "Is she giving you a hard time?"

"Eh always, but... more than that, I feel like ever since I was assigned to the lab after our first mission my career has taken a nosedive," Toby responded, spilling it, "Now I just sit and do meaningless experiments... up computer efficiency by .5%..." he sighed, "I never get any bridge time anymore or called to do anything interesting."

"I thought you were on the auxiliary sciences bridge roster?" Marc asked scratching his chin with the back of his hand.

"But I never get called or every time I do I get pulled by Car Crash for some urgent assignment which turns out to be something stupid," Toby responded frankly.

Marc tried to hide his grin. "I know what you mean. Being a microscope jockey can be boring at times, I'll admit." Marc said with a shrug. "You are a certified bridge officer, maybe we can get you bumped up on the list. The only thing I can suggest is talk to the Captain or Heartfilia about it. Maybe go part time in both areas, or something like that. If they are agreeable to it you have my blessing on it." Marc crossed his arms. "What do you think?"

"It makes sense to me sir," Toby responded, but still visibly unsure, "Problem though... It's going over Car Crash's head to get to the Commander... I'm technically skating around her even talking to you about this, but I value your opinion." Many of the junior officers particularly in the Medical and Science divisions came to Dr. Kitchener for advice. He was old enough to be their father or grandfather in some cases and had seen everything in his career in Starfleet and in the civilian world.

"Not exactly. As the First Officer, Heartfilia is predominantly responsible for crew personnel, Karashka is just responsible for the science labs. So going to one isn't going over the head of the other. At least not from my perspective." Marc said before finishing the last of his coffee.

"What about coming to you?" Toby asked, "You are the second officer so I suppose by that logic it's fine..." He sighed, "Just too many pleasantries and nuances to learn... Not sure I'll ever get the hang of them all."

"It's all the same thing. In my mind anyway." Marc said. "Besides advice is free medicine, and medicine is within my wheelhouse." He smiled. "I've learned that so long as you stay civil with people the nuances aren't significant."

"Thank you Doctor," Toby responded with a smile, "I will keep that in mind."


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