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The Morning Handoff

Posted on Sat Jan 7th, 2023 @ 7:24pm by Lieutenant Michael Amato & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D.
Edited on on Mon Jan 16th, 2023 @ 8:32am

895 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Deck 7: Medical Division
Timeline: M1 MD08 (2268.23.05) 0700

The chronometer built into the back wall of the nurse's station clicked over to 0700 officially signalling shift change for the medical staff.

Dr. Amato walked down the corridor from what was officially the Doctor On Duty Office to the Chief Medical Officer's office. While there were three shifts of medical staff, there were only two doctors which made the office his. He dodged a few nurses shuffling around checking the wards although they were pretty light since launch. He knocked on the open doorway of Dr. Kitchner's office, "Good Morning sir," he said.

Marc was having his regular breakfast bacon and peanut butter on toast and coffee. "Morning Mike." He took a bite from the sandwich. "How were things over night?"

"A little crazy at the begining of the shift, but calmed down later," Mike responded with a sigh. He stepped into the office and dropped the clipboard onto Marc's desk, "the physicals are complete," he said before sitting down in one of the chairs, his black eye still clearly visible.

"Good. Aside from some high blood pressure and asthma cases, its was mostly vitamin deficiencies. The only one we'll actually have to keep an eye on is that Ensign in Security with the inner ear imbalance." Marc as he looked over the nights activity report. He glanced up. "How's the eye?"

"Not bad, all things considered. I take it Nurse Jenkins filled you in?" Mike asked.

"She did. I hear Mr. Dienstag has a mean right." Marc leaned back in the chair. "I heard he's recovering nicely as well." He tried not to grin.

"That he does," Mike responded with a smirk, "He still has a few bruises but Tony fixed his nose. He needs to meet with the ship's headshrink before he can return to duty due to the concussion, although he isn't looking forward to it."

"I wouldn't be either. Most people in the mental line that I've come across are all nuts if you ask me." Marc said making an old joke. "Plus I was reading Meadows file, he's known for rather questionable techniques."

"I guess I'll have to check in with Toby afterwards," Mike responded as an orderly walked in with a carafe of coffee, "Oh just what the doctors ordered."

"No offense meant to the Captain, but sometimes I wonder if he accepted any officer with the word available next to his name. So far this has been a great crew, but still it came together in less than two weeks," Mike said once the orderly left.

Mike topped off Kitch's cup. "Thanks. That's no small wonder. The launching was pushed forwards by six months, and look at me. I was inactive for 15 years and from what I was able to find out,' He took a swallow from his cup. 'I was the only certified ships surgeon available, with the right seniority, even if it was suspended. That and the Captain is my god son, and his father and I went to med school together, both working in his favor." Marc couldn't help thinking to himself the day after he had dinner with Tristan he got a call from George. The Commodore asked for a personnel favor just for one mission, and a shakedown cruise was supposed to be a 4 month long and quiet assignment..

Dr. Amato nodded, "Yeah I understand completely. The Captain reached out to everyone he knew," he said, "He and my brother went back to the war. I think we're both trying to fill that void for each other... Although it's a pretty fresh wound." Mike's brother Joseph has served with Tristan during the Four Years War and was the Helmsman of the Defiant which was lost with all hands several months previously.

Marc nodded slowly. The civilian news outlets made a major to-do about a ship and crew of nearly 400 vanishing from space as simply as flicking a light switch. It was the only thing on the news for more than a month except for the weather and sports reports. "Tristan spoke about your brother just the other night. He likes his helmsmen well enough alright, but he said he lacks 'Joe's touch', and that mental link they shared." Marc had worked with many people and come to know them so well that a glance, or the way they rolled their eyes spoke volumes. "I had a nurse assistant back on Earth, she swore if I cleared my throat and rolled my knuckles a certain way it was going to be a long day. Stuff that you yourself never saw but makes itself part of who you are, I supposed." Marc drained the last of his coffee. "Don't you have a paper to finish?"

"Paper?" Mike asked, "The only thing on my schedule is to pass out for a bit and then check on with Mr. Dienstag to see how he's doing before coming back and starting all over again. Unless you dumped something on me and forgot to mention it?"

Marc half laughed. "No extra work, you've got enough to tend to. You asked me to proof read it before submitting it to Earth yesterday. Either way it can wait." He got up and put his glasses in his pocket. "I'll catch you later." Marc put a hand on the younger man's shoulder as he stepped out of the room.


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