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Posted on Tue Jun 13th, 2023 @ 9:48pm by Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D.

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 3: The Peace Ship
Location: Sickbay

Meredith had been told to come back a little after her leg had been healed. It was time for her standard physical and her first time seeing Dr. Kitchner. She walked into Sickbay, blue eyes looking around for the doctor.

Daniella Switalski was restocking an emergency instrument tray. "Hi Chief. Doc Kitch will be with you in a minute. He stepped out for a minute." Danny didn't want to openly say that Kitch had misplaced his glasses again. Not that it wasn't the worst kept secret on the ship.

"All right," Meredith said agreeably.

Kitchener stepped back into the room. "Swiss ... Did you... Oh, sorry. Hello Meredith, is everything okay?"

"Yes, doctor," Meredith answered as Dr. Kitchener came back into the room. "I'm just here for my standard physical."

"Oh." Kitch said having to think for a minute until it dawned on him that Corden was one of about two dozen personnel who joined at Starbase 10. "That's right. Swiss can you stand by to take notes for me, and bring that tray over here." Switalski nodded. A few minutes of regular poking and prodding. "Any complaints I should know about?"

Meredith sat down on the biobed and patiently endured the poking and prodding. "Not really, doctor. My leg still aches a little."

Marc's eyebrows rose in concern."Swiss please hand me the ortho scanner?" Marc asked as he knelt down and began messaging Meredith's ankle and shin. "Let me know if this hurts at all."

After a few moments. "Ow! Yes, that hurts!" Meredith said, instinctively pulling back.

"Sorry." Marc said letting her go. He took the scanner and passed it up and down both legs from the knee on down. He turned to the main display at the head of the bio-bed and plugged in the scanner. "Are those new boots?"

"Not that new," Meredith protested, not especially usefully. She watched as he scanned her.

"You young lady, have what my mother would call shin splints." Marc said reaching into a drawer of a nearby cart pulling out a hypo-injector. "I'm going to give you a low dose muscle relaxer. If this doesn't take care of it after a week we can move on to the next step which is custom insoles." He handed her the injector after setting and locking the dosage. "Use this every other day until it runs out. Preferably an hour or so before you turn in for the night. This stuff will make you drowsy." The reading from the scanner confirmed his thoughts well enough

"Thank you, doctor. I will," Meredith said as she took the locked injector.

"Anything else I should know about?" Marc asked. "Headaches, eyesight giving you trouble?...."

"No," she answered. "Should I be worried about my eyesight?" Meredith asked with a touch of concern in her voice.

"Not at your age I hope." Marc said remembering to put his readers in the pocket of his lab coat for once. "Except for the results of your blood work, which should be back tomorrow or the next day. That's all there is for today." He said smiling softly.

"Thank you, doctor," Meredith said before making her way out.


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