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Competitive Streak

Posted on Mon Feb 27th, 2023 @ 4:45pm by Commander Lucy Heartfilia & Lieutenant Azrel Vox
Edited on on Mon Feb 27th, 2023 @ 5:21pm

1,686 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Rendezvous At Starbase 10
Location: The Gym
Timeline: M2 MD08 05:30

Azrel was in the gym early that morning so she could have the place to herself for a while before anyone else arrived. She was on one of the treadmill at a steady walking pace. She was wearing her usual gym outfit, a purple, sleeveless crop top and dark grey jogging bottoms with trainers. Her crop top was a bit old so its support for her bosom wasn't the best but it would do until she got around to replacing it.

The doors of the gyms changing rooms swished open and Lucy entered. She was wearing similar attire to the Lieutenant. A rank top style crop top in light blue and loose shorts. She often worked out in the morning three times a week, opting to get in an hour or so before her duty shift.

"Oh, I wasn't expecting anyone else to be here at this time..." she said as she approached the small bank of treadmills. "Lieutenant Vox right?"

"That is correct, Sir. I like to get a run in early here if I don't fancy trotting around the perimeter of Deck 5. The only advantage to Deck 5 is the view from the windows. " Vox replied.

Lucy smiled. "We're off duty. It's Lucy," she told her softly as she stepped onto the machine and started with a warm up walk. "I do have to admit, I've never seen a Trill before. How are you adapting to life on the ship?"

"Oh OK, In that case, its Azrel or Aze, which ever you feel more comfortable with. Aze is my nickname back from my school days. Life on ship is good so far. The first few days were a little odd. I felt like people were staring at my spots. Probably because, like you said, never seen a Trill before. The stare came mostly from the men, probably wondering where the spots lead to." she said with a short laugh.

Lucy chuckled. "Yes it does seem that men are interested in that kind if thing," Lucy began to get up to a steady jog. "If anyone gives you trouble, come to me. I'll make sure they don't do it again..." she paused for a moment. "It's a similar reason I come here early in the morning. To avoid prying eyes."

Aze brought her pace up to a steady job to match that of Lucy. "I will let you know if it does happen again but it seems to have calmed down since I came aboard. I would like to wear some of my more fashionable clothes when off duty but I just don't feel comfortable in doing so, in case I start an outbreak of MEOS-itus Male Eyes On Stalks. " she said spelling out the acronym.

"You should always feel comfortable," Lucy responded. "Although, I thought I was only humans that wore this sort of clothing to work out in. I have got to ask though, where does the Trill Symbiote go? It's a concept I haven't yet grasped..." she paused for a moment. "Sorry if I offended you, scientific curiosity."

"What I am wearing is not quite what Trill's tend to wear for workout sessions, it's normally more colourful and somewhat more, how shall I put it, skimpy. As for my symbiont, no offence at all." She took her own right hand and laid it where her waistband was, just below her little belly button. "Here" she said.

In comparison Lucy's belly button was larger and more prominent than Aze's. "I see" she said as she increased her jog speed to a light run. "Sorry for the questions," Lucy stated. "Is it a bit like being pregnant with some sort of umbilical chord? Or is it like an Earth marsupial?" She asked. She was genuinely curious at how the relationship worked between a joint-species.

After matching her jogging speed to that of Lucy, "The relationship is a chemical/telepathic link. The primary chemical that regulates it all is Isoboramine. It helps maintain a balance between Host and Symbiont. "
Catching her breath for a few moments, she continued. "I am a mere 26 years old where as Vox is over 90."

It was evident that the symbiotic relationship of a Trill was starting to go over Lucy's head a little. "I'm sorry," she apologised with a nervous smile. "I know it's totally normal, but for me I find it difficult to process having another being taking permanent residence in my belly" she said as she placed a hand just below her belly button. "The only thing going in here might be a baby of my own one day, if I ever decide to have a family," she smiled.

"So by my logic, you have one hundred and sixteen years of experience? If you share a telepathic link. You could be anything, I'm curious as to why you chose Starfleet?" She asked. She increased the speed a little more on her treadmill, now starting to feel her heart pumping harder and a small burn in her lungs.

Aze twigged that Lucy was competing with her. She increased her speed to match, knowing she had also increased the likelihood of her tripping and sliding off the treadmill.

"Well....I chose Starfleet because there isn't many Trill's in Starfleet and I wanted to be in space and see things that many on my homeworld can only dream of. But, and if you promise not to laugh, a person once told me that the man I am destined to be with had no spots. So he couldn't be from my world." She added.

"I suppose that's a good enough of a reason," Lucy replied. "Personally, I'm not one foretold prophecies or fortunes. However, there are still forces in this universe that we don't understand..." she explained. "Sometimes physic abilities don't fit into the laws of science, but if that's what you believe, you may find your 'man with no spots'" she smiled back. She had also noticed that Aze had been increasing her run speed to match hers.

'Looks like I might have a bit of competition here... Lets see...' Lucy thought. With a slightly mischievous smile she turned up the speed by two settings to test her hypothesis.

Aze really didn't want to loose but she knew she was seriously risking it if she increased her speed. But her competitive nature got the better of her and she increased the speed. However, the moment after she increased the speed she missed gee footing and landed facedown on the treadmill and was thrown down the conveyor belt and into a heap on the floor.

Lucy swore as she hit the stop button on the treadmill. She jumped off and rushed over to Aze. "Are you alright?" She asked crouching down to her level.

"I think so. Bit of a rough and undignified landing but I think I'm good. I think my outfit is still intact so my dignity is still sort of intact." She said, trying to get back onto her feet.

Lucy helped her back to her feet. "Want me to accompany you to sickbay? Might be worth making sure you're not injured?" Lucy asked softly.

"I would be grateful if you didn't mind doing that. I am a bit shaken. That's my competitive nature for you. I knew trying to match you just then was a bad idea but did it anyway." She said getting on her feet with Lucy's help.

Lucy smiled. "Its partly my fault too. I think we're both over competitive." She said as she placed Azes arm over her shoulder. "Maybe we should form a track team," she joked as she led her towards the door.

"A track team, really? Ha ha. I think I will need recover first." Aze replied.

The two arrived in Sickbay.

"Anyone around?" Lucy called out as she walked Aze over to a nearby biobed. "Jump on up," she said.

Aze hopped up onto the biobed "Oh ow my butt. Bet there's going to be a bruise there." She said trying to get comfortable.

One of the sickbay nurses had initially heard the call. He emerged from around the corner and was initially taken aback by the two officers. "Erm..." he said trying not to stare "How can I help?"

"Well, its kind of embarrassing but we kind of got competitive on the treadmills and I tripped and got thrown off the machine and ended up in a pile on the floor. Oh and I think I bruise my erm, backside." Aze replied to the nurse.

"Ok" the nurse said. "I'll do a quick scan" he said reaching for one of the medical tricorders. He opened the flap and began to wave the wand over the Trills body, focusing slightly on her lower body.

"There is signs of impact trauma. It'll only be light bruising, it should heal in a couple of days" he assured her with a smile. "How about you Commander?" He asked turning to Lucy.

"Nothing for me." Lucy replied.

The nurse nodded. "Well Lieutenant. My advice is to take it easy on the running for a few days. If it gives you any trouble feel free to come back in. I'll update the medical logs for the Doctor" he told her.

"Thank you very much. I bet I am going to feel a bit sore for a few days and stupid for a bit longer than that." She said looking at the nurse and then sheepishly at Lucy.

Lucy just let out small chuckle. "Come on," she said offering her a hand to help her down. "Let's go get changed, care to join me for breakfast before the first shift?" She asked.

"Sure, might need a cushion for me to sit on. The next few days are going to be a pain in the ass and quite literally too. " she said as she got off the biobed.

Lucy laughed. "Maybe Captain Faust will let you sit in the big chair" she laughed.

"Oh god, he's going to find out about my bruise. Embarrassing."

"Don't worry, it's our secret" Lucy told her with a wink.


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