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Posted on Sun Feb 19th, 2023 @ 6:26pm by Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Lieutenant Laviana zh'Nolon MD

1,418 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Rendezvous At Starbase 10
Location: Bar

Laviana had already taken much time to settle in in her new quarters - which now meant that she had plenty of time to get to know the crew. The ship being docked meant that most of her crew had likely taken the opportunity to patronize the numerous bars, clubs and other entertainment facilities on board the station - which also meant she could throw a stone and hit one of her colleagues, figuratively of course.

Hence, she'd changed into a red cocktail dress that complimented her figure beautifully and made her way to the first bar, where she ordered a glass of Andorian ale. Gods, she hadn't had any of that in forever. A smile spread across her face as she sipped from the glass. Perfect - and just the right vintage too, if her memory served.

Meredith walked in dressed in a short, silver dress and a matching jacket and heels. She was a strikingly tall woman with her golden hair done up and her arms bare. Her eyes landed briefly on the new Andorian doctor and she turned her steps that way. "Dr. zh'Nolon?"

Laviana looked up from her drink at the much taller woman and smiled slightly, sliding strands of white hair from hrr eyes. "Chief Corden. Your picture in your medical file hardly does you justice." She said. "What brings you here?"

"Just recreation," Meredith agreed, smiling warmly.

Aze walked into the large bar. Before she approached the bar itself she had a good look at what was on offer behind the bar. She was wearing an outfit she bought from Trill before she joined the Midway. It was a blue dress that reached down to her ankles with a matching top that revealed her bare midriff but at an angle from left up to right at the front and then the reverse on the back. The top was somewhat more revealing than she tended to wear. The plunge v at the front put her ample blossom and her cleavage, centre stage.

She approached the bar to the right of the two women who were already talking and ordered double Bushmills Honey.

Meredith raised a hand in greeting to Aze.

Leviana glanced between both women and smiled brightly. "Well, you two seem to know each other. Which means you-" She nodded at the attractive young strawberry blonde Trill, "-are quite likely a colleague of mine on the Midway! Forgive me, I haven't had time to read all the medical files yet." She said with a giggle.

"Oh yeah that's right. Me and Meredith have met already. I am Azrel Vox, Chief Communications Officer. Nice to meet you. " Aze replied.

"It looks like everyone knows everyone," Meredith noted. "Accidental ladies' night?"

"Looks like it. " Aze replied raising her glass.

"Ladies' night." Laviana smiled and raised her glass, toasting both women before downing most of the contents. "So. Ladies' night talk. What's the latest gossip on board? Any spicy rumors?"

"Better ask Aze," Meredith teased lightly before ordering a mudslide for herself.

Aze gave Meredith a look to say 'Really? Dropping me in it are you?' "Yes well erm, hmm. Not sure I should talk about that." she said looking somewhat sheepish.

Meredith gaze Aze a slightly playful smile, though she certainly didn't presss her. "I am still learning all the gossip," she told Laviana. "How are you settling in?"

"I just finished settling in an hour ago, actually, but so far? Pretty well, I'd say! So far everyone I've met is absolutely lovely, including you two." Laviana smiled and glanced between both women. "How about spicy drama on board? Anything I should be particularly aware of?"

Aze looked at Meredith and put her finger to her own lips to suggest she didn't mention a certain topic.

Meredith took the hint. "I can't really think of anything," she said to Laviana. "Be careful with the holographic programs. It's still very much a developing technology," Meredith said. After all, it was in the early stages. There was no way holograms would still be coming alive and taking everything over in a hundred years.

"Got it. I'll be careful!" As if. The holographic programs were among the first things she wanted to test out when she had the chance. Who wouldn't want to create any scene they want, anytime they wanted so long as they were in the room itself? First thing on her agenda: Andor, and her hometown of Laibok.

"Hmm. How about people I should watch out or look out for?"

"I don't have anything negative to say about any of our shipmates," Meredith said. "It's a good crew. We're all pretty friendly."

" I did hear a story about a young ensign in engineering who considers himself to be a ladies man. I've not run into him yet so I am not sure how much truth there is to the story. " Aze commented.

"That could be any young ensign," Meredith joked.

"Oh yeah, that could be true. I tend to hear a lot of stories so its hard to tell which are true and which are not." Aze replied.

"I guess I'll have to find out for myself then," Laviana chuckled. "I can deal with that. I can take care of myself, don't worry. Especially round men who get too eager."

"I'm sorry we don't have the juiciest gossip," Meredith said. "It's not that dramatic a ship, really."

"That's not technically true. Well, its not very juicy to be fair but there is something. I didn't want to discuss it but I don't suppose there would be any harm, so long as it stays between us." Aze commented.

"Completely between us," Meredith said.

"Exactly. " Aze replied. She took a sip of her drink and put the glass on the bar. "So, Ive kind of had a date with Captain Faust." Aze said nervously. She picked up her glass and took a sip, all the while watching the reactions of the two ladies as she did so.

"And how did it go?" Meredith asked.

"Pretty well I thought. Nice meal, good chat about various things. The Captain joined me on my morning run as well. Nice to have some company. "

"That's good to hear," Meredith said. "He's very handsome."

"He is indeed. He kind of reminds me of an engineer I knew and had a crush on, when I was a teenager back on Trill. His name was Lucarn. He was killed in an accident on one of our orbital platforms. It was thought it was engineer error but no one really believed that due to the level of his expertise. Turns out there was a fault in the part being installed which no one spotted, not even Lucarn. When it was activated, the whole platform exploded, taking Lucarn with it. The captain and Lucarn are totally different people but they are similar in the mannerisms and charm. " she sighed.

Meredith paused. That story rather changed the mood. "I'm sorry about the accident back on Trill. When it comes to space, sometimes there's no room for error." She offered a small, sad smile.

"Yeah. Anyway, that's all I have in terms of gossip." Aze commented.

"Sounds like the captain is pretty popular!" Laviana commented with a snicker. "Is he the ladies' man sort? Because if so I might just need to put a note in his file! Depending on what he does with that charm of course."

"He is a nice man. Very charming and kind. " Aze added.

"He is nice," Meredith agreed.

"I'll meet him eventually, I guess! I'm sure he must be popular if you both describe him like that!" Laviana remarked. "Like a good commander should be, within limits. It's good to know that he's not drunk on power or all the way up on his chair of course."

"But would we tell you if he was?" Meredith said, obviously joking. She smiled a bit impishly and took a sip of her drink.

"I haven't known the captain long enough to make such a judgement on his command style. But from what I have experienced so far, he seems to be fair. " Aze commented.

"That's good." Laviana commented with a chuckle. "I think I'm going to have a great time on board. I think I should be heading off to bed - I'll see you both around?"

"Absolutely, I might have one more, or as humans say, one for the road." Aze replied.

"It was nice to meet you, Laviana," Meredith added.


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