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Clearing Up The Air

Posted on Wed Feb 15th, 2023 @ 9:57pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake

912 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Deck 5
Timeline: M1 MD09 (2268.24.05) 0430

After the interrogation a group of female security officers escorted the Orion woman, Marina back to the brig. Captain Faust and Lieutenant Miyake stood in the turbolift. "You enjoyed that, didn't you lieutenant," Tristan said.

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't," Lieutenant Miyake grumbled. "But then again, you'll have to excuse me if these green-skinned apes haven't put me in the most hospitable of moods..."

The Captain nodded, "I can understand that," he said. Starfleet typically maintained a zero tolerance for xenophobia, but sometimes strict adherence was difficult. "Try and focus on recovering the hostages, maybe that will help," he offered.

"I'll start looking up everything we have on file regarding Arianna D'Tal," Lieutenant Miyake nodded, though she still seemed a little... preoccupied with whatever was going through her head. "We should be able to formulate a rescue plan based on what my team manages to turn up."

The Captain reached out and stopped the turbolift, "Is there something on your mind lieutenant?" He asked, "You've seemed distracted during the entire emergency..."

Lieutenant Miyake raised a brow. "What's it to you?" she replied.

The Captain shot her a stern, "Because I'm your commanding officer, you are the chief of security on this boat and we are in an emergency situation," he said, "I need to know what's going on."

Lieutenant Miyake sighed. "Promise this stays between you and me?" she stipulated. "I don't need this crew getting caught up in my personal melodrama bullshit unless it's on a need-to-know basis."

The Captain nodded.

"Right, then," Lieutenant Miyake began, propping herself up against the handrail. "Once upon a time, back when I was a dumb, impressionable little puppy dog, there used to be a boy who lived in our apartment complex. I thought he was cute, and I was also too naive to view love as anything but eternal, so I'd just made up my mind that we were destined to become husband and wife. We did everything that kids who think they're in love do; we played in the sandbox, ate our lunches in a secluded grotto behind the school, and dream about our future as if it were any serious discussion."

"Ok?" The Captain responded with a raised eyebrow. He was both confused and intrigued, "Go on..."

"Of course, as the two of us matured, I should've begun to see the signs that his eye was wandering," Lieutenant Miyake continued. "And yet, I still foolishly tried to convince myself that he was still the one; guys just tend to be like that, so as long as he was reaffirming his commitments to me, I was content with leaving it at that. And then..."

"I know the type, but that's never been me," Tristan responded.

Lieutenant Miyake gnashed her teeth. "One of my idiot friends who I am fortunate to say is no longer my friends spilled the beans that he'd been seeing another girl. Wanna take a sweet, wild-ass guess as to who that girl was?"

"Frankly I haven't haven't a clue," the Captain responded still completely lost, "Don't tell me it was that Orion woman?" No it couldn't have been. He was sounding like an idiot by even suggesting it.

"Bingo!" Lieutenant Miyake replied. "So, as you can probably imagine, I took his ass aside and warned him it was either going to be me or that green-skinned whore. And can you guess which one he chose?"

"Well I sincerely doubt a teenage boy could resist an Orion woman," Tristan responded. It was certainly a far fetched story that the lieutenant even knew this pirate let alone at a young age, but he decided it was best to take it at face value. Although he would need more information, "So what happened? Do you have any idea how she ended up a pirate?

"Ah, that didn't come to my attention until a couple years after I joined the Academy,' Lieutenant Miyake replied. "I just happened to be flipping through the news on my PADD one night, and it just so happened that I came across an article regarding an alleged act of piracy against a civilian freighter. You can probably wager a guess how pissed I was when I saw her name being mentioned as one of the alleged suspects; if not for the fact I was living in the dorms at the time, I would've probably put my fist through the wall."

"Certainly an odd series of events," Tristan commented, "Makes you wonder how anyone can resort to being a pirate." He sighed, "I'm not sure exactly what to do with her, but... She would be perfect bait to flush out D'Tal or as a bargaining chip. She was nice enough to share those tidbits about their relationship... Steamy stuff."

"If it weren't for the fact that we have certain rules and regulations regarding our treatment of prisoners that we have to follow, I would've put that whore six feet under," Lieutenant Miyake seethed. "But I guess that's just the breaks for you..."

The Captain nodded and then stopped the turbolift, "Care for a drink? You look like you could use one," he said, noting the look on the young woman's face.

"I would kill for one right now," Lieutenant Miyake agreed wholeheartedly.

"Alrighty then," Tristan responded as he pulled down on the lever.


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