
Friends or more?

Posted on Sun Jun 23rd, 2024 @ 5:38pm by Lieutenant Azrel Vox

164 words; about a 1 minute read

Azrel Vox, Personal Log.

I just finished my shift and am now back in my quarters enjoying a good book with a coffee. But as usual, I am on my own. It's not an issue, but I feel I should start to consider finding someone to be with forever, as my grandmother calls them.

That said, I met someone new to the Midway today. His name is Jason, and he's our new navigator, so maybe we can focus more on our direction now. I am four years older than Jason, and also two ranks higher. I will have to look at Starfleet guidance on relationships aboard a starship where there is this difference in rank.

He seemed very kind, honest and very charming. He is also very good-looking. I am probably getting ahead of myself here, so I will, in navigational terms that Jason would appreciate, plot a longer and more scenic route for now and see where it takes me.

End of Log.



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