The Simming Prize - 2023
Created by Captain Tristan Faust on Thu Feb 29th, 2024 @ 3:23pm

What is the Simming Prize?
According to the trustees, the Simming Prize is the Nobel Prize of the play-by-post online role-playing ("simming") community.Up to five Prizes are bestowed each year to individuals or entities (games, clubs, or organizations) who (1) exemplify service, quality, and dedication within the play-by-post online role-playing; or who (2) pioneer new technology or techniques within the community. The Prizes can recognize a significant onetime accomplishment, or sustained contributions over a period of time. Individuals and entities that win a prize are entitled to use the honorific Simming Prize Laureate.
Officially known as The Prize for Simming and Online Role Playing in Memory of Seth Cotis, the Simming Prize honors the memory of Seth Cotis, founder of the Starfleet Legacy Alliance and a long-time leader within the Simming League.
The Simming Prize was established by the Simming League and first awarded in 1999. Initially, Prizes were awarded in five categories - Internet Technology, Literature, Management, Peace, and Service. These categories were discarded in 2007, and since that time the Simming Prize has been issued without a category. Following the death of Seth Cotis in 2005, the Simming League proposed to establish a Seth Cotis Medal of Honor in his memory. Ultimately, the already established Simming Prize was instead renamed in his honor.
After the Simming League ceased operations in 2011, responsibility for the Simming Prize was transferred to Ongoing Worlds, and in 2012 to SimEnc. In 2014, responsibility for the Simming Prize was entrusted to a group of trustees. The Prizes are now issued in the name of the trustees and are no longer associated with a larger organization.
The Simming Prize is awarded annually for nominations received during the previous year.
Excerpts from the Award Email
My name is Jay and I am this year's administrator of the Simming Prize. I want to congratulate your game on becoming a recipient of the 2023 Simming Prize award, and it's my honor to announce you as a laureate. Our judges have voted for your game because of its unique period piece, as well as your group storytelling and player management skills. Here is what your nominator had to say about your group:
It's not easy to run a TOS/ENT-era sim, but the Midway has done a great job of not only setting up the era but recruiting players who love the original series. Their posts are engaging and they've got a great group of writers who help each other.It's been a pleasure to review your game and we thank you for embodying the spirit of collaborative written roleplay.
Sincerely,Jay Simming Prize Administrator
Where Can I Learn More About the Simming Prize?
Visit the official website for the prize or join their discord.Categories: Ship History | Ship History