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Checking In

Posted on Thu Dec 14th, 2023 @ 6:05am by Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden & Master Chief Petty Officer Thev Th'ariah
Edited on on Thu Dec 14th, 2023 @ 11:55pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 5: The Price of Paradise
Location: Crew Quarters
Timeline: M5 MD06 (2268.07.29) 0430

The Captain's Yeoman, like every other crewman and noncom aboard the Midway, looked to the Chief of the Boat for good order and discipline. As the second senior noncom in the command division, she also had to work closely with him as well as with the captain and the XO. Meredith decided to take the initiative of falling in with him on the way to their shifts. It was better than if he had to seek her out. While she was normally careful about such things anyway, she was extra sure her boots were freshly polished and there were no wrinkles in her uniform. What she had heard about Thev reminded her a little of her drill instructor from basic training. It had been more than a decade now but the impression had been made.

When she saw Thev, she clasped her hands behind her back, straightened her shoulders, and planted her boots shoulder length apart. "Good morning, Master Chief."

Thev nods in greeting, standing before her. He was quite intimidating, even when he didn't want to be. The eye patch, covering the missing eye, taken in battle by the Klingons at Axanar, added to the aura of gruffness.

"At Ease, Chief Corden, and a Good Morning to you too. What's our agenda for the day?"

He asked, wordlessly standing at ease. He may be a hardass but he certainly didn't expect his Chiefs and Senior Chiefs to be as tightly wound as he was. Though it did make for an easier time when it came to enforcing good standards and discipline among the enlisted crew when needed.

Meredith took him in. She could certainly see he was a hardened man. She had been in Starfleet for the entire war and had lived with the constant threat of a potential Klingon attack but she had never actually seen combat. The Klingons had never directly hit Starbase 11, where she had been stationed. Despite being part of the command department, she also likely had the least experience with that particular skillset of any of his chiefs. It was the nature of a yeoman position that even her juniors were almost always working under the more or less immediate supervision of a senior officer rather than hers. Still, she relaxed easily enough.

"As far as I know so far, routine clerical matters for me," she answered his question, which was what took up most of her time most days, but something in her tone hinted that she expected that would change. With the commodore on board, something interesting was no doubt in the works. Interesting, aboard a starship, was not always a good thing.

Thev noted the tone of her voice, and the hesitation in it. He parses his lips.

"Something on your mind then, Chief Corden?"

He asked bluntly.

"Just wondering what the day might bring," she said. "We have a commodore on board. That is rarely uneventful."

"I would say, keep your head on a swival then, and watch your six."

Thev nodded to the chief.

"Always good advice," Meredith agreed. "How about your agenda?"

"I am standing watch on the Bridge until the captain reports for duty, then I will be leading a training drill on the phaser rifles in the armory at 1200 Hours, I encourage you to put the word to the junior noncoms and enlisted Security personnel under your supervision."

He pauses a moment.

"To be frank with you, these new phaser rifles they've put out, the M3P3, is frankly terrible, bulky and heavy as hell. I don't really understand why they went away from the M1AP3 phaser rifle, the M3P3 doesnt even have a foreward grip, which makes it harder to aim and bring to bare."

"I don't have any security personnel under my supervision," she reminds him. She gave a small shrug. "For some reason, they don't want it to feel like a rifle. They even avoid the word now. It's just a type-3."

Thev grumbled.

"Is there anyhthing I need to know before heading to the bridge, anything from last night Comms that should be brought up?"

"Not that I have," she said.

“Any concerns from the enlisted that need to be address that hasn’t made it to my desk?”

He asked, motioning for her to walk with him.

She started to walk. Her stride was comfortabl, confident, and relaxed. "I don't," she said, "and I'll let you know if any of the other yeoman have one, but I'm not really much of a supervisor. My role has to an experienced noncom given its sensitive nature, but I'm mostly doing clerical work for the captain and the XO."

Thev stops, turns and faces her.

"Aside from myself, you're the most senior ranking NonCom aboard. Chief La'lei is only 26 so I'm basing this mainly on time in service. So I'd like to ask you to take on a bit more responsibility in that regard. You also have the ears of the Skipper and the XO, to which I also need some aid as I am not as familiar with them as you are. Can you do this for me, Chief Corden?"

"I can do that, Master Chief," she agreed.

Thev nods in appreciation.

"Then you have my thanks. I need to get to the bridge, let me know if anything comes across your desk that needs my attention as well. Let's meet for a brief meeting at say 1330 Hours in my Office"

"I was also on my way to the bridge," she says, to avoid that awkward thing where you take your leave of someone and then you're both still walking the same way anyway.

"Then, shall I walk with you to the Bridge then, Chief?"

Thev asked politely.

"Certainly," Meredith agreed.

Thev nods, turning to start walking towards the turbolift.


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