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Posted on Mon Aug 7th, 2023 @ 5:10pm by Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden
Edited on on Tue Aug 8th, 2023 @ 1:48pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 4: Through a Glass, Darkly
Location: Deck 20: Rec Room #1
Timeline: M4 MD02 (2268.07.11) 1400

"The wind was a torrent of darkness
Among the gusty trees
The moon was a ghostly galleon
Tossed upon cloudy seas"

Meredith's voice was soft but strong as she played her guitar for a small group of crewman. It was good to relax a little. This was a stressful mission. More stressful than most knew. She found herself in a strange mood.

"And the road was a ribbon of moonlight
Over the purple moor
And the highwayman came riding, riding, riding
Yes, the highwayman came riding
Up to the old inn door"

She smiled slightly, leaning forward. Blue eyes caught Azrel's for a moment.

"Over the cobbles he clattered
And crashed in the darkened yard
And he tapped with his whip at the window
But all was locked and barred"

It was a tragic song really. A wistful song. The highwayman and the landlord's daughter he loved were struck down by the king's men only for their ghosts to still haunt the countryside. But somehow it fit her mood. She set the guitar aside and rose, walking over to Azrel and sitting across from the Trill woman. "Just trying to relax."

"You play your instrument really beautifully," Aze commented. "It's a guitar, correct?" She asked.

"That's right," Meredith said. "And thank you very much. What sort of instruments do you have on Trill?"

"There is a wide variety of different instruments on Trill, ranging from wind instruments, string and percussion. I personally am reasonably well versed in playing an instrument which is very similar to that of a piano, called a Mu'koka." She paused.

"It does sound, somewhat, different to a piano, based on how the strings are made and what they are made from. But, how it works and how it is played are very similar. If we had a piano here, I could play something but it will sound different to how the composer intended." Aze replied.

"A mu'koka," Meredith repeated, sounding out the alien word to make sure she had it. "It's too bad we don't have one on board. I would love to hear you play."

"Perfect pronunciation. If we did have one, I'd probably be a little rusty as I haven't played the Mu'koka for a few years. We have one back home in the family home. My uncle is a composer. ".Aze replied.

"What's his name?" Meredith asked. "I'll have to look him up."

"He's not that well known to be honest. Well, not off the homeworld I don't think. My uncle is Curzon Timurs. "

"Curzon Timurs," she repeated. "I'm sure the computer has some of his work."

"It's possible but maybe not a lot of his work. There are a few that are known across Trill and then there are some that are known in small circles of music enthusiasts. When I use to play the Mu'koka, I liked to play music by an Earth composer from the early 20th century, Scott Joplin. One of my favourite pieces was The Ragtime Dance, composed in the year 1902, some 360 years ago. "

"That seems to be everyone's favorite Earth century," Meredith said, mostly jokingly.

"It's just , that style of music works well on a Mu'koka." Aze explained.

"It does sound lovely," Meredith said.

"The next time I get to go home for a short stay, why not join me and I can introduce you to my family and maybe my Uncle will play for us. " Aze replied.

"That would be really interesting," Meredith agrees. "If scheduling allows it..."

"Of course and whether my parents will mind me bringing a guest with me. It will mean that they will have to tidy up the spare room which hasn't been used for a few years. " Aze commented.

"I wouldn't want to impose," Meredith said.

"We will cross that bridge when we get there. It would really great to have you stay with us for a few days. Bear in mind, not many of the people in our village have ever been off-world or met anyone not from Trill. " Aze commented.

"That sounds interesting," Meredith said. "I'd be their first alien."

"Well, that's one way of saying it, yes. " Aze replied.

Meredith grinned.


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