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Vox Populi

Posted on Fri Feb 3rd, 2023 @ 12:54pm by Cadet Freshman Grade Poppy Koppelman & Lieutenant Azrel Vox

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Mission: Mission 2: Rendezvous At Starbase 10
Location: Bridge USS Midway
Timeline: During Midway's sojourn at SB10

Poppy would have felt nervous enough making her first ever trip in the turbolift to the bridge of the enormous starship, even at the best of times. But to make her feel even more jittery, this was the first time she had worn her new, modern, red Star Fleet uniform out in public. Her new bestie Avis, oops, sorry, Senior Cadet Larant, had convinced her that prancing around in the ultra short minidress with her skinny legs would not make her the laughing stock of the entire ship, but as she had walked to the lift, the breeze around her exposed thighs had certainly tested her self confidence.

Still, nobody seemed to bat an eyelid as she exited out onto the surprisingly small, circular area of the upper saucer section: The Bridge!! her head swam a little with excitement, but the sight of other crewmembers, just getting on with their jobs, seemed to have a calming effect on her rapidly thumping heart. This was a skeleton crew, who had either volunteered or been forced to stay onboard while the ship was docked at Star Base 10.

She took a deep breath and, grasping her electronic clipboard like a security blanket, marched boldly forward, tripped, caught herself, and marched on behind the Captain's sacred chair to the place just behind where the ships beautiful and mysterious Chief Communications Officer sat with an earpiece in one of her ears. Poppy hoped she would notice her standing there, she didn't feel like drawing any extra attention to herself, especially the lower half, by shouting at the top of her voice!

She tried to shimmy round into Aze's line of vision and gave a little wave before starting into her spiel.

"Hi there! How are you today, ma'am? I'm Freshman Cadet Poppy Koppelman! I'm human. I'm temporary acting assistant records officer on the USS Midway. Pleased to meet you. Did you know that there are over 3,567 separate data discs to be maintained and filed on a Constitution Class Starship? My job today is to double check your records are up to date and accurate by asking you a few random questions chosen by the computer." she informed the Trill woman in her trademark sing song voice.

"Hello Cadet Koppelman. " Aze replied, removing her earpiece. "I was aware that there must be a fair number of data discs but I don't know it was that many. It sounds like you have a fair task to handle. I am more than happy to help you, go ahead and ask your questions." She said turning around in her chair, putting one leg over the other.

Poppy tried not to stare at the curious spot pattern that ran up and down Lt. Vox's neck. They could be seen, she supposed, as a blemish by some, but they were quite beautiful in their own way.

"Okelydokely... Lieutenant Azrel Vox...." she began, hovering her stylus over the clipboard.

"Question number one: what is your Father's name?"

Aze gave the correct answer of Odan Timurs.

"Question number two: Can you speak Klingon?"

She admitted she spoke some.

"Question number three..." Poppy's face registered horror as the next random question popped up. Surely this wasn't on people's star fleet records? She jabbed the stylus at the small screen, seeing if she could make another question appear, all to no avail. Her face suffused with crimson, she stuttered.

"K..K.. Question Three: Have you ever contracted a sexually transmitted disease, such as Zingarian Sores, the Alpha Centurean Pox or Kzinti Rot-Warts or engaged in..." she visibly gulped "... engaged in sexual acts with non-humanoid species or with beings on the inter-stellar register of high-risk carriers of sexually transmitted diseases? If so, please give details."

The poor kid's voice trailed off and she could barely look Lt Vox in the eyes, she was so embarrassed. She just whispered a hoarse "I'm so sorry... I just have to read what comes up on the screen!"

Aze saw the look of horror in the young cadet's face. "Its ok Cadet, I totally understand. In regards to the diseases, definitely not. Same answer to the other question as well. " She smiled at the cadet hoping to reassure her that all was ok.

"Phew!" gasped Poppy as she wiped a bead of sweat from her pimply forehead.

"Gosh, I hope all the questions aren't going to be like this! I've got to do this for the Captain at some point and..." she looked sheepishly down at her regulation boots "... I... I'm already nervous enough about meeting him."

"So was I when I first came aboard. "Tris..sorry I mean Captain Faust is quite easy to get along with once you get to know him and has command style. If I can be any help, let me know." She replied, wondering if her slight slip was noticed and if so, would the young cadet put 2 and 2 together

"Maybe you could be there when I ask the questions. Help me out if I get tongue tied or anything and at the end, you could say, like 'oh, cool questions, Poppy!' or something like that." the girl suggested. Then she gave a little smile.

"You like him, too, don't you? 'Tris'?" asked Poppy, assuming that the more mature woman had the same sort of schoolgirl crush as she did. She bit her bottom lip. "Tristan Stefan Faust, age 31, height 6' 1, owns a 1964 Pontiac Le Mans petroleum powered land vehicle that he painstakingly restored himself, enjoys cigars, ice hockey and baseball. His favourite drink is something called a Gin Martini." Poppy tapped the clipboard with her stylus. "I know even more about him than this thing!"

She leaned into Vox, conspiratorially.

"I have sort of met him once... he came and gave a talk at the Academy: oh he was dreeeeamy! He signed my programme, but it was kinda noisy in there, and he wrote 'To Penny' instead of 'To Poppy' but it's still my most treasured possession, and I think he might remember me, because a girl behind me pushed me and I sort of trod on his toe." she looked misty eyed for a second.

"Still, at least we won't have to fight over him, Lieutenant, men like Captain Faust don't have time for girls, they're too in love with their ships!" she informed Vox sagely.

"Oh that's for sure. Captain Kirk is definitely enamoured with the Enterprise. I'm sure the same can be said for Captain Faust. I would be happy to be with you when talk to the Captain."

Poppy smiled politely, but she'd never heard of this 'Curck' fellow, probably some wannabe Tristan Faust. But she did appreciate the offer. Sure, 'Tris', yeah, she liked that, she might start thinking of him as that, Tris might be in love with the Midway and probably a billion other women in the Quadrant were throwing themselves at his feet, but perhaps with Lieutenant Vox's help, she could win his heart!

"Thanks Lieutenant, you've been a great help, in more ways than one!" she grinned, before looking down at her clipboard. "Oooh, I'd better go! My next appointment is in five minutes!" she chirruped, looking much happier and at ease compared to when she had walked onto the bridge.

"Glad I could help. " Aze replied.


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