

The written content or "story" of Starship Midway is solely the work of the collaborate writing team refered to hereafter as "the crew." The story is written purely for the enjoyment of the crew and those who may read the product. No profit will be sought or accepted. The costs of maintaining the site have been assumed by the writing team lead or "Captain." Players agree not to directly profit from this story.

Writing Requirements & Guidelines

Members of the crew are expected to actively contribute to the story in whatever capacity they have signed on to write. The point of Starship Midway is to actually write a story... The story is by definition fast paced.

-The story is by invitation only and retention is at the discretion of the group but ultimately with the Captain.

-On mission specific joint posts, if a tag remains unanswered without explanation after 48 hours, the tag may be removed/rewritten to prevent the main storyline from stalling.

-Out of respect for fellow writers, it is expected that writers respond to tags within a reasonable timeframe.

-Communication is key. If there is a reason for a brief or prolonged absence such as illness, real life, tech issues, etc. accommodations can be made. Please don't ghost us.

By signing on as a member of the crew, each member agrees to write for their own character/s alone unless given permission.

Upon departure from the crew, the former member agrees to leave their characters and written material as is. Characters will not be line item removed from the story. When at all possible the captain will work with the departing member to create an appropriate exit for retired characters. If this is not possible, the captain will make an appropriate decision.

Story Content

The story is set during the timeframe surrounding Star Trek (1966-1969) and Star Trek: The Animated Series (1973-1975). A reminder that technology and content should reasonably follow the examples of those shows. . We wish to highlight Star Trek throughout its existence has been rather clean throughout its existence although latitude is given (we are not bound by 1960's television censors afterall, so yes using the bathroom is not only permissable but required). Please remember to follow that guidence.

The story is open to writers who are over 16 years old. This was done to attract mature writers but also to set reasonable limits to profanity, violence and sexual content. We will follow the 2,2,2, RPG rating guidelines: Swearing is permitted, with limitations. Sexual content is permitted with limitations. Violence is permitted, with some limitations.