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Sat Mar 4th, 2023 @ 9:39am

Able Crewman A'Glosz and Stromi

Name A'Glosz and Stromi

Position Engineer

Rank Able Crewman

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Tellarite
Age 35-39
Theme Song Welcome to the World of Love and Laughter - Cass Elliot

Physical Appearance

Physical Description Stromi, 35, has black bristles/hair cut in a bob and has a bulky figure. A'Glosz, 39, has a bottle blonde beehive which Stromi says looks like a weave. She is even bigger and bulkier than Stromi. They are a couple of tough broads.


Spouse/Partner A'Glosz has a boyfriend on another ship, Stromi is single and looking.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Both are long servicewomen who actively avoid promotion despite their long service in the fleet. They are very patient, if a little cheeky, with the bumbling fresh faced officers they have to clean up after. Can be known to give cadets a hard time, but have adopted their new roomies, Syaffia and 'Jukyard Julie' Koppelman into their litter/sisterhood.
Religion/Guiding Philosophy Nah

Service Record Both have been in Star Fleet for around 15-20 years, Tellarite bulk freight ships and fuelers before then.